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4 Rubistar. 2008.


Reading - Analyzing Information : Human Impact on th

Teacher Name: brittany bessent

Student Name: ________________________________________

Identifies facts (3 in each box)

Student accurately locates all
the necessary facts in the
article for each question asked
and strongly relates them to the

Student accurately locates
some facts for each question in
the article and gives a
reasonable explanation of how
they relate to the impact.

Gives Solutions (at least 3)

Student accurately gives 3

Student accurately gives 3
possible solutions for each
possible solutions for all impacts
impact, with full explanations or with a less detailed explanation
or less examples, but point is
still made, OR gives 2 strong
possible solutions.


Student writes clearly with not

spelling or grammatical errors,
and puts facts into their own
words, in complete sentences.

Student makes only minor

spelling or grammatical errors
and majority of the points are in
their own words.

Specific Examples

Student finds and articulates 3

specific examples from the
articles of the implication.

Student finds 2 specific

examples with detailed

man Impact on the Environment

Student accurately locates facts
in the article, but they do not
pertain to the topic strongly,
and there are not enough facts
to support impact.

Student has difficulty locating
facts in an article or they do not
pertain to the impact listed at

Student gives possible solutions Student does not complete

for some of the impacts and
possible solutions for all impacts
gives weak explanations.
and does not give explanations.

Student\'s writing is not all neat,

there are spelling and
grammatical errors, but still
legible. Only some work is
written in complete sentences
in student\'s own words.

Student does not write in

complete sentences, does not
put most of points into their
own words, and it is hard to

Student does not find specific

Student gives less than 3 non
examples, but does give 3 non- specific examples.
specific examples.

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