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Drs. Killick and Wyant (2013). Sport Pedagogy.

School Site: Cleveland Elementary

Date: 10/30/16

Activity Observed: Tiger Pride

Grade/Age Level: 3rd

DIRECTIONS: You will observe many children performing many different kinds of skills. Select 8 (or as many
as you can) different tasks and describe how the high skilled students and the low skilled students are

1 Instant Activity: Simon

Higher Skilled

1. Wants to be Simon and

asks repeatedly to do so.
2. More coordinated than
other students (ie. Correct
jumping jacks).
3. Listens carefully and never
doesnt follow Simons
1. Aims inside the hula hoop
2 Chest and Bounce
while pushing palms out
Partner Passing
when passing.
2. Counts to see how many
passes they complete in a
3. Asks if they can step back
to make it more
1. Competitive and cheers on
3 Basketball Pass Relay
2. Listens to directions and
does a bounce pass when
the teacher says to.
3. Calls out teammates name
before passing.
Puts a high arc on the ball
4 Partner Shooting Form
rather than just tossing it
into the hula hoop.
2. Uses legs as well as arms
to shoot.
Teacher Nathan RheaTime spent @ site 30 Minutes

Lower Skilled
1. Lacks the coordination
other students have, almost
falls over while stretching.
2. Doesnt participate if the
movement is challenging.
3. Lacks flexibility when
trying to do a squat.
1. Throws the ball from over
their head rather than push
the ball.
2. Bounces the ball too hard
sending it flying.
3. Steps back before they are
ready to progress and
challenge themselves more.
1. Doesnt pay attention and
gets hit in face with the
2. Throws the ball rather than
3. Moves cone closer to
teammate to make it easier.
1. Just tosses ball into the
2. Uses two hands to throw
rather than a shooting hand
and guide hand.

Observer Nathan Rhea / 10/30/16


Drs. Killick and Wyant (2013). Sport Pedagogy.

5 Dribble, Pass, Shoot


3. Keeps elbows in when

1. Throws an accurate pass
aiming for the partners
2. Uses legs to shoot the ball
towards the hoop.
3. Keeps control of the ball
when dribbling.

3. Bounces the ball hard on

the ground.
1. Dribbles too high.
2. Only uses arms when
shooting and elbows are
pointed out.
3. Forgets its their turn in
line and is late to the pass.

Teacher Nathan RheaTime spent @ site 30 Minutes

Observer Nathan Rhea / 10/30/16

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