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Jurine Naccache

This lesson was designed to help me learn how to use a spreadsheet software. Spreadsheets are
very helpful in the classroom, because it promote addition and problem solving technique.
ISTE Student Standards: 3. Research and Information fluency
Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use information. a. Plan strategies to guide
b. Locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and ethically use information from a variety of
sources and media. c. Evaluate and select information sources and digital tools based on
appropriateness to specific tasks. d. Process data and report results.
I used a different software instead of Excel, it is called Libre Office, I learned how to create a
spreadsheet, and I also learn how to add and sum nutritional value of the four restaurant on the
spreadsheet, and I learn how to see which meal is healthier for me. I also learned how to add a
text box to the spreadsheet.
Libre Office is a software that offer many different programs to use in the classroom, and most I
had no knowledge of very interesting.
I had no experience with this software and I am looking forward to learning more.
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