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Jose Cardona

Integumentary System Lab Report

Intro Paragraph
Skin Histology Picture Figure was where the skin cells through a microscopic and on top
was the image of what I looked in the microscopic through our group we had to know specific
parts as to where were they located and we had to save it to a flashdrive and label 10. The book
page was 182 to help you understand where the part were located or what they were.
The Eccrine Gland Graph Density Figure 2 I did 20 bullets of facts of the brief historical
background the materials I used was iodine, swab, tape, and a 1cm * 1cm. I applied iodine a
rubbed it with the swab on all 4 body regions the ventral forearm, ventral palm, finger distal and
ankle I let the iodine dry and then I taped the 1cm*1 cm to where I applied the iodine and leave
it there for 20 seconds and then take it off and tape it to my data table and then we compared it
individually and than as a whole class out of all my body regions my palm was the most sweaty
of them all. The Skin Temperature Recovery Data Figure 3 I first figured out facts about the
effects of vascularity on skin temperature doing 20 bullets of facts from the article then I took my
temperatures by timing it 30 seconds on 4 different parts of my body to know the difference with
ice and without ice on our data table.
The Two Point Discrimination Data Figure 4 I measured our body parts with a protractor
and ruler after that I multiplied the reciprocal by 10 on both the left side and right side. And the
Homunculus Drawing Figure 5 The numbers I received from my two point discrimination on my
reciprocal I used it to started drawing my homunculus.
Case Study Infographic Figure 6 was about the Melanoma Skin Cancer they look like a
big dark mole changing colors there is 4 stages to get treatment 1. Medical Procedure, 2.
Surgery, 3. Medications, 4. Specialists. And the that the more older you get (60+) you're more
likely to get it.

Skin Histology Picture (label) Figure 1

Description- I looked in the microscopic through our group we had to know specific parts as to
where were they located and we had to save it to a flashdrive
Eccrine Gland Graph Density Figure 2

Description- I applied the iodine and leave it there for 20 seconds and then take it off and tape it
to my data table and then we compared it individually and than as a whole class.

Skin Temperature Recovery Data Figure 3

Description- I took my temperatures by timing it 30 seconds on 4 different parts of my body to

know the difference with ice and without ice on our data table.

Two Point Discrimination Data Figure 4

Description- I measured our body parts with a protractor and ruler after that I multiplied the
reciprocal by 10 on both the left side and right side.

Homunculus Drawing Figure 5

Description- The numbers I received from my two point discrimination on my reciprocal I used it
to started drawing my homunculus.

Case Study Infographic Figure 6

Description- The Melanoma Skin Cancer they look like a big dark mole changing colors there is
4 stages to get treatment 1. Medical Procedure, 2. Surgery, 3. Medications, 4. Specialists. And
the that the more older you get (60+) you're more likely to get it.

APA Citations

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