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[FIXED] Fixed header navigation to use relative paths.
[FIXED] Fixed JS / CSS Paths to use relative paths.
[FIXED] Fixed issue with system causing issues when PHP error handling was on sh
owing constants already defined.
[FIXED] Fixed character encoding.
[UPDATED] Updated mysqli Queries to prepare statements to better prevent the pos
sibility of SQL Injections.
[REMOVED] Removed new mysqi connections within all actions in response file as w
ere not needed.
[FIXED] Fixed response messages that were out of the container and causing layou
t issues.
[ADDED] Invoice Type: Added 3 seperate email bodies for each invoice type.
[ADDED] Custom email body option above create invoice, overrides defaults for th
at invoice.
[TODO] Add payment terms (select from terms or enter manually) under order notes
[FIXED] Fixed Generate CSV so orders are not separated but onto 1 line with all
invoice data.
[ADDED] Remove VAT checkbox to remove VAT from invoice and product sub-totals.
[FIXED] Invoice discount issue when editing invoice.
[ADDED] Enable system calculate VAT ex VAT and not VAT included.
[ADDED] Add VAT for shipping cost.
[ADDED] Make QTY Input wider to displays larger digits.
[ADDED] Custom email body option above create invoice, overrides defaults for th
at invoice.
[ADDED] Added ability to modify users.
[ADDED] Added password strength functionality.
[ADDED] Added Name field to users.
[UPDATED] Login / User registration and User update updated.

Ability to create invoices.

Ability to manage invoices.
Added functionality to email / download invoice.
Added functionality to calculate invoice totals.
Added functionality for VAT/TAX (inc/ex) enable / disable.
Added shipping cost and calculations.
Ability to create customers.
Ability to manage customers.
Ability to create items / products.
Ability to manage items / products.
Added user management to access system.
Generate and download customer / order CSV.
Order statuses open / paid.
Configuration file to configure system settings. (see docs)

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