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Mamaradlo 1

Maileen Mamaradlo
Government, Period 1
1 November 2016
About the Author
My name is Maileen Joy Mamaradlo. There are two ways to pronounce my name. My
parents and old childhood friends call me Mail-in, but everyone else calls me May-lean. But,
either pronunciation is okay with me. I am eighteen years old ready to vote, but I still do not
have a driver license. I am the oldest of my family of four and I have a younger brother who is a
current sophomore in Northgate. My family is Filipino so, I grew up watching Filipino soap
operas and reality tv shows. The culture has taught me to respect my elders, parents, and
discipline in my school work. I also come from an active family in the Catholic Church. My
mom taught me my prayers at a young age and my parents always brought me to their events and
meetings. This grew my faith to what it is today and the other children at those meetings are now
my lifelong friends.
Now in high school, I have too many extracurricular. In the Catholic church, I am a cofounder of a parish youth group and current secretary. I am discussion group leader in a separate
youth ministry where I run similar activities like the current Link Crew leaders. On Saturday
mornings, I am a teachers assistant to Religious Education classes. In school, I am a
football/cross country trainer for Northgate Sports Medicine and active member for an education
club in school. With all of these extracurricular activities in my life, I do not have time to
practice driving and get my drivers license.
Mamaradlo 2
After high school, I want to attend Cal Poly San Luis Obisido or Saint Marys College of
California. I will receive my BA in Kinesiology and become a physical therapist. For my
undergraduate studies, I hope to study abroad in Korea, Japan, England, or the Philippines. If I
cannot go to any of these places, I dream that I will do missionary work in a third world country.

If I have enough money after undergrad school, I want to attend graduate school at the best
physical therapy school in California, University of Southern California. I hope to work with
patients of all ages and rehab them back to normal in either a clinic or hospital. My big dream in
life is to cover an Olympic games at either Pyeogchang 2018 or Tokyo 2020.

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