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Graphic Organizer Directions

Step 1: Read all of A Midsummer Nights Dream. We will be reading this inclass together.
Step 2: After reading, you will partner up with the classmate next to you. You
will have a discussion about the play and form questions to ask the class later.
Step 3: We will have a group discussion about the play and you may ask the
questions that you formed with your partner.
Step 4: With the knowledge that has been bestowed upon you. You will fill
out the chart the best you can. In the first section that says Character I will
write the name of a character such as Hermia. You will then identify who
this character is by giving me a brief description about them. In the second
section that says Problem you will write what their main problem is
throughout the play. In the third section that says Solution you will write
how and what the solution was for this character. So for the third section
Solution, there will be two bullet points instead of one. Answers can be
similar. You can work on this with your other classmates.

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