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Siara Schwellinger

Period 5
AP English
Research Paper Reflection
The research that I have done to create my research paper will be beneficial to my senior project
because it gives me more information on the topic of my projects, which gives me a better
understanding of technological advances in medicine. Also it will help me figure out how to continue
my project and what I want to do for the other requirements given.
Overall, the research I have done in order to have created my research paper has given me more
information and a better understanding of technological advance in medicine. This is because I did not
know much about it before, other than that it existed, and I did not know what is considered
technology in medicine. Technology in medicine is not only electronics but its things like new and
improved procedures and tools to help provide more efficient healthcare.
Additionally, doing this research had helped me better understand the senior project process and
how I am going to continue with my senior project. Before doing this research I did not know where to
begin with my senior project and I did not know how I was going to implement my topic into the
requirements of the senior project. Now I know what steps I need to take and how to implement my
topic into the requirements given.
All in all, My research is beneficial to my senior projects because it helped me better understand
my topic of technological advances in medicine and better understand the senior project and how I am
going to progress in the process of my senior project. Specifically, due to my research I now know what
I want to do for the fieldwork portion of my senior project and I have specific examples of
technological advances in medicine.

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