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Hello? she said as a question. A man answered her in a very deep but serious tone.

Hi, I am looking for a Lili Ryan. Is she available?

This is her, how can I help you The man sounded serious.
Oh yes! Hi, my name is Michael Sandory. I'm with the Museum of modern art here in
New York City. I have something very important to ask you. Every Word he said, Lili was
getting more and more excited. This was Her favorite museum and she could not be more excited
to hear from Mr. Sandory.
We have a new exhibit opening up soon. We are calling great artists from all around the
area and asking to put their art in our museum. Would you be interested? Mr. Sandory was a
very serious man. While offering Lili a spot in her favorite museum, he sounded serious but
Yes sir! she was beyond ecstatic at this point. She tried her best to not sound childish
and excited but didn't do very well at this. She was very excited until he started talking again.
Okay yes, we will need you to bring three new pieces of art to the museum by friday at
three-o'clock. I am really excited to have you here and I hope to talk to you soon. Thank you.
He concluded. Seven days to make three art pieces.
Actually wai- Click. All that could be heard was the sound of her cat purring and the
harsh winds on the windows of her studio apartment. She set her phone down and immediately
started doodling ideas. She doodled and sketched until the sun went down and back up again. At
this point, she grabbed her filled sketchbook and walked over to her studio. She looked at the
paint splattered walls and the cupboards filled with paint, clay, charcoal, and a small kiln in the
back corner. She sighed, ready for a long day.

After a few hours, around lunch, she takes a break and looks at her phone. 28 missed calls
from mother, 34 missed calls and 62 texts from Andy. She called back her mother first.
Hi dear, how is everything her mother said with a lot of excitement.
Actually mom, everything is going great! My art is going be put into my favorite
museu- cut off
ABOUT THIS YET? shen was trying to act upset but you could tell she was very excited for
her daughter.
Im sorry mom, I just found out yesterday and they're only giving me seven days to
come up with three new pieces of art. I've been really busy, i'm sorry mom. Lilis mom wasn't
actually upset, they went on talking about their lives and all about what her art was going to look
like for twenty minutes until her boyfriend Andy called her again.
Mom, I gotta go, I'll talk to you later. Love you! she hung up the phone and answered
I've been worried sick about you Lili, what are you doing? How are you? Are you okay?
Are you hur- Cut off once again.
Andy, Andy, no. I'm fine. I've just been super busy. My art is getting put into my favorite
museum and I have seven days to submit three pieces of my best art. Im sorry I haven't called,
I've barely done anything but draw, sketch, paint, and just plan for my art all night. I think I
might go take a nap soon.
Okay Lili, I'm going to let you sleep. Sleep well because you have a lot of work to do, if
you need anything, just call. they said their goodbyes and I love yous and then Lili went for
her nap.

A groggy Lili climbs out of bed and goes to her bathroom. She brushed her teeth and hair,
washed her face, and did all the normal morning hygiene things a person does. She checks her
phone to find she slept for a whole 24-hours. She immediately starts panicking, she only has five
days to get ready for the art gallery.
Time flew by with many calls from her mom, varieties of paints, and papers. Finally, it
was friday, the day Lili would have to take her work to the museum. She woke up at nine o'clock
and put on her nicest blouse and dress pants. Along with her nicest clothes, she put on her greatgrandmother's pearls. Lilis grandma was a very spiritual person and when she was a child she did
a voodoo spell on these specific pearls and wished them to have the very best luck and to never
break unless one thing happened. Lili never found out this thing because as her grandmother was
about to tell her, she had a aneurysm. This was a very tragic moment but Lili just hoped to never
come across this specific event.
Lili went to her car to load up the pot, the two paintings and to turn on the heat as it was
rather cold outside. She was walking out to her car and she stepped on a pebble as a feather
landed on her head. She didn't think anything of the feather landing on her head but without her
noticing, something seemed to trigger the worst day of her life.
She loaded up the art and went to go turn on her car. As she turned the key, the car was
trying to start but something was stopping it. Lili went and popped the hood just to see. She
knew nothing about cars or how they work so this action was just about pointless. From what she
could tell, there was nothing wrong but she was still very confused so she went to try to start it
again. Nothing. She knew she could call Andy but he is out with his mom today and she wouldn't
ruin that for the world. She was about to give up when she looked across the street and saw a

sign for a bike that was for sale. She quickly pulled a twenty dollar bill out of her pocket and
payed the person selling it.
Thank you so much She screamed while running back to her apartment to fetch the rest
of her things. She quickly fed the cat and loaded everything up in a backpack including: her art, a
pair of jeans for after, and her purse. Her backpack was really heavy. It weighed her body down.
This made it extra hard to ride the bike.
She started to drive her bike down the street and made her way slowly to the museum. As
she was about to cross a street, a man took his car and ran through a puddle. The muddy water
rained down on Lili like a waterfall. Her shirt was still okay but her pants were ruined.
Good thing i had brung those pants she quiety said to herself. She had to find a
bathroom but when she went to go pull out her phone, the time was two-forty. She was going to
be late!
She walked into a small shop on the road and spotted the person at the counter up front.
Hi, do you have a bathroom? I need to change. the lady cocked her head at her.
Bathrooms for paying customers only lady.she said in a nasally tone. Lili then went to
go buy something so she could use the bathroom. She grabbed the first thing she saw and
slammed it on the counter and gave the lady her best attempt at a stink eye. She isn't very good at
being intimidating but whe- her thoughts were interrupted.
12 dollars and 57 cents please she said but when Lili pulled out her wallet, she was one
dollar short.
I happen to be one dollar short, can you help? Lili practically begged.
No can do, doll. This business wouldn't be as successful if we did that for everyone.
she said in a very annoyed tone. Lili then stormed out and went behind the store where she saw a

porta-potty. She hated those with a passion but when times like this came along, she would do
anything to change. She walked in holding her breath and breathing through her blouse but you
could clearly still smell everything. She quickly changed and ran out of there within 20 seconds.
She checked the time and she has five minutes to get to the museum. Lili hopped on the
raggedy old bike quickly and peddled her way to the museum. When the museum is in the
viewing area, she hears the bells signaling it was now three-o'clock. The museum is busy with
people when she arrives. She hops off the bike and sits down. Immediately, tears start falling out
of her eyes. Nobody notices her except for one person.
Excuse me miss, why are you crying? she didn't want to look up to the mysterious man.
It's nothing, really. I just wanted something and I didn't get to it on time. the man starts
examining Lili. He is looking all over until he sees a corner of a canvas.
Hey, what's that? he is now very curious.
Oh, it's nothing. Just a painting i did. he was now very intrigued.
Can i see? Why don't you come into my office inside, I might have something for you.
she just nodded and gathered all her things.
He looks over to her so, I never got your name
Lili Ryan. Im Lili she says very shyly.
A look of realization flashed over his face. Oh! Lili Im Mr. Sandory! I was hoping
you'd show! I am very excited to have your art here, come sit.
She was confused but for once today, luck was finally in her favor. She sat down and
signed some papers and before she knew it, she was watching them hang her work. She was
overjoyed! She was so inspired to paint and paint and sculpt, and just make things in general.
She worked so hard and came up with so many new pieces of art, other museums and buyers

were calling her all the time to buy her art. She was getting more popular by the day.At this
moment, she knew she was going to make it by okay.

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