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342 APPENDIX A SPSS Statistics in Less Than 30 Minutes Appendix A ¢ 345 les are defined and the paramete (FREES the its View window , to open | Wueainbe ‘entered and then manipulated. In function as w EEE Fe views 5 s 7 Appendix A ¢ SPSS) 346 Statistics for People W1 ‘Than 30 Minutes a7 ‘much like # spreadsheet. Values that are entered can THE $PS5 TOOLBAR AND STATUS DAR THE SPSS TOOLBAR AND STATUS PAR icons below the mertus—can eee lcia SA ee ncbuons ei ee oo rh tus Bar, ted at the bottom of the SPSS window, is another wear a een por ng currently tavolved in, The message SPSS for Windows p -ady tells you that SPSS is ready foryeue de | es cae Rong eae Af ae ose teh | you that SPSS sn the riddle ofthe Proceche named Means ¢ Algorithms focuses on the calculations that are used to produce See ere ss usWiGlspssuELe | SSSRORN ee eho gr 8 Toternet, e—ee Check for Updates automatically connects to the SPSS « place. SPSS Help 1s mother ship to check for any updaces you should be ‘omamand Syntax Refer programming language Developer Central ps creating add-ons and SPSS, # About... gives you some technical information about SPSS, les you her program thancements [or need help, you have come to the 1 few mouse clicks away, and itis esp in the middle ofa data ile and need infor Teature, SPSS Help is so comprehensive that even if you are a new un show you the way: in SPSS by pressing the Fl function key (see Help menu you see in Figure A. aware of, A BRIEF TOUR OF SPSS Now; sit back and enjoy 2 bref tou fancy here. Just some simple descriptions of data, a test of signifi cance, and a graph or two, What we are tying t show you is how easy itis to use SPSS.” on Ea k 2 me, £ Opening a File Sei You can ener your own dato rata new SPS ct fl sean ——- or even impor data from such = | Excel into SPSS. Any way you do it, you need to have data to work Bolo with, In Figure 4.5, the data contained ip Appendix C. (called “Sample Data") are shown. They are also available on dhe. book’ companion website Appendix A+ SPSS Statistics in Less Than 30 Minutes 349 2 Femae Spratt a Reade” Coabat, © Me Espanta % @ Mae Cane © 7 Pemae ”— Contat 7” & Fee Espanta a ‘| { “so Female Expeinatal Hl i Mle Espanta 76 | co Fende Conia % | | If | Fea Mate 2 Female, | is Female | 6 Fea | ie 2” Fane » Male a Femle 2 2 Mate Z 2 Mae 2 BT Feats A Sepia table cond Grp ‘of how many males and how le, We also want to create a sim- Viewers, you will hn 300 Siatisties fo CREATING AND EDITING A DATA FILE Asa hands-on exercise, let eveate the beginning ofthe sample data Appendis C. The first step isto define the variables, sid the second step isto enter the data. You should ck File > New ~» Data) Di less variables are defined. You can have SPs ables for you, or you ean do the defining yourse rol over the way things look and Af you defined a variable in row 1, column 5, then SPSS would, ‘name the variable VAROO0O5 and number the other columns sequentially, 5 Custom Defining Variables: Using the Variable View Window and so on, smber of characters of defines the aumber of decimals that will appear in the Data View. Label defines a label of up to 256 chara: Values defines the labels dha rou place the cursor In any name, and press 351 +Varibleabestromaemain menu a —_| will see the labels in the Data Editor. Notice } | | | | Here comes informat Aes ereated, Ono y for safekeeping oF Then, when your SPSS document is pr working, © time t0 exit SPSS. you have nothing to take away from session. You can expor jon, but getting a hard copy dir timely and more important, Printing an SPSS Data File Is simple to print either an entize datafile or a selection from one, 1. Be sui window. that the data fle you want to print is the active 2 Click File + Print. When you do this, you will see the Print 3. Click OK, aitd whatever is active will print, As you can see, you can choose to print the entire document or a specific selection (whi can also configure the Print dialog box s0 that a PDF fie is produced. 357 Appendix A # SPSS Statistics in Less Th to use to creat 1, Enter the data you wat Graphs + Legacy Dialogs > Bar. W h you may import data to create a char, in this use the data from Appendix C to create a bar chart Define 6, Click Cum 1 of eases. gender, Then move the variable to the Category Aals area by dragging 8. Click OK, and y: see the results of the chart in Figure 4.16. Thats just the beginning of making the chart. To make any ‘changes, you have save 359 vale Fomsie ‘gender > Save, 2. Provide a name for the Viewer window. 3, Click OK. The output is saved under the name that you pro- an spo extension. t ENHANCING SPSS CHARTS. swed you in the previous section, ject exactly what you want to say. be changed. We w shown to you in count s e Male Female (Our first task isto encer & tle and subuisle Figure A.16. L on the sereen and ente 2. Tp insert a subi keep clicking the Inse ‘Working With Fonts ith fonts by rant to modify. You will see the Figure A.19. Click on the Text or changes you wis 360) Appendix 4 ¢ SPSS Minutes 361 Working With Axes sx and y-axes provide the calibration for the independent (wsu- How to Modify the Scale (y) Axis, se steps spe 60, Double-click on the axis thé Seale Axis dialog box. How to Modify the Category (x) Axis th the x-axis is no more dl vyeaxis. Here is how the x-axis was modi han worldng with the 1 Doubleclick én the x-axis The Category Axls dialog box pens Tes vor similar to te Seal Axis dialog box tat you steinFigure A20 2. Select the options you want from the Category Axts dialog box. When you are doy the window icon or se Chan Editor by double-clicking on le Close. ie Sale Dialog Box 302 Statistics for People Who (Think They) Hate Suatistles DESCRIBING DATA showa it ies dialog bo fb you want frequencies and tes2 5. Gentral Tendency area, click Mean 6. Click Continue 7, Click OK. ‘The output consists of test and test2, plus sum isting ofthe frequency of each value for Appendix Ao SPSS Stadsties in Less Than 30 Misutes 363 and test? EEEEEEED sorry stscs 365 Appendix A # SPSS Statistics in Less T! | | | \ | == i! The Independent On Samples T Test Dialog Box side of the dialog box, you see a listing of all the fables that can be used in the analysis, What you now need to do is define the test and the grouping variable, (Click test and drag it to the Test Variables area (Click gender and drag it to the Grouping Variable area. 2 3. +. Click Define Groups. 6. 1 up 1 box, type 1 In the Group 2 bos, type 2. Click OK,

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