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Microwave radio spectrum ranges across frequencies of roughly 1.

0 gigahertz (GH
z) to 300 GHz.
These correspond to wavelengths from 30 centimeters down to 1.0 cm
Properties of Microwave
microwaves are limited to line of sight propagation; they cannot pass around hil
ls or mountains as lower frequency radio waves can.
Antenna gain
Power gain (or simply gain) is a unitless measure that combines an antenna's eff
iciency Eantenna and directivity D:
Signal-to-noise ratio
Optical Power Unit dbm
An optical fiber (or optical fibre) is a flexible, transparent fiber made by dra
wing glass (silica) or plastic to a diameter slightly thicker than that of a hum
an hair.
Optical fibers typically include a transparent core surrounded by a transparent
cladding material with a lower index of refraction
Light is kept in the core by the phenomenon of total internal reflection
Fibers that support many propagation paths or transverse modes are called multimode fibers (MMF), while those that support a single mode are called single-mode
fibers (SMF).
Multi-mode fibers generally have a wider core diameter and are used for short-di
stance communication links and for applications where high power must be transmi
Single-mode fibers are used for most communication links longer than 1,000 meter
s (3,300 ft)
Nyquist rate
SDH (Synchronous Digital Hierarchy)
PDH (Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy)
Wavelength & frequency relation

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