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I believe that strip cutting promotes the best method of sustainability for the
forests. The trees are cut in strips then replanted, then as a few years go by
more trees grow as they are being cut.
2. For the clear cutting method, a major environmental change; an advantage is
manageable growth.
For the selective logging method, the trees could fail to have the right criteria
for logging; the advantage could be that there is a fair amount of trees that
are cut down as there are that are regenerating.
For the strip cutting method, the trees could not grow as fast and be mature
enough to cut down; an advantage is that there is enough time between to
grow new trees.
3. Old growth forests have been around for hundreds of years, it has an array of
biodiversity and often the home of endangered species.
4. Surface fires are small fires on the surface, crown fires are large and hot fires
that can destroy forests and trees, ground fires are fires that burn
underground material.
5. When the burning is in a controlled area it is easy to prevent a forest fire
outbreak. Forest fires can burn down entire forests and ruin the production of
wood products.

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