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The bus stopped in the old center station and the driver

immediately started to yell at me: Miss! Miss! You arrived!. What?

What`s happening? Where am I? I try to look out of the bus`
window and all I saw was the shadow of the church, it may be my
village. Sorry, in a second I will get off. One moment after, the
wind was getting deep into my bones and it was difficult to move
my hands. Oh, they`ve changed their colour. I looked around: the
trees were naked, no smoke from chimney, no lights, no cars, no
cats or dogs on the street, just me and my shadow were there. I
took my luggage and I walked straight to my house. I try to open the
gate, but I couldn`t. It was locked. I jump the fence. I saw no path
through the snow in my garden. Where are they? I looked at the
house, at the yard, everything was the same. I found the keys and I
unlocked the door. I opened it, but my feet were like rocks and it
was hard to make one more step to get in this house. I turned on the
lights and I recognized the rooms, but the dust, the spiderwebs, the
cold, heavy air were telling me that they are gone for a long time. I
slowly walked to my room, but I was paying attention to every step I
took as if somebody could attack me in every moment. Finally, I got
into my old bed, but it was cold, dusty, dirty with a bad smell. It
wasn`t anymore my save place. Where am I? It`s this my home? I
go out, I look around. The walls, the windows, the doors, the roof,
the yard were the same. But was just a house, a really well known
house. Were is my home? Why am I alone here?

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