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Perkenalan diri
my name is LEonardo SIlaen, You can call me Leo. I am 25 years old
i was graduated from University of North Sumatra majoring in Information
Even though i am a fresh graduate, i have some experiences in web develo
pment and build Information System in organization
and goverment agency for 2 years as a programmer.
2. Pengetahuan tentang perusahaan Wilmar Consultancy Services?
Wilmar Consultancy Services (WCS) is a leading SAP Consultancy company i
n Indonesia,
a wholly-owned subsidiary of Wilmar International - a fortune 500 compan
and Asia's leading agribusiness group. Our mission is to help companies
transform into best-run businesses
by harnessing the world s best integrated business management software.
Since it was established in 2010, WCS has become one of the leading SAP
implementers in Indonesia,
providing a broad spectrum of SAP solutions and services for enterprises
of all sizes worldwide.
Wilmar Consultancy Services is a SAP Gold VAR Partner with a multi-disci
team of over 150 consultants who are highly skilled in bridging the gap
between business and IT.
Over 200 companies in 15 countries including Indonesia, Malaysia, Singap
ore, China, Africa, USA, Germany and the Netherlands
have tapped on your consultants
expertise to transform their business opera
tions - and achieve higher business growth.
3. Pengetahuan tentang SAP?
SAP merupakan software Enterprise Resources Planning (ERP), yaitu suatu
tools IT dan manajemen untuk membantu perusahaan merencanakan dan melakukan berb
agai aktivitas sehari-hari.
Aplikasi ini digunakan untuk memproses semua data yang diperlukan untuk
mengelola semua sumber daya yang dimiliki oleh suatu perusahaan.
Untuk mencapai kondisi ideal tersebut, SAP dilengkapi oleh 4 modul besar
FICO (Financial Controlling) SD (Sales & Distribution) MMPP (Material Ma
nagement, Production Planning) HR (Human Resources)
Dari keempat module tersebut masih bisa di breakdown lagi menjadi submod
ul submodul yang jumlahnya bisa mencapai puluhan submodul.
Dari sisi teknikal ketiga modul diatas akan disupport oleh sebuah middle
ware (aplikasi antara)
yang akan menjembatani antara SAP dengan Database dan Sistem Operasi yan
g digunakan.
Selain dilengkapi dengan customizing tools standard,
para pengguna SAP juga dapat melakukan modifikasi pada aplikasi ataupun
program yang dibangun menggunakan
bahasa pemrograman SAP yang biasa dikenal dengan ABAP (Advance Business
Aplication Programming)
5. mengapa kami harus memilih anda?
Your company is one of my top choices, and I come here because my experi
ences and interests are quite useful for this consultancy company.
I can handle jobs in programming and also, I have ever been an IT Staff
in government agency.

6. Apa Kekuatan dan Kelemahanmu?

My strength is my strong will to achieve the targets that I make. And I
always do anything with a happy feeling.
Moreover, I am a perfectionist, I want everything to be perfect.
But, I can use my weakness as my other strength by managing it well. So
you don t have to be worry about it.
7. Mengapa kamu keluar dari pekerjaan sebelumnya?
I left my previous job because i want to finish my thesis so i can gradu
ate from my college.
8. Skill yang kamu miliki
I have PHP Programming skill, I can use Yii Framework as my PHP framewor
k. I have javascript. I have mysql database.
i have dompdf, fpdf and phpexcel as my reporting skill.
Also i have office skill, word, power point and excel.
9. Gaji yang kamu inginkan.
I expect to have 3.5 Million Rupiahs
10. Apa tujuan anda di masa yang akan datang
I want to become a valued employee of a company. I want to make a diffe
rence and I m willing to work hard to achieve this goal.
I don t want a regular career, I want a special career that I can be proud o
11. Pengertian sukses
Success to me means completing a task and when looking back, thinking I
couldn t have done it better.
Complete a task or assignment on time in an excellent manner. But that s on
ly half of it.
The results should be good and the people involved should gain a valuabl
e lesson or experience.

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