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, ,
. .

34 46
, 7541 , (latitute)



, 79.56'
, 6.57' .


'(meridian) 5 .

(Tropic of Cancer)
(Tropic of Capricom)




(Alexander Kontrotov)
(The Riddles of Three Oceans)
, '(Taprobane),

, .



(...Most historions of geographical discoveries believe Ceylon to be the

place that was known to the Greeks and Romans as Taprobane. But there are
many features in the description of Taprobane that do not correspond to
what we know about Ceylon. Taprobane is mentioned in very old sources.
Hipparchus noted that no one had yet circumnavigated Taprobane, so that it
might very well have not been an island but the beginning of another world
the northern edge of the lands of those living opposite...)
. (Pliny)
. .

(...Pliny said that on Taprobane the shadows fell to the south instead
of north, and the sun rose on the left and set on the right. This means the
island was in the southerm Hemisphere. Yet Ceylon is situated roughly
between 5and 9North ...)
(The Riddles of Three Oceans. P.
. ,
. ()

. ,



0 ()

: .
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( 1911)
: 700 .


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. , , ,



__( - 1911)

__( 1910)

. , , Mayan and

Surya Siddhantha, Mayans on the high seas .

. .
, 90 .

, ,

(To demonstrate further the sun does not shine on all the earth at the
same time and that there is a delay in the local time all over the world,
Mayasura selects four places are separated by 90 degress. It is to be noted
that all these four places are sea ports. The places starting from the east
the Yamakoti in land called Bhadrasva, then Lanka in land called Bharata,
then Romaka in land called Ketumala, and than Siddhapuri in land called
( 2001- 3839-40)
. , .

2001-70-71 .

(In xxii-70-71 it states that when sun is over head in Bhadrasva it is just
rising in Bharata, it is midnight in Ketumala and sun set in Kuru. The cycle of
Midday, sun rise, mid night, and sun set rotates from Bharata and roatates
(round the world)[1]
( ) .

75-76 , ,

14-15 , 104-105


. ( )

(Tropic of Cancer) .
(Tropic of Capricorn)


. (Equator)
(meridian) ,


. ( longitude) 0.


, ,
(Atlas) 75
(longtitude) (Soluth pole)
600 .




600 .



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. ?






, .
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