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The Civilization System

Written for Civilization

The following is a draft void of responsibility

Blueprints of an example far-future Civilization and exemplary Values

The Civilized Party

The following is political content

World Affairs
The Civilized Party has no relevant presence in World Affairs.
The function of the Civilized Party is to civilize the Civilization.

Sorted Contents:

Values and Civilization

Rights of Individuals
Security and Operational Forces
Security Force
Armed Forces
Exploration Forces
Intelligence Forces
Crime and Corruption
Civilized Court System
Civilizationary Systems
Civilizationary tracking
Institutions of Power
The Civilizor
The Supreme Council
The Council of The Sun
Above All Councils
Civilization Council
Civilization Overseer Councils
Seer Councils
District Councils
District Civilized Councils
Local Councils
Ministry of Defence
Ministry of Information
Ministry of Intelligence
Ministry of Civilization
The Council of Civilized Authenticity
Ministry of Justice
Civilization and Districts
Aacaa, Capital District
Special Areas
Europe District
Asia District
Africa District
America District
Further Districts

1. Values and Civilization

All conscious robots have the same rights as all members of the Civilization.

All conscious animals have the same rights as all members of the Civilization.
All conscious entities have the same rights as all members of the Civilization.
A human is a conscious intelligent entity, and has all the rights of The Civilization. A robot that is
conscious has all the rights of The Civilization. An intelligent conscious robot can know itself,
realize its thoughts, and be self-aware. But if a robot is not conscious, it is a machine which creates
prosperity for The Civilization. Such a simpler machine can do millions of things, but not be
conscious. A bird is a conscious animal, and has its own thoughts. A bird can see a seed, think, and
then go to it. A machine can be programmed to see a seed, and go to it, but it is not conscious.
However, once consciousness does arise in a machine, even at the level of a bird, it is a conscious
entity and therefore has all the rights that every member of the civilization enjoys.
Animals are conscious entities, often times intelligent. All conscious animals are free, and enjoy all
the rights of the civilization. All conscious animals are free, and therefore there are no pets or cattle.
All conscious animals are free, and therefore civilized nutrition is provided to the civilization. With
low technology, nutrition pills or other forms of civilized food are provided to the members of the
civilization who require nutrition. With slight advances in technology, civilized perfect foods and
consumables of all tastes can be provided and created to all those who require nutrition. Once
technology allows for matter to be crafted or transformed from one form to another, creation of all
sorts of nutrition, products and items becomes trivially easy and the civilization reaches a level of
prosperity that is considered to be a grand leap from the previous state of the civilization.
Once the system is civilized and the members of the civilization share the civilized values, it will be
very difficult and in foul taste to take a different path, on the civilizations and individual level. Once
the civilizations most intelligent and powerful realize that entities and progress keep exponentially
growing, they will also feel that as they were once the most intelligent and civilized and steered the
civilization towards grandeur, so will those new most intelligent entities, and the ones after them.
Those who are once at the top will one day retire, and see the fruits of their greatness and efforts
grow, while the civilization is steered forwards by new even more intelligent and powerful entities,
but they all realize that as those before them, they may one day as well be surpassed, and enjoy the
fruits of the civilization in their days of ultimate greatness past. The System and the Institutions of
Power all safeguard this cycle of exponential progress in science, civilization and technology based
on the same civilized values, solidarity, unity and laureal trust. Any bad actors or entities that
attempt to harm the civilized way and the ever growing progress will be dealt with acutely and with
no hesitation.

2. Rights of Individuals

Every conscious entity has the right to freedom. Every conscious entity has the right to a positive
life experience. One or more entities can do what they wish with all involved entities consent, as
long as laws are not broken. Rights reach all of the members of the civilization.
All have the right to all information, all media and a positive life.
All have the right to the potential perks and opportunities that life has to offer to those who
enterprise and succeed.
All have the right to a basic good life and necessary resources for a good life provided by the
All have the right to freedom of speech.
All have the right to freedom of religion as long as laws are not broken.
All have the right and freedom to do, be and think whatever they wish, as long as laws are not
The Civilized Rights and Values are safeguarded and protected by The Institutions of Power as they
laureally operate for The Civilization.

3. Security and Operational Forces

3.1 Security Force

The inner security of the civilization is handled by the Security Force. The security force acts as the
policing force of the civilization. The Security Force officers follow a civilized code of conduct, and
are supervised by the supervising systems to ensure a civilized policing force and responsibility for
violations of responsibility. Automated reports of suspicious activity by the Security Force are sent
to councils of anti-corruption officials, justice officials and civilization officials, who can with one
third vote end or suspend a security officials career. A rehandling can be done at least once per case,
and a jury of Ministry of Civilization and Ministry of Justice officials will react to the matter,
requiring a 60% approval from the jury for a pardon.
Security Force Red has broader rights and can deal with credible threats or dangers with more
power, while answering for their actions to a Jury of Justice and Civilization officials, where one
third of the jury has to approve their suspicious actions. These juries consisting of officials of the
Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Civilization can end a security officials career, impose
charges or produce an immediate sentence with 40% approval of the jury. Every case can be
rehandled at least once. In a rehandling of a sentence that is suspected to be unjust, a jury of Justice
and Civilization officials can pardon a security official with 50% approval. For general security
officials, majority of a jury has to approve their suspicious activities, and in a rehandling of a
suspected unjust sentencing, a pardon requires 60% of a juries vote.
Security Force Red Total guards the highest officials of the Institutions of Power, such as the
Civilizor, The Supreme Council and The Council of The Sun. A different branch of Red Total

guards is responsible for different officials, and are especially screened and trained to guard a said
Institutions officials. A Red or Red Total security official that is suspected of being unfit or is
otherwise found untrusted can have their career ended, or be transferred to other security operations.
General Security officials careers can be ended if they are found guilty of breaching their
responsibilities, or found to be planning to do so.

3.2 Armed Forces

The Outer security and extraordinary challenges are handled by the Armed Forces. The armed
forces act as the major defence and strength force of the Civilization. Armed strength can only be
used against other civilizations or entities if they are considered brutally uncivilized, and major
armed forces operations require approval from the majority of The Supreme Council.
The Armed Forces are stationed and free to move in every district of the Civilization. Special areas
are allowed for armed forces, but could require admission from highest security force officials or
institutions of power. The Armed Forces consist of a united force, with branches specialized in
relevant defensive and offensive ways. All branches are under one of the following: Ground Force,
Air Force, Intel Force, Intel Force Actual (Intel Force Actual has access to red level data in
operations, and is supervised extremely heavily by the highest supervising bodies, such as The High
Civilized Council, medium level supervising bodies with high access levels to data, and the
supervising systems and any bad actors will be sentenced and have their career ended) Special
Force, Special Force Red, Special Force Red Total, Aqua Force, Space Ops, Deep Ops, Deep Ops
Red, Deep Ops Red Total (Deep ops go to the very furthest reaches in location of combat, or other
unfamiliar locations that the Armed Forces have significant difficulty otherwise getting to).
The Armed Forces are in addition to all other supervising guarded The Guards of The Swords, who
interact with the Armed forces and see that the armed forces budget is implemented and conducted
as planned and that the Defence matters are handled in a civilized manner. These hundred Guards of
The Swords officials make up the Council of Civilized Defence, which is part of the Ministry of
Defence. Officials in this council can deal with information or situations they consider necessary to
react to in order to keep the Armed Forces civilized. One third vote from the council can end an
Armed Forces operation that is code Orange or code Yellow, or end an uncivilized Armed Forces
entities service. The Armed Forces are supervised by the Ministry of Civilization, and Seer councils
receive automated reports of operations or actions that require attention or reaction. Civilization
official juries and councils, as well as Seer councils can end an Armed forces officials career or
grade yellow operation with one third vote. Code Orange or Red operations can be ended by a
majority vote of The Council of Civilization Reigns Supreme, The Council of Civilized Defence,
The Council of Civilized Authenticity or a jury of the highest civilization officials from the Ministry
of Civilization, known as The High Civilized Council.
Once the Armed Forces are in a Code Red Alarm, In an active grade Red operation, they are still
supervised by the supervising systems, but actions taken against them are delayed until end of Code

Red, or done immediately if an offense is brutally uncivilized. During all times, The Council of
Civilization Reigns Supreme, which answers to The Supreme Council and has its members chosen
by The Supreme Council, can abolish or end any armed forces operation or individuals service with
a majority vote. The Supreme Council can end any armed forces operation with one third vote, and
start any armed forces operation with a majority vote. The Civilization Council can end an armed
forces operation with a majority vote, and the Civilizor can end an Armed Forces operation if he
wishes to do so.
The Armed Forces are to be strong and prepared for trouble or disaster in all forms. The Civilization
uses 1,5% of its annual budget on the Armed Forces. The Armed Forces are subject to automated
reports sent to supervising bodies and are supervised heavily by the supervising systems, anticorruption officials, the Guards of The Swords, Seer councils, Civilization officials and all
institutions that are seen as good to oversee that no corruption spawns in The Laureal Forces of
Strength and Civilization. Any bad actors or threatening moves in the Armed Forces System are
noticed and reacted to with no hesitation, to ensure a united and unshaken force of united values,
strength and solidarity that represents the true grandeur of The Civilization.

3.3 Exploration Forces

The Exploration Forces are the major official exploration forces of the Civilization, responsible for
discoveries, exploration and scientific operations the civilization arranges. The Civilization supports
and resources grand exploration significantly, With at least 0,2% of the annual budget of The
Civilization being used on exploration operations, missions and possibilities. The Annual 5% of The
Civilizations entire budget, used on Science and technology, will further speed up the progress and
continued discovery, and allow the Civilization to explore ever further with ever increasing
technology. The Civilization will travel far and wide into space, with ever more advanced forms of
travel and vessels. The Civilizations fleets shall roam in ever grander multitudes to destinations far,
wide and beyond, and dot the skies as The Civilized Stars.
The Exploration forces consist of machinery and conscious entities that are all looking to discover
and expand civilizedly. The Main Task of the Exploration forces is to discover new things and
implications for the Civilization. Discovery itself is powerful, but constant and evolving discovery
is grand, and acts as a significant boost to the Civilization.
The Exploration Forces are the civilizations own major force for exploration, but other private
exploration entities and operations are very much encouraged and in some cases funded. Significant
exploration areas vary based on the level of civilizations technology and science. More basic targets
for exploration could be within the solar system or the milky way. More demanding exploration can
be done for example in far galaxies, far reaches of the universe, with black holes, with the limits of
existence or physics, with different types of matter and existence or life, with time itself or with
other universes, realities and dimensions of all and any kinds. There is ever more to discover, and

ever more progress to exponentially reach, for existence itself knows no limits and is extraordinarily
likely to go far and ever beyond everything and all that can be imagined in a simple universe.
The Exploration forces are surveilled, and any suspicious activity is dealt with by a jury of anticorruption officials, justice officials or civilization officials. If for any credible scientific reason an
exploration force operation or individual cannot be successfully surveilled, they become of high
interest and concern until all is clear. Those who are part of operations that involve a risk of
scientific failure based on insufficient technology to keep track of them must be fully trusted, and
undergo even wider screening before being selected on a Red level exploration operation. Those
who are part of Red level exploration operations will do their best to produce data or records or in
any other way enable the operations data to reach those who safeguard the operation and its
civilizedness. If an exploration force official or operation is found to be untrustworthy or guilty of
misconduct, the operation can be ended, or the members of the operation can have their career
ended. An exploration Force official can face a sentence if their violation is judged and considered
serious enough by more than 60% of a jury of Justice officials. Every case can be rehandled at least
once. An exploration force official requires half a juries vote for a pardon if their case is rehandled,
the rehandling is done by a council of anti-corruption officials, justice officials or civilization
officials. A judge has to always be present and fully informed in jury situations and potential
sentencing. If a judge considers the sentencing by a jury to be unjust, the judge can give the
offender one extra rehandling in the court systems, where three judges together go over the case,
and two out of three have to agree for a pardon to take place. Security, Intelligence and Anticorruption receive reports of suspicious or criminal activity by a judge or a jury, and as is the
civilized way, abuses of power will be reported and reacted to swiftly, just as all crime or suspicious
activity in the Civilization. All juries and judges are surveilled very carefully and extensively, and
any suspicious activity is reported to Seer Councils, Civilization Overseer Councils, The Council of
Civilized Authenticity, sub councils of the Council of Civilized Authenticity made of High Ministry
of Civilization officials, and The Council of Civilization Reigns Supreme. These councils can with
one third vote end a jury officials, juries or judges career, and a rehandling is done by a different
council from a different institution from the earlier list than the first one. Ending a jury official or
judges justice career requires 40% approval of the council that goes over the case, for a high or
district judge the number is 50%, and for a supreme judge the number is 60% and approval of The
Civilizor or one third of The Supreme Council.
3.4 Intelligence Forces
The major Intelligence Forces operate under the Intelligence Force. The Intelligence force is run by
the Centre For Intelligence, or CFI. CFI has operations and locations in all districts, and gathers
necessary additional information, more related to direct threats or potential hazards than routine
crime prevention which is handled by the regular tracking systems. The aim of the Intelligence
force is to detect, prevent and stop any dangerous activity or threats to the Civilization and its
wellbeing in general and on the individual level.
CFI holds multiple tracking systems that can be different in their operational style, which produce
information and a possibility for immediate danger prevention on a more pressing scale. The

intelligence force must have multiple secret and protected ways to keep the civilization safe through
their own systems, but all systems have to represent the level of civilizedness and ways that the
regular tracking system functions with. All intelligence operations systems have to be approved by
the majority of the Supreme Council, The Council of The Sun and the Civilizor. All changes to the
Intelligence systems have to go through the Supreme Council and The Civilizor, but they are also
sent to the Council of The Sun. The Council of The Sun, The Supreme Council and the Civilizor all
have the right, with one third vote, to set intelligence or regular tracking systems back to their
previous state of civilizedness if they are considered to have changed for the worse.
The Council of civilization Reigns Supreme will receive a report every year of the changes of the
systems and a comparison to the previous versions, and can with half a vote decide to keep the
intelligence systems as they are. All those who deal with the intelligence systems or are part of the
Intelligence force that decides changes for the systems have to go through extensive scanning and
tracking to ensure they have no ill will, even a suspicion is enough to permanently end an
intelligence officers career if a jury of The Ministry of Civilization chooses so with one third vote.
An automated tracking system will keep track of potential threatening actions or wishes in an
extensive way for all intelligence operators who deal with the intelligence systems, security is key,
and the changes of bad actors advancing in the system have to be minimized to the fullest by preset
tracking, individual checks before handing responsibility, and overall systems of carefulness and
Operational branch of the Intelligence Forces consists of Operational Intelligence Force,
Operational Intelligence Force Red, and the general Intelligence Force (CFI) which deals with all
aspects of intelligence in addition to operational actions. Operational Intelligence Force deals with
threats and dangers of the minimal to significantly dangerous scale, and react and deal with all bad
actors. Operational Intelligence Forces and Intelligence Forces have the right to halt an entities
actions, but have to do their best to keep an entities rights intact and preserving their life if the entity
is not considered a code red danger. A code red or Red level means either the highest level of danger
or the highest level of operations with the highest amount of power and responsibility. Therefore
Intelligence Force Red has broad rights to stop a truly dangerous situation or actor. All Intelligence
Forces, even the Red Forces, answer for their actions to the high council in the Ministry of
Civilization, if summoned based on automated reports. Intelligence Officials can also be sent to a
Court or face the justice system or its officials and answer for their actions that are all recorded and
Operations on Orange level can see actions of aggression, and an official must not make any
decision they are not willing to stand by and face later. All Intelligence Forces and operations on
regular, yellow and orange scale are fully supervised and overseen, and reports of suspicious
activity are automatically sent to Seer Councils or officials of the Ministry of Justice or the Ministry
of Civilization. Automated reports of suspicious official behaviour must be sent to at least two
overseeing officials of the Ministry of Justice and The Ministry of Civilization, or individually sent
to officials of justice and overseeing. A council of Justice or Civilization Ministry officials can end
an intelligence officials career, or end an operation with a majority vote.

Level Red operations and officials are supervised by a higher system of tracking, and automated
data is sent to High officials of the Ministry of Civilization and the Ministry of Justice, as well as
the Council of Civilization Reigns Supreme. An operation of Code Red Total means that the
operation and its officials are recorded and the data is sent slightly later to the Highest Overseeing
Councils of The Ministry of Civilization and The Ministry of Justice, as well as the Council of
Civilization Reigns Supreme. The Council of Civilization Reigns Supreme, The Supreme Council
and The Civilizor must always receive a note if a Code Red Total operation takes place, word of the
operation taking place has to reach The Ministry of Justice and The Ministry of Civilization within
48 hours of its beginning. Any operations or individuals who fail to report due to credible reasons
such as distances of immense scale or other science related failures will be under the special interest
of the Civilizations Officials until all is clear, and at all times and in any cases, intervention is
possible if seen necessary by intelligence officials, justice officials or civilization officials.
A Code Red operation, or Code Red Total operation have their necessity assessed, and the ending of
an entity may be seen non criminating if the entity was credibly a Code Red threat or danger. An
operation on the Orange scale can end an entity if the entity is brutally uncivilized or credibly a
code red danger or threat. Code red force in a less than code red operation requires the later
approval of 40% of a jury of the justice and civilization officials. Code red force in a code red
operation or code red total operation requires the later approval of one third of a jury of justice and
civilization officials. A council of high justice or civilization officials can rehandle a situation, and
pardon an official with 40% approval. If a council decides with 40% approval to end an officials
career or impose criminal charges or immediate sentence, the official can have their situation
rehandled by the higher council, but the sentencing stands until completion of rehandling.

4. Economy
The economy is fueled by progress of technology and science. Science and technology are
promoted as an important matter to the general public, and 5% of the civilizations annual budget is
used on advancement of science and technology through various projects, companies and entities.
Unity and solidarity boost the Civilization and its motives for prosperity, as civilized peace and a
less divided economy allow attention to be directed strongly towards ever increasing Civilization,
Progress, Results, Prosperity and Grandeur.
Business enterprise and enterprise itself is encouraged, and those clever or successful enough to
make new great concepts will have much to gain as success in a massive civilizationary setting
means success on a grand scale. Companies and enterprise on a smaller level is encouraged just as
well, and the civilization will give its support to those who enterprise or work as part of the
The Civilization and the economy operate under one currency, The Aure. The economy functions
under the Legislation of the Civilization and as one great entity with countless branches,
institutions, groups, operations, companies and individuals making up a Civilizationary economic
network which is a united and beyond vast market of free trade.

Much of basic work is done by machinery or other automated ways to create value, but leaders and
great minds are always needed to steer all operations towards ever increasing progress. As science
and technology advance, even greater minds, projects and leaders emerge, and the economy keeps
advancing and transforming in the winds of progress. The Civilization uses 2-5% of its annual
budget to the development of any locations lacking in the speed of progress, to ensure all members
a good and civilized life.
As science and technology advance, laws and limitations can be placed to prevent dangerous new
scientific tests or other dangerous operations near the civilizations hubs of life or structures.

5. Crime and Corruption

5.1 Crime
The Civilization will be civilized, thus void of corruption and crime. The virtuously carefully set up
system of civilizationary tracking observes every thought and action in the Civilization. If a
criminal activity is to take place, an immediate note is taken and the action is halted in a civilized
manner, such as teleportation of guilty party if technology is advanced enough.
Once an entity is found to have performed a crime, they face the court system. The court system
gives a civilized and fair sentence to those who break the law. If an entity is found guilty, they may
be subject to limitations to their freedom, such as isolation from the general civilization in a crime
room. A crime room contains basic daily items, nutrition and a limited access to information or data.
If a member of the civilization doesnt wish to spend their sentence in a crime room, they can be
frozen until their sentence is over, or is rehandled in some way. A freezing could last for a lengthy
time depending on the crimes committed, and those who are frozen have to go through
recivilization measures, where the entities level of threat and danger is analyzed, and if an entity is
considered too dangerous or refuses to be more civilized or somehow civilizedly augment their
ways, they can be frozen again until a further hearing in the future, where the same options apply.
The Security force officials and justice officials who handle criminals are constantly overseen and
tracked, and any suspicious activity is gone through Seer Councils or Ministry of Civilization
officials, who can with half a vote, with at least three voters, end a security force persons or justice
officials career amongst the justice system. Cases against criminals and against security personnel
can be rehandled by high officials of The Ministry of Justice or high officials of The Ministry of
Civilization, where half a vote of a council of five or more can overturn a sentence or other negative

5.2 Civilized Court System

The Judiciary court system features judges who adhere to civilized values and the rule of law. The
Civilized Local courts settle local matters. The Civilized Great Courts handle matters that require
further settling from a local level or are considered better fit for a higher court level.
Multiple High Courts are located in all Districts, and they settle matters that require further settling
from lower court levels or are insufficient to be settled in a Local Court. A District Court handles
matters that require further settling from a high court if the matter is to do with the district itself. A
supreme court can settle a matter that a high court or a district court sends to it, or abolish a
settlement made by a lower court if deemed necessary. A Supreme Court Proper holds seven highest
Supreme Court Judges to decide on a matter, and delivers a united statement and ruling on a matter.
Supreme Court holds a court in every district, and several courts in Tower Seven of the Capital
District. Supreme Court Proper mostly assembles in the Capital District, but can assemble in any
The Ministry of Justice and its high officials can send matters or settlements to a high court, district
court or a Supreme court to be handled. The Ministry of Justice enjoys hundreds of High Officials
who especially supervise and oversee that Justice happens in the Civilization and its justice system.
Every defending and offending party has the right to bring a case to a higher court at least once,
after which the courts can decide whether the matter could be fit for additional settling, a case has to
always travel to a higher level of court for an additional settling.
Justice system officials and Judges are supervised by the systems and sentenced as well as
supervised by High officials of Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Civilization, The Council of
Civilized Authenticity, High Civilized Council, Civilization Overseer Councils, judges and The
Council of Civilization Reigns Supreme according to standard official sentencing practices.
Automated reports of suspicious activity and actions by individuals or groups are sent to all
supervising bodies in addition to regular supervising. High, District and Supreme or Supreme
Proper judges require their sentencing or rehandling to come from higher judges or the high
institutions mentioned earlier. A judge requires a majority vote from a judiciary council to have their
career ended, and a pardon requires 66% of a rehandling judiciary councils vote, rehandlings must
be done by councils from a different institution out of the ones mentioned earlier than the first one.
Civilizationary Court Levels:
1. Civilized Local Court
2. Civilized Great Court
3. High Court
4. District Court
5. Supreme Court
6. Supreme Court Proper

5.3 Corruption

Corruption is detected by the regular and additional systems of overseeing and immediately reacted
to. Corruption is also supervised on the individual level and Seer Councils, The Ministry of
Civilization and The Ministry of Justice officials and the general officials of anti-corruption are
constantly keeping their eye on the institutions of power and the civilization in general in order to
root out all corruption.
The Civilization has many massive bodies of anti-corruption and officials who deal with suspicious
activity. The officials of Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Civilization, The Council of Civilized
Authenticity, High Civilized Council, Civilization Overseer Councils, judges and The Council of
Civilization Reigns Supreme all have judiciary officials and activity to deal with corruption from
inside the system and within the civilization itself. In the Civilization and in its bodies of power,
automated reports of suspicious activity and actions by individuals or groups are sent to all relevant
supervising bodies in addition to regular supervising.
There are great and vast amounts of anti-corruption officials who work mostly as intelligence and
security force officials, but are mainly focused in combating, stopping and preventing corruption
and forwarding offending parties or data about them to sentencing parties. They are known as the
Anti-corruption forces, which make the anti-corruption divisions of different forces.
More regular corruption violations that are made by members of the civilization and can be seen as
more criminal than threatening the systems civilizedness are mostly dealt with in the criminal
system, but at least one other judiciary party (Seer councils, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of
Civilization, The Council of Civilized Authenticity, High Civilized Council, Civilization Overseer
Councils, The Council of Civilization Reigns Supreme) must know of the case and its data.
Corruption within the civilized system of power is always dealt with and all offending parties must
have their career ended and no longer act as a part of the system of power. All anti-corruption
officials are fully and carefully supervised and overseen, and reports of suspicious activity are
automatically sent to Seer Councils or officials of the Ministry of Justice or the Ministry of
Civilization. Automated reports of suspicious official behaviour must be sent to at least two
overseeing officials of the Ministry of Justice and The Ministry of Civilization, or individually sent
to officials of justice and overseeing. A criminal court in itself, or in some cases a council of Justice
or Civilization Ministry officials can end an anti-corruption officials career with a majority vote.
Rehandling of an anti-corruption officials case requires a higher judge, or a 60% approval that the
sentencing was unjust by a higher judiciary council from a Civilization or Justice jury, however not
from the same institution that the first sentencing took place in.

6. Civilizationary Systems

6.1 Civilizationary tracking

In an age of advanced technology and science, transparency is common, and once life is even longer
and more prosperous than before, protection of the civilized way of life is more necessary than ever,
as a protector of continued progress and enjoyment of the civilized way that has slowly been
achieved. The original way of the systems existence is thought and set up by a hundred different
carefully selected and arranged civilized councils, which provide the feedback and information that
the Civilization Council, Civilizor and The Supreme Council require, based on which the system is
carefully devised and put in to place.
As the system is in place, changes to the system go all the way to the Council of The Sun. For a
change to the system devised by any institution of power under the Supreme Council to take effect,
it has to pass itself over to the Supreme Council, and if approved by the majority of The Supreme
Council, it still requires over 57,5% or 77,5% majority from the Council of The Sun depending if
the change is seen as significant or major to the civilization. Every change to the system is seen as
at least significant to the civilization and has to travel through the mentioned path. Therefore, an
abuse of the tracking system equals to majorly defeating the Highest Institutions of power and
passing through all the lowest institutions at first. All the while, the Council Above All Councils
holds the power to undo changes that are seen to need definite undoing.
The Tracking System itself is devised into different sub servers and systems that operate
independently under the originally devised system. The system is to consist of at least hundreds of
independent systems that produce their information and send it in unison, but cannot be harmed or
abused by problems in any other of the hundreds of parts in the system. If a part of the system is
compromised, hundreds of idle and secret protected versions of the same part of the system are to
be prepared to take over operations, as a compromised part immediately stops operating. The
Independent Tracking Systems of the Intelligence and other secret tracking systems are devised in
order to find, predict, assess and stop any and all threatening acts towards any of the parts of the
system, and to minimize damage.
All and any individuals and entities that deal or work with the tracking system are supervised and
overseen, and reports of suspicious activity are automatically sent to The Council of Civilization
Reigns Supreme, The High Civilized Council and The Highest Justice Officials as well as The
Supreme Council. Less descriptive alerts are sent to code Red security and intelligence officials.
Violations are taken extremely seriously, and will carry a hefty sentencing by a supreme judge,
supreme judge proper, The Council of Civilization Reigns Supreme, High Civilized Council or The
highest justice officials. Crimes against the tracking system are most often code red offenses and are
therefore of the most serious nature.

7. Institutions of Power

There are many Institutions of power in the Civilization, but the actual term Institutions of Power
means The Council of The Sun, The Civilizor, The Supreme Council and The Civilization Council,
which are the highest Institutions of Power Besides The Council Above All Councils, which is
higher, and the Council of Civilization Reigns Supreme, which is lower. A general map of
institutions can be found below.

7.1 The Civilizor

The Civilizor is no emperor, for an emperor is an uncivilized leader of an uncivilized empire, a
Civilizor however, if compared to anything, is a Civilized leader of a Civilized empire. The

Civilizor rules for 50 years at a time. A Civilizor is appointed by the general vote of the population,
and with the approval of the Supreme Council. The Civilizor holds in their grip the fate of the
Civilization, acts as the chief of the Armed Forces, and represents the Civilized Values in their
laureal persona and actions. Laureal is a word that could mean revered, civilized, enlightened,
strong, wise, determined or all of the mentioned. The Civilizor officially wears yellow robes or
something resembling yellow robes, with the possibility of wearing a laureal wreath.
To be Civilizor, to steer a civilization, to civilize, to operate a civilization.
The Civilizor can abolish a law, with one third approval of The Supreme Council and one third
approval from The Council of Civilization. The Civilizor can create a law, with 45% approval of
The Supreme Council and one third approval of The Civilization Council. The Civilizor can start an
Armed Forces operation with one third approval of the Supreme Council or one third approval of
The Civilization Council. The Civilizor can start a Red or major level Armed Forces operation with
half approval of The Supreme Council. The Civilizor is a very public figure and the unifying
Laureal leader figure of The Civilization. The Civilizors mission is to see that the Civilization is
ever civilized, ever united and ever prosperous.
The general vote is held every 50 years, or if a Civilizor needs sudden replacement. The Supreme
Council has the right to delay a vote to the next normal vote date if a Civilizor needs sudden
replacement for reasons of which the Supreme Council considers an immediate vote not to take
place. The Civilizor appoints a member of the Supreme Council as their second wind if anything
was to happen to them during the rule. If anything were to happen to the second wind, the third
wind is appointed by the Council of The Sun and rules until the next normal election from a secure
location. The Council of The Sun is a supreme council made up of the most Supreme previous
members of the Supreme Council or other major institutions, where a membership is possible for
only those guaranteed to be fit for absolute responsibility and power. The Council of The Sun
appoints the leader of the Supreme Council from the pool of Supreme Council Members or those
considered ultimately trusted for The Supreme Council. The leader of the Supreme Council can veto
actions made by the Supreme Council, with the approval of the Civilizor or 2/3 majority approval of
the Civilization Council.

7.2 The Supreme Council

The Supreme Council holds the supreme power over the Civilization, even capable of ending a
Civilizors reign with a 77,5% vote, and with one third approval of the Civilization Council. The
Supreme Council can end a Civilization Councils rule with a 65% vote and one third approval of
The Council of The Sun, or the Civilizor, after which a new Civilization Council general election is
had. The Supreme Council can abolish a law with 40% vote and the approval of the Civilizor or one
third of The Council of The Sun. The Supreme Council can create legislation with a majority vote
and the approval of one third of the Civilization Council and one third of the Council of The Sun.
The Supreme Council can make changes to legislation with half vote and with one third approval of
The Council of The Sun. The Supreme Council can start an Armed forces operation with 40% vote.
The Supreme Council can start a major or Red level Armed Forces operation with a majority vote

and the approval of one third of The Council of The Sun. The Supreme Council decides on matters
of high responsibility or other very significant Civilizationary matters that it sees necessary to look
at, and makes decisions mostly on a majority vote basis.
Legislation that changes the system enough and drastically enough to require Validation From
Above can require an approval of 37,5%, 57,5% or 77,5% of The Council of The Sun. Legislation
or actions that change the system enough to require Validation from Above are handled according to
whether they are a minor, significant or major change to the system, and are always reviewed and
voted in The Council of The Sun as The Council of The Sun sees it as, however a vote of a matter
being minor according to the majority of The Supreme council cannot be considered major by the
Council of The Sun.
The Supreme Council can significantly change the Institutions of power of itself and under itself,
but only with a 2/3 approval among itself, majority approval of the Civilization Council and the
approval of the Civilizor. A new member is appointed to the Supreme council every 25 years, in
sync with the Civilizor elections so that one is 25 years off and one is always on the day a new
Civilizor starts their reign. If a Civilizors reign ends suddenly, there must not be a less than a 25
year timeframe between new Supreme Council Additions. If multiple Civilizor reigns were to end
suddenly, the times when a new Supreme Council Member is selected are to be slowly normalized
through lengthening the Supreme Council Election 1-50% to ultimately represent the half and full
time of a Civilizor election, without going under the 25 year interval. If perils come to members of
The Supreme Council, The Supreme Council is to have a chosen set of replacers from a pool of
ultimately trusted and fit entities for absolute power who the majority of The Supreme Council has
individually approved. New potential members of The Supreme Council through sudden
replacement are to be approved by at least one third of The Council of The Sun.

7.3 The Council of The Sun

The Council of The Sun exists as a superior council to the Supreme Council, and acts as the
validator of matters of supreme power. When The Supreme Council passes a change to a law or
action that requires Validation from Above, the Council of The Sun sees through the matter.
Validation from above is only required for matters of extreme responsibility and potential
consequence. The Council votes on high matters that are presented to them. The Council of The Sun
also votes on matters that The Supreme Council cannot come to a conclusion amongst itself after
three votes. The Council of The Sun can end a Civilizors Reign with a majority vote and one third
approval of The Supreme Council. The Council of The Sun can with 70% vote end The Supreme
Councils reign and start a new selection process where 40% of the Supreme Councils new members
are selected by the Council of The Sun, 30% by The Council above All Councils, and 15% by The
Civilizor, and 15% By The Civilization Council. The ones selected are selected from the most
trustworthy Supreme and high officials or individuals that are screened and known to be absolutely
and completely trustworthy and fit for the Supreme power that a place in The Supreme Council

If a matter placed on the Council of The Sun is seen as changing the current system minorly, The
matter requires a 37,5% Approval from the Council of The Sun. If a matter is seen as changing the
system significantly, it requires an approval of 57,5% of the Council of The Sun. If a matter is seen
as changing the system majorly, it requires an approval of 77,5% of the Council of The Sun. Matters
of Civilizationary tracking and changes to the mentioned civilizationary system are always
considered significant or major matters that require validation from above.
The Council of the sun consists of selected previous highest officials of the Supreme Council or
other institutions, and are without any doubt considered fit for the absolute power and responsibility
that is bestowed upon them. Members of The Council of The Sun are protected by Special Measures
under complete level red. The Members of the Council of The Sun are chosen carefully, and they
fully understand the level of responsibility and demand that a place in the Council Above means.
The Council of The Sun receives Code Red Total intelligence reports of suspicious activity if it is to
ever rise in The Supreme Council and can with a majority vote end a Supreme Council Members
career and pass their case into sentencing in Supreme justice proper with a briefing to the Civilizor
and necessary data to the Civilization Council. Supreme Justice Proper, The Civilizor or The
Civilization Council can make the data or some of the data of such a case public if seen good or
necessary. The Council of The Sun can have its members selected again from the most trustworthy
Supreme Council or other Supreme officials if seen as absolutely necessary by 77,5% of The
Supreme Council, The Civilization Council and The Civilizor as well as two out of three members
of The Council Above All Councils.
The Council of The Sun consists of 7 Suns. The leader of the Council has three votes. The Second
Sun has two votes. The Third sun has one vote, and is next in line of succession if immediate perils
come to the first two Suns. The Leader of the Council of The Sun chooses his second and third Sun
from the Council as he is elected. The leader can be publicly known if seen good, the second sun
and the others must remain under Special Measures and have their security placed as an
extraordinarily important feature if there is seen to be even a very insignificant risk from their
public exposure, and therefore calculated for each instance.
The Leader of The Council of The Sun is chosen only by the Council of The Sun. A new sun can be
appointed by The majority of the Supreme Council without denial at the same time as a new
Civilizor is normally elected. The Council takes a regular vote on who is replaced. The Council of
The Sun selects its own leader every time a Civilizor is normally elected. The leader of the Council
of The Sun can have their opinion heard by the Council Above All Councils on who to recommend
for the Council above All Councils.
The Council of The Sun is an institution of absolute power, but even if they are known as the
Council Above, there is the Council Above All Councils.

7.4 Above All Councils

The Council Above All Councils enjoys from the membership of three. Each member has the
individual power to undo changes to the civilizationary system that have taken place in the
relatively recent past. These three are protected by special secrecy, with measures that are seen best
at any given time. Only two can ever be relatively close to each other. Among those who are seen
potential for the job, a select few are to be prepared for succession, chosen by those Above All
Councils, if anything is to happen to one or more of the three. The three members and the Council
are simply known as Above All Councils. An act from the Council Above All Councils is to be very
rare unless seen grandly necessary.

7.5 Civilization Council

The Civilization Council is an institution of High Power in The Civilization. The Civilization
Council consists of elected members of the civilization, representing the civilizationary districts and
voting on civilizationary matters, and passing down legislature to the district councils and local
councils and to the Civilization. The Members of The Civilization council are voted in from all
districts, as is seen reasonable and civilized. A Civilization Council vote happens every eight years.
The Civilization Council has a vast responsibility, for its approved and created legislation is passed
down to districts and local areas. Entities, such as Major institutions, ministries, individuals and
larger numbers of entities all over the civilization can propose legislation to the Civilization council,
and the Civilization Council can make noteworthy proposals into legislation based on the proposals
or parts of them, although the Civilization Council also creates legislation on its own to make the
Civilization Civilized, Prosperous and Grand.
The Civilization Council creates legislation that is approved by its majority, and can be vetoed by
The Civilizor. The Supreme Council and The Civilizor can each stop a Civilization Council action
or legislation from taking place, The Supreme Council with a majority vote and the Civilizor as he
wishes. The Council of The Sun can with a 60% vote, The Supreme Council can with a majority
vote and the approval of the Civilizor, And the Civilizor can with The majority approval of The
Council of The Sun or The Supreme Council arrange a new Civilization council vote or abolish the
current one. Selected members of the Civilization council have to go through screening and they are
supervised and automated reports are sent to The Council of Civilization Reigns Supreme and The
Supreme Council, as well as the Council of Civilized Authenticity and a council of Supreme Justice
officials to ensure no ill will. These Councils can with a majority vote end a Civilization Council
officials career. As is the case with sentencing, at least one rehandling is allowed if the sentencing is
thought to have been unjust by the offender. A rehandling of a Civilization Council official is done
by Three Supreme Judges or Supreme Judges proper, especially if previous case was in regular
Supreme justice, who see about the case and sentencing together, and at least two out of three have
to think the sentencing was unjust for a pardon.

Civilization Overseer Councils

Civilization Overseer Councils are councils that look at matters that they find necessary to look
into, or are brought to their attention. These councils have the right to abolish a local or district law
or motion that is not considered good for the civilization or its unity, or can be seen as divisive. An
example could be that a local district in Switzerland decides to allow nutrition that is produced
uncivilizedly. The council would then abolish the new custom and the ones responsible would
receive a concern or other action, such as suspension, that is seen best at the situation.
Chosen Civilization overseer council members are selected from a pool of applicants in 1/5 per by
The High Civilized Council, Council of Civilization Reigns Supreme, Supreme Judges Proper, The
Civilizor and The Civilization Council. The Supreme Council has to approve the new Overseer
Councils with at least one third vote, or a new vote is placed. If two votes are not enough, The
Civilizors approval is enough. If however, The Civilizor after two votes disapproves, the councils
are selected by The Council of The Sun from the pool of applicants. Members of The Civilization
Overseer Councils are subject to same supervision and sentencing processes as the Civilization

7.5.2 Seer Councils

Seer councils operate to gather, deal with and assess information and data that could be necessary to
react to. A seer council takes a vote on a matter of interest, and if a vote reaches majority from the
Seer council, the council will react accordingly, such as do what has been the exemplary civilized
reaction by previous councils. Members of seer councils are fully trusted and heavily screened
individuals, and each new seer council is approved by one third of a Civilization Overseer Councils
vote. There are very many Seer Councils, and they go over a vast amount of data, situations and
matters of interest. A majority vote can also abolish a motion or action or local law, but if there are
no previous examples of such a situation or reaction, a vote on the matter is required by a
Civilization Overseer Council, who will decide how to react with a majority vote. Seer Councils can
also approve legislation proposals that entities wish to propose to district or local councils.
Every vote and every seer council is recorded, and members of the Ministry of Justice can overview
and overwatch the operations of Seer councils, and raise an issue or ask for clarification from a
Civilization Overseer Council. A member of the ministry of Civilization has the right to send a
matter a seer council has been handling to be handled by a Civilization Overseer Council. The
Ministry of Civilization has a council of Civilized Authenticity, which can abolish a seer council if
need be.
Seer Councils are supervised by the systems and sentenced as well as supervised by High officials
of Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Civilization, The Council of Civilized Authenticity and High or
Supreme Judges as well as the Council of Civilization Reigns Supreme according to standard
official sentencing practices. Automated reports of suspicious activity and actions by individuals or
groups are sent to all supervising bodies in addition to regular supervising and are dealt with
imminently, as abuses of power will lead to a sentencing.

7.6 District Councils

District councils set in motion legislation and motions that come from above. District councils vote
on the governing and legislative matters of their district, each district has its own District Council,
and each District Council has a matching District Civilized Council. District councils can create or
abolish legislation for their district, but is has to be approved by the majority of the Civilization
Council. Legislation made by District Councils can be unified to represent the broader legislation of
the civilization by higher institutions of power with a 60% vote.
Members of the District councils are voted into place by the Districts members. A District council is
elected for 10 years at a time. Any voters must have remained in the district for a year before voting
on the districts matters, within reason. Any District Council member must have remained in the
district for a year before being voted into the District Council, within reason.
District Councils are supervised by the systems and sentenced as well as supervised by High
officials of Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Civilization, The Council of Civilized
Authenticity and Supreme Judges as well as the Council of Civilization Reigns Supreme according
to standard official sentencing practices. Automated reports of suspicious activity and actions by
individuals or groups are sent to all supervising bodies in addition to regular supervising.


District Civilized Council

District Civilized Council sees that new laws and legislation that has been set up locally or in
the district is civilized and not harmful to the civilization or unity. A District civilized council
can abolish a legislation or action made by local councils in the district with a one third vote.
New District Council legislation and actions can be abolished by a majority vote of the District
Civilized Council. District Civilized Council members are approved by one third of the Council
of Civilization Reigns Supreme, and are elected and chosen by a 50 member committee from
The Ministry of Civilization, where every member of the committee is a high official of anticorruption, a high official of the Ministry of Civilization or a high official from the Insitutions
of power. Every member of the Committee has ten votes or more if the amount of districts is
vast. The pool of runners for The Civilized District Council will be voted by the General
populous of each district, and the most voted runners of each district shall advance to be
selected by the committee so that every one in two of the most popular and accepted are chosen
if ultimately accepted by one third of the Council of Civilization Reigns Supreme. To increase
objectivity, solidarity and unity amongst the officials who guard the civilized ways, the
committee has to place two thirds of the elected officials to councils that supervise other
districts than that where they are from.
District Civilized Councils are supervised by the systems and sentenced as well as supervised by
High officials of Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Civilization, Civilization Overseer
Councils, The Council of Civilized Authenticity, The High Civilized Council and Supreme
Judges as well as the Council of Civilization Reigns Supreme according to standard official

sentencing practices. Automated reports of suspicious activity and actions by individuals or

groups are sent to all supervising bodies in addition to regular supervising.

7.7 Local Councils

Local councils act as the town halls of old. The councils have power over their own local area, and
imply and set forth legislation that comes from above or is set in motion locally. New locally
created legislation requires the majority approval of the District Civilized Council, or alternatively
seer councils that assess whether the new legislation is civilized and not civilizationally divisive.
Local Councils are supervised by the systems of supervising and sentenced and additionally
supervised by officials of Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Civilization, The Council of
Civilized Authenticity, and judges as well as the Council of Civilization Reigns Supreme according
to standard official sentencing practices. Local violations that are criminal in nature can go through
the criminal courts but each case has to also be reported to civilization or justice officials or a seer
council so the situation can be assessed fully. Violating Local Council members must have their
career ended unless pardoned by a higher judge with the approval of at least two justice or
civilization officials who know the case. A continuous District or Local council violator that is
pardoned must always face a higher jury council or judge from a different institution than the
previous jury was from. Automated reports of suspicious activity and actions by individuals or
groups are sent to all supervising bodies in addition to regular supervising, abuses of power will be
dealt with fast and with no hesitation.

7.8 Ministries
Minor Ministries, which despite being namely minor contain vast amounts of officials and execute a
great governance on their field include: The Ministry of Infrastructure, which deals with
infrastructure and all its components in the Civilization. The Ministry of Nature deals with matters
that are to do with nature and spaces of all kinds, to keep the nature and spaces proper, civilized and
good, and uses its officials under the legislation to reach its goals. The Ministry of Health and its
officials work and propose legislation to The Institutions of Power, mainly the Civilization Council,
to ensure a long, healthy and prosperous life to all. The Ministry of Technology works to improve
and oversee Technology and to make the most fit and civilized proposals of legislation regarding
technology, its role in prosperity and prospects. The Ministry of Technology officials aim to work
towards safeguarding and improving of technology, and deal with general technological matters that
require basic ministry level attention. The Ministry of Economy and its officials safeguard and
improve the Economy and keep the Economy and its practices civilized through reacting to

different emerging matters and proposal of legislation that best ensures the continued progress and
prosperity of the economy. The Ministry of Science upkeeps the Civilized values in science,
through its overseeing officials as well as its proposals for legislation. The Ministry of Science and
its countless officials support and work relentlessly towards ever advancing growth of knowledge
and scientific progress, and deal with all science related matters that require basic ministry level
attention, as well as proposing civilized and science-advancing legislation to the Institutions of
Power, especially The Civilization Council which deals with most noteworthy legislative proposals
that ministries and entities make. All ministries and entities can propose legislation to The
Civilization Council, and in rare cases especially to higher institutions of Power. Ministries and
entities can with the majority approval of a Civilized Council of Civilization officials of The
Ministry of Civilization, or a seer council, propose legislation to district or local councils.
All Basic Ministries are supervised by the systems and sentenced as well as supervised by officials
of Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Civilization, Seer Councils, High Civilized Council, The
Council of Civilized Authenticity and high or Supreme judges according to standard official
sentencing practices. Basic level violating officials of basic ministries will go through the crime
system, but information of their case and violations must reach at least two high officials of Justice
or Civilization, who can see if the case goes to a higher jury such as a jury of high civilization
officials. All ministry officials are supervised and tracked extremely carefully by the systems, and
all those who are violators are stopped in their tracks and sentenced without hesitation. Violations
that involve very secret information or things of a high clearance nature are handled by the highest
justice and civilization officials who have high enough of a clearance, Supreme Judges or The
Council of Civilization Reigns Supreme. Automated reports of suspicious activity and actions by
individuals or groups are sent to all supervising bodies in addition to regular supervising.
7.9 Ministry of Defence
The Ministry of Defence gives conduct to the Armed Forces, and sets forth general security
protocols. The Ministry Holds in its responsibilities the creation and upkeep of protocols for
Stability of the Civilization and the Defence of the civilization. The Defence budget is devised by
the Ministry of Defence, and approved by one third of the Civilization Council, one third of the
Supreme Council and the Civilizor. The Supreme Council can create changes to the Defence
budget, or pass it as is with a majority vote. The Ministry of Defence holds offices in all districts,
and answers to the Higher Institutions of Power.
Besides its general officials, The Ministry of Defence has one hundred high officials of defence,
known as the Guards of The Swords, who interact with the Armed forces and see that the budget is
implemented and conducted as planned and that the Defence matters are handled in a civilized
manner. These hundred officials make up the Council of Civilized Defence, which is part of the
Ministry of Defence. Officials in this council can deal with information or situations they consider
necessary to react to in order to keep the Armed Forces civilized. One third vote from the council
can end an Armed Forces operation that is code Orange or code Yellow, or end an uncivilized
Armed Forces entities service. The Armed Forces are supervised by the Ministry of Civilization,
and Seer councils receive automated reports of operations or actions that require attention or

reaction. Civilization Official juries and councils, as well as Seer councils can end an Armed forces
officials career or grade yellow operation with one third vote. Code Orange or Red operations can
be ended by a majority vote of The Council of Civilization Reigns Supreme, The Council of
Civilized Defence, The Council of Civilized Authenticity or a jury of the highest civilization
officials from the Ministry of Civilization, known as The High Civilized Council.
Once the Armed Forces are in a Code Red Alarm, In an active grade Red operation, they are
supervised by the supervising systems, but actions taken against them are delayed until end of Code
Red, or done immediately if an offense is brutally uncivilized. During all times, The council of
Civilization Reigns Supreme, which answers to The Supreme Council, can abolish or end any
armed forces operation or individuals service with a majority vote. The Supreme Council can end
any armed forces operation with one third vote, and start any armed forces operation with a
majority vote. The Civilization Council can end an armed forces operation with a majority vote, and
the Civilizor can end an Armed Forces operation if he wishes to do so.
The Ministry of Defence and its officials are supervised by the systems and sentenced as well as
supervised by High officials of the Ministry of Justice, The Ministry of Civilization, The Council of
Civilized Authenticity and Supreme or high judges according to standard official sentencing
practices. Automated reports of suspicious activity and actions by individuals or groups are sent to
all supervising bodies in addition to regular supervising.

7.10 Ministry of Information

The Ministry of Information is the Ministry responsible for protocols, information legislation
proposals to The Civilization Council and conduct regarding to general information and its usages
in the Civilization. Information shall always be free and accessible. Information that is deemed
beyond dangerous or beyond uncivilized can be guarded, either by being accessible through a portal
that is supervised, or by otherwise knowing that the use of the information will not be negative or
Ministry of Information officials are supervised by the systems and sentenced as well as supervised
by officials of Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Civilization, The Council of Civilized
Authenticity, and high or supreme judges according to standard civilization official sentencing
practices. Violations that involve very secret information or things of a high clearance nature are
handled by the highest justice and civilization officials who have high enough of a clearance,
Supreme Judges or The Council of Civilization Reigns Supreme. Automated reports of suspicious
activity and actions by individuals or groups are sent to all supervising bodies in addition to regular

7.11 Ministry of Intelligence

The Ministry of Intelligence sets forth and guards the civilized conduct that regards Intelligence
gathering and Intelligence operations. The Ministry of Intelligences high officials have the right to

send a matter of intelligence to be debated by a Civilization Overseer Council, and a Civilization

Overseer Council can abolish a major intelligence operation with a majority vote. The Ministry of
intelligence can send intelligence legislation proposals, to the Institutions of Power, mostly The
Civilization Council.
Ministry of Intelligence officials are supervised by the systems and sentenced as well as supervised
by High officials of Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Civilization, The Council of Civilized
Authenticity, and high or Supreme judges as well as the Council of Civilization Reigns Supreme
according to standard official sentencing practices. Violations that involve very secret data or things
of a high clearance nature are handled by the highest justice or civilization officials who have high
enough of a clearance, Supreme Judges or The Council of Civilization Reigns Supreme. Automated
reports of suspicious activity and actions by individuals or groups are sent to all supervising bodies
in addition to regular supervising.

7.12 Ministry of Civilization

The Ministry of Civilization upkeeps and supervises that the civilized system and the Civilization
remain civilized and functional as such. The Ministry of Civilization can send legislation proposals
that are to do with Civilization and civilizedness to The Civilization Council. The Ministry of
Civilization receives automated data and especially reports of data that is alarming. The Ministry
has its own major armada of officials who tour the other offices and bodies of the Civilization
making sure things go in a Civilized manner. All civilization officials must be absolutely trusted,
and go through heavy screening to make sure they are of a pure intention. All civilization officials
are supervised carefully and stopped in their tracks if found to be suspicious, but High Civilization
officials, especially those who are judiciary, are supervised most carefully, and face high
expectations, consequences and responsibility in their place.
The Ministry of Civilization and its officials are supervised by the systems and sentenced as well as
supervised by High officials of the Ministry of Justice, The Council of Civilized Authenticity and
Supreme or high Judges as well as the Council of Civilization Reigns Supreme according to
standard official sentencing practices. Automated reports of suspicious activity and actions by
individuals or groups are sent to all supervising bodies in addition to regular supervising. High
Officials of the Ministry of Civilization have their suspicious activity reported to Supreme Judges,
The Council of Civilized Authenticity and the Council of Civilization Reigns Supreme which can
end a civilization officials career with one third vote, while the offender has the right to at least one
rehandling in a Supreme Court or other of before mentioned councils where at least two out of three
supreme judges or a 66% majority have to agree that a previous sentence was unjust and produce a

7.12.1 The Council of Civilized Authenticity

The Council of Civilized Authenticity is a high Council of The Ministry of Civilization, with
extremely trusted and high officials. The council votes on matters that are dangerous or harmful for

the civilization, its authenticity or its civilized ways. A majority vote can abolish a law, minor
council or operation that is deemed uncivilized. The council of Civilized Authenticity can send a
majority vote result that requires the abolishment of a major operational entity to the Supreme
Council who can abolish said entity with a majority vote.
The Council of Civilized Authenticity is supervised by the systems and sentenced as well as
supervised by Supreme judges, Supreme Judges Proper and the Council of Civilization Reigns
Supreme according to standard official sentencing practices. Automated reports of suspicious
activity and actions are sent to Supreme Judges, The Supreme Council and The Council of
Civilization Reigns Supreme in addition to regular supervising.

7.13 Ministry of Justice

The Ministry of Justice handles matters that are to do with Justice or the Justice System in the
Civilization. The Ministry of Justice sends its proposals of justice legislation to The Civilization
Council, The Supreme Council, The Civilizor or The Council of The Sun. The Ministry of Justice
has offices and locations in all major districts, and holds operational justice officials, justice
officials who assess, forward and react to information, and justice officials who are more judiciary
in their career nature. All justice officials must be absolutely trusted, and go through heavy
screening to make sure they are of a pure intention. All justice officials are supervised carefully and
stopped in their tracks if found to be suspicious, but High Justice officials, especially those who are
judiciary, are supervised most carefully, and face high expectations and responsibility in their place.
The Ministry of Justice and its officials are supervised by the systems and sentenced as well as
supervised by High officials of the Ministry of Civilization, The Council of Civilized Authenticity
and Supreme or high Judges as well as the Council of Civilization Reigns Supreme according to
standard official sentencing practices. Automated reports of suspicious activity and actions by
individuals or groups are sent to all supervising bodies in addition to regular supervising. Officials
of the ministry of justice have their suspicious activity reported to The High Civilized Council
which can end a justice officials career with one third vote, while the offender has the right to at
least one rehandling in a Supreme Court where at least two out of three supreme judges have to
together agree that a previous sentence was unjust and produce a pardon.

8. Civilization and Districts

8.1 Aacaa, Capital District

Aacaa acts as the capital district of the civilization. If the civilization is based on planet earth,
the capital district will be based in the middle reaches of the pacific. Aacaa features major
government institutions and acts as the capital city of the Civilization. Much of the Capital

District, such as the buildings and structures, are covered in gold as a symbol of the
Civilizations grandeur and prosperity.
The Center Piece of Aacaa is known as Seven Towers, where seven extremely tall skyscrapers
form a circle with the seventh tower, Tower Seven standing tallest in the middle of the circle.
The circle is surrounded by water all the way to the horizon in every direction, eventually
surrounded by a square of even taller skyscrapers and beaches. The massive four sided structure
of beaches and buildings in the horizons that is formed around Seven Towers stretches wider
towards the east and west than north and south. In the western end of the inner Square and
beach, the palace of the Civilizor holds views to the horizon of the water towards Seven Towers.
Once technology and science evolve sufficiently, the water can eventually be transformed into
land for large scale events in the Capital, where the giant flat surface of the squares water can be
transformed to water, land or whatever is seen fit for the occasion.
The Southern Beach and its wide golden walkway before the extreme skyscrapers, Known as
the Gold Empire Way, is the main part of the area known as The Gold Plaza. The Gold Plaza
holds countless shops and activities, all spanning the southern beach of the ever massive square.
Gold Empire Way spans the southern line of the Square, But the Gold Plaza spans the large,
ever wide golden walkways that spur into general roads connected to the Southern end of the
Square. The Nearby Sections and ultra-tall buildings of the Southern Square that are grand and
boast mass gold avenues are all part of The Gold Plaza. The Gold Plaza also holds major gilded
statues and great decorations bearing the flag of the Civilization. At the Eastern end of the Gold
Empire Way, where south and east meet, a large golden area holds its emptiness as a public
space surrounded by grand gilded buildings, such as ever soaring towers and the headquarters of
the Armed Forces. Slightly west, a secondary residence of The Civilizor holds its grand place
neighbouring the headquarters of the Armed forces. The secondary residence holds views of the
waters of the inner square, and a neighbouring massive square to the west, known as The Square
of The Sun, where a large passway to the south holds a massive symbol of the civilizations flag
in a wreath, overlooking the massive gilded square, all visible to the secondary residence.
The Eastern Beach of the Square and its immediate areas are known as The Eastern Line. Once
technology is sufficient, The Eastern Line shall boast the headquarters of The Ministry of
Intelligence, The Ministry of Information, The ministry of Defence and many other key
institutions of the Civilization. The Eastern Line is home to much of the heritage, arts and
culture that is on display for all to see. The Eastern Line has plenty of Museums and other
institutions of knowledge and awe.
The North Line holds a vast beach spanning the northern line, with a wide gilded walkway
distancing the nearby ever soaring buildings from the beach.
The Western end of the Square holds the Palace of the Civilizor, where the Civilizor majorly
reigns from. The Western end of the Square holds immense great parks, major institutions and
general voluminous buildings, all representing the prosperity of the civilization and its grandeur.
The Square and its nearby areas, inner and outer, are known as Aacaa. The Capital District holds
Aacaa in its heart, while in itself spanning wider in the pacific. The Capital District enjoys

some special rights such as massive civilizationary celebrations or other events or actions not
necessarily fit for all areas for one reason or another, while still being civilized. Aacaa is the
laureally glowing heart of progress and Civilization.

8.2 Special Areas

Special areas are civilizationary areas where special laws or legislature stands for various
reasons. Paradise Road, the common term for the residences of the Civilizor, is an example of a
special area. The Special areas could be protected or function in different ways than the general
areas of the civilization, mostly for increased security and convenience of action for key actors.
An official residence of a Supreme Council Member could be protected in a manner in which
nothing unnecessary can intervene or threaten the information a key actor holds or transmits.
Special measures can protect individuals and their necessary functions, not just areas.

8.3 Europe District

Europe district reaches the general areas from Iceland to Portugal, to Turkey, to Shoyna. The
general district area of Europe District extends freely north.

8.4 Asia District

The general landmass of Asia District spans a vast area, from The Arctic, to the Indian ocean and all
the way to the Pacific. From parts of Russia to Kazakhstan, to India, To New Zealand, all the way to

8.5 Africa District

Africa District spans the general landmasses of Africa, and engulfs the gulf region.

8.6 America District

America District spans the general landmass of The Americas, and the Greenland

Planet Earth Districts:

Europe district: Orange

Africa District: Red
Asia District: Black
Capital District: Yellow
America District: Blue

8.7 Further Districts

All districts, far and near are united under one flag and stand by the Civilized Values and laws, as
part of the Civilization. All districts have members in the Civilization Council and follow the same
civilizationary laws. All Districts must be supervised by the systems and all the supervising bodies
of the Civilization, so that no Districts actions or moves go unnoticed or unsupervised by The
Civilization, The Capital District and all its supervising bodies. All Districts are laureally united in
solidarity and Civilization under the civilized values of The Great Flag of The Civilization.
Depending on the amount of entities and the ease of governance, further districts could divide a
further planet or location into multiple districts, or cover an entire planet or area. For instance,
Neptune district could cover the planet Neptune and its immediate nearby space territories and
structures. If governance becomes simple in large lumps of space, a district could cover a solar
system, major area of space, or even a galaxy or a reality or a group of existences. Districts are to be
planned and updated so that governance and unity are the easiest to exercise. Once a civilization is
major in size and advancement, major structures, hubs or capitals may not be fit for a singular
planet or other limited locations in terms of size, capability or other features.
For a large scale district, District R701 Could be the official name for a star cluster than is called
R701, and the inhabitants of the district would call the District by its actual name, such as Centurion
District. An example of a smaller district could be a split planet made of many districts, such as
Mars, where Solis District could cover the south west parts of the planet. All districts, no matter
where follow the same rules and laws, and are united in solidarity towards ever greater progress. All
districts answer to the Highest Institutions of Power, and even if time passes and planet earth would
become irrelevant, Capital District can be moved or changed to represent the true grandeur and
capability of the Civilization.
If a civilization does well and is truly civilized, it could grow to be so prosperous that it can initiate
other civilizations to join itself, but only if they are civilized and it can be seen that there would be
no major problems of assimilation. Same goes for a prosperous civilization in the other way, as a
truly civilized and hopeful civilization could be invited to a larger Civilization that is civilized and
far ahead in progress. There is endless progress to make, but uncivilizedness and barbarism are
always dealt with in The Civilization, by the system and even on the individual level. Some extraterrestrial civilizations, should The Civilization encounter any, could be uncivilized. However there
has to be civilized reason, for a Civilization that is civilized cannot go annihilating everything or go
to war with everything that isnt. The Civilization could influence or change uncivilized
civilizations and their futures peacefully or discreetly through affecting major events, situations or
actions through technology and stealthy operations that affect the outcome of the uncivilized
civilizations future. If a civilization is uncivilized it could and likely will be ignored, especially if
there is hope for the civilizations future, but if a civilization is brutally uncivilized it could be dealt
The Armed Forces must always be ready for defence, and if Civilization faces brutally uncivilized
civilizations or foes, even offenses. The Armed forces are to stand for Civilization and safeguard
The Civilized Way. The Civilization is to use part of its defence and intelligence budget into
defensive measures, against all odds. If Civilization would be threatened by extraordinary

situations, the armed and intelligence forces must have multiple ingenious ways to both defend and
offend any who come after Civilization.
Offensive force against an offending Uncivilized Civilization is to be thought out carefully by the
armed forces and intelligence forces. Civilizations may be very different in advancement, and the
risk of unfair clash is to be realized. Therefore, the armed forces and intelligence forces are to have
an arsenal of offensive strategies that could devastate and critically damage an offending
Civilization that could be technologically or intellectually more advanced. Under the right
circumstances, a poisonous spider could kill a lion, even if the lion rules the savannah. In general
and through all times, The Armed Forces is to have a great arsenal of more direct weaponry that is
relevant and capable for all cases. The Armed Forces is to be a constant symbol of Civilization and
Strength through the ages.
In the unfortunate case of Civilization being targeted by an undefeatable Civilization, High
technology could be used to mask, hide, or transform our Civilization. The Civilization could be
made very difficult to detect or hidden through technology, such as technological forms of
invisibility, protective measures or camouflages of a mass kind, or alternatively of a very small
kind, such as using far advanced technology to temporarily change the size of the civilization to an
immensely small scale, which could make potential mass movements of The Civilization simpler.
Ultimately, if technology allows, the civilization or parts of it could be transferred to a different
reality or existence. Once civilization is major in scale, and manages to spread far and wide, ideally
to multiple very different locations in space, dimensions, existence and time, it is also more difficult
to exterminate completely and therefore it shall keep planting its seeds of Civilization ever further
as they blossom to ever more prosperity and Civilization.
The point and function of Civilization is to make life better, more civilized and positive. If life
everywhere is made better or more positive, by all civilizations, then the changes of all and new life
having a positive and good life increase.

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