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Anthony Mederos

Declaration Essay
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that the are endowed by
their creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of
Happiness. In July 4th, 1776 The Declaration of Independence was written by Thomas Jefferson and sent
to Britain. There were many more pieces of writing included but this specific sentence was the most
intriguing because to this day there is question if what was promised in 1776 is being applied in current
times. This is intriguing because this quote means everyone is equal and we have the right of living life
and allowed to try to be happy. The reason for this is because of the violence going on there being many
cases of either gang violence or police brutality. Second discrimination going on with one of the
presidential nominee Donald Trump wanting to use a special identification for muslims and sending all
Immigrants back to their homeland. Third reason why this statement is still questioned is because of
women's equality one being the wages and second being the all the rape cases which women are basically
being allowed to get raped with no punishment. These only being three of many reason why this is still
questioned if what was promised in 1776 is acted upon because it seems like we made progress from what
happened at the time with slavery, but there is basically the same types of issues going on with inequality.

First reason why this statement is questioned is because of the statement Life,Liberty and the
Pursuit of Happiness. Two words are focused for this topic Life and Pursuit of Happiness. The reason
these two are important for this topic is because violence is something that is very well known in Chicago
not only in Chicago but in many other cities as well. Violence takes away the right to life because theres
been cases of many young kids dying due to gang violence. Not necessarily will it be kids but mostly teen
wether its from gang violence, police brutality or gun violence. There are over a hundred cases of teens
dying being deprived of their right to Pursuit Happiness because their life is being taken at a young age.
Many being innocent or guilty there shouldnt be death because of other people taking the rights of other,
which god entitled us to. One case being this 16 year old who was beaten brutally by a police officer for
recording his parents being arrested. Someone at the age of myself being nearly killed due to police
brutality doesnt allow the teens to live life. Not only police brutality but to gang violence as well. In
Chicago especially there have been many cases of homicides which people are dying and not being able
to experience life because of it. Many sadly being teens.One can see this as if it were people fault them
selves so the quote is true but its only certain people suffering from it. Although this is true everyone not
only a selected group should be able to experience this privilege.. This is why today its questioned if
there even is the right to live life and pursuit Happiness.
A Second reason this quote is questioned is because of the statement All men are created equal. One
big controversy with this is Donald Trump. The reason for this is because Donald trump is targeting
minorities if he wins presidency. The reason for this is because of his laws and statements. If everyone is
really equal then why is Donald Trump excluding people who are minorities. One of his laws is to
specially identify Muslims with a sign. Claiming that Muslims are terrorists and not going to allow them
to come into the country anymore. Another one of these cases is the Mexican immigrants calling them
drug dealers, murderers. Saying that as president Trump will send all the Mexicans back to Mexico and
build a bigger wall. If all men are created equal then why are many being excluded from coming into the
US. This ties back to the Star Spangled Banner. If its the land of the free why are immigrants not being
allowed into the country. Thats just of thought of labeling a race/religion due to others actions. There is
not equal treatment because of the discrimination. One can say the reason there is no equal treatment is

because the people are not american citizen so it doesnt apply to the immigrants and at the time
minorities were not included. Point taken but it says All, there is no word that excludes anyone because
as long as it says All it means All. This is why it is still questioned if all men are created equal because
there is no treatment if they are.

A third reason why this statement is questioned today is because of the part All men are created equal.
This is where one can say it says men and not women which is true. At the time yes women werent
included because women were seen as housewife but as time has passed by people come to notice that
this no longer applies today and things have changed over the past 3 centuries. This is why its questioned
today although it was not promised for women it cant be denied that everyone is entitled to these rights if
it doesn't specifically include women. Now to the point that women arent being treated equally could be
because of some history, but besides the point Women actually make less than men. That shouldnt come
as a shocker because its been something that hasnt changed in a long time. Men make a 1 dollar to a
Women's 80 cents. Meaning that Men make .20 cents more that women for every dollar. This may not
seem as a big difference but when paychecks throughout a year reach 100,000 thousand women are only
making 80,000 that's where the difference comes in and women are making 20,000 less. Thats when it
really adds up. Point is thats where its questioned if we are really equal. Second lets bring up the point
of the rape cases. Something that has been coming up lately. Honestly this falls in two categories. One
because men are allowed to get away with rape. Rape is rape and it cant go unnoticed because what
happens if this is a repeated pattern then women at our age will have to worry about this in college, a
place that should be for education and fun. Second thing is the people who have gotten away with it who
were caucasian and then there was an african american who had the same rape case and was sentenced for
it. I dont mind that he was convicted the thing is one got away with it and the other didnt. This is where
they injustice came because both shouldve been convicted not only 1. This is why the statement all men
created equal is still questioned all with the rest of the statement.
In conclusion the reason why the statement We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are
created equal, that the are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are
Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness is still questioned today because there are many cases of
injustices whether its gender, race, class, disabilities, sexual preference, etc. There is many different
factor and the funny thing is the declaration of independence allowed all to be able to have the right to
live life and try to be happy since we are all equal something that should be lived up to and enforced
because we are all equal.

Matt Agorist-Graphic video shows cops savagely beat up 16 year old boy
Sean Everett-Abused by the State: Police Brutality


Jenna JohnsonDonald Trump is expanding his Muslim ban, not rolling it back
Tom roussey- Citizenship surge due to immigration controversy
2010 Institute for Women's Policy Research.- Pay Equity & Discrimination
National Sexual Violence Resource Center-Campus

Sexual Violence Resource List
Teen Violence Statistics-Gang violence

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