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Slipstream Mod Manager
Slipstream is a mod manager for the game FasterThanLight, making it
easy to install multiple mods at the same time and, later, revert
to vanilla gameplay.
It is the successor to Grognak's Mod Manager (GMM).
Java (1.6 or higher).
FTL (1.01-1.03.3, Windows/OSX/Linux, Steam/GOG/Standalone).
* WinXP SP1 can't run Java 1.7.
(1.7 was built with VisualStudio 2010, causing a DecodePointer error.)
To get 1.6, you may have to google "jdk-6u45-windows-i586.exe".
Extract the files from this archive anywhere.
On the first run, you may be prompted to locate your
FTL resources. Specifically "data.dat" in the "resources\"
directory under your FTL install.
In most cases, this should be located automatically.
To add a mod (an *.ftl file):
Put it in the Slipstream\mods\ folder.
To start the mod manager:
On XP, double-click modman.exe.
On Windows 7 or Vista, Slipstream usually needs to be run as an administrato
Right-click modman.exe and "Run as Administrator".
Or double-click modman_admin.exe.
To install mods:
Tick checkboxes to select the mods you want to install.
Mods at the top get clobbered by ones below. Drag names to reorder.
Click the "Patch" button.
(Any unselected mods will be omitted/uninstalled.)
To uninstall all mods:
Click "Patch" with none selected.
Before upgrading Slipstream:

Uninstall all mods, so the next version will see a clean game.
If you upgrade FTL:
Delete the outdated files in Slipstream\backup\
If you don't, the game's resources will get corrupted.
Run "modman.exe -h" for commandline usage.
On Windows 7 or Vista, the Command Prompt itself must be started as an
administrator (right-click it in the start menu).
* If you get "java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError" on startup...
You need a newer version of Java.
* If some other program starts when you double-click modman.jar...
Running an exe is recommended, but if you insist, try JarFix.
* If you get permission errors...
Option 1 (Windoes 7 or Vista):
Start Menu -> Programs -> Accessories.
Right-click "Command Prompt" to run as an admin.
Type this, then hit enter: cd "c:\location\of\Slipstream"
Type this, then hit enter: java -jar modman.jar
Option 2:
Make sure resource.dat and data.dat aren't read-only.
* If patching apparently succeeds, but no mods appear in-game...
Option 1:
Confirm you're modding the resources from the right FTL installation.
In the console, look for "Using FTL dats path from config: ...".
Or open modman-log.txt.
Or in SMM, under File-Preferences, check "ftl_dats_path".
Or open modman.cfg with a text editor.
Option 2 (Windoes 7 or Vista):
Look for a resources directory like this and delete it.
"C:\Users\[Username]\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files\FTL\resource
This may be created when a non-admin app tries to write to a
protected location, like Program Files. The OS writes in VirtualStore
instead and lies to the app.
Weirdness happens when an admin-app modifies the real protected file.
A user-run app then continues to see the VirtualStore copy instead.
By deleting the copy and exclusively running SMM as admin, this can be
* If the game shows exclamation marks for everything...
See the suggestion below for replacing corrupt resources.
* If text in-game is shrunken and moved to the top of the screen...

FTL was upgraded, but Slipstream modded with backups from the old FTL.
When upgrading FTL in the future, delete what's in SMM\backup\ first.
See the suggestion below for replacing corrupt resources.
* If FTL's resources are corrupt...
Delete the files in SMM\backup\
Steam users:
Delete FTL's resource directory:
"C:\Program Files [or (x86)]\Steam\steamapps\common\FTL Faster Than Ligh
Start Steam and "verify game cache".
Run FTL, which will cause steam to copy fresh resources from its cache.
Standalone users:
Reinstall FTL.

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