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Locally Rooted, Globally Respected

The globalization era has allowed us to interact to people all over the
world. The interaction may cause exchange of products and ideas in science,
economy, health system, or anything which will be judged as mostly good or bad
to each peoples view of their own culture. The globalization era has also blended
the borders in culture among people as the result from judgement caused by
interactions because culture as a system is the result of learning repeatedly about
problems which are faced by people (Husamah, 2009; Stuart Hall, TT). So, the
interaction of culture between smaller community untuil the more bigger
community can determine the countrys development to be better or worse
because the national culture is originated from local culture.
As if a tree, a healthy tree keeps growing up and fertile also has a deep and
extensive roots to support disturbance from outside. A local culture may grow and
be globally respected if it has a deep root; self identity. (Joanna, 2001:1) stated
that identity comes from french language, identit which means special traits
which are only presented by individual or community adhered to them.
To have a strong and deep roots, people must be conscious and identify
with local culture, and be proud of it without toppling other local cultures. With
advanced technology and communication, they can learn more about how to
explore and exploit their culture, adapt but not diffuse the idea of their own
culture, and distribute their uniqueness as a commodity in globalization era. With
a strong and deep roots combined with knowledge, a culture will be globally
Joanna Rummens. 2001. An Interdisciplinary Overview of Canadian Research on
Identity. University of Toronto
Stuart hall. TT. Cultural identity and Diaspora. Framework Journal. No 36

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