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fL I F E


Raj rewal Born in 1934 in Hoshiarpur, Punjab

Creation of geometric systems and responding
visual imageries are apparent in Raj rewals
architectural works.
He lived in Delhi and Shimla in 1939-1951.
He attended Harcourt butler higher secondary
In 1951-1954, he attended Delhi school of
architecture New Delhi.
His imaginative leaps are based on his
foundational knowledge and experience.

In 1955-1961 he moved to London and attended

the architectural association school of
architecture for one year.
He Completed his formal professional training
at the Brixton school of building, London.
Raj Rewal worked as an assistant stage
manager for several avante grade theatre
productions in London .
He became an associate of the royal institute of
British architects, London.
He was working in the offices of Michel
Ecohard, in Paris ,in 1961-1962.
In 1962 he married with Helene.

He returned to new Delhi in 1962 to set up his

own architectural practice.
1963-72 taught at the Delhi school of
He opened a second office in Tehran, Iran, in
1974 .
He founded the architectural research cell with
Ram Sharma in 1985.
In 1986 curator of the exhibition Traditional
Architecture in India for the festival of India in

He completed his professional education in
He recalls 3 enconters during those formative
years which shaped his architectural ideology.
First he relates to his interest in structures,
which was cultivated by his English education,
craft tradition, during the review of his diploma

Second he worked as an assistant stage manager

for several avante grade theatre productions in
London .As a set designer he learnt that each
dramatic work had it particular character which
he intrepts as the rasa of the building.
Third he was working in the offices of Michel Eco
hard, in Paris. In office he absorbed the principles
of urban design and planning .
He also had an opportunity to work on the design
of a space frame structure for a Museum in
Then he take the lead of structure system for the
exhibition pavilions at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi.

He convinced his European structural

consultants to develop the unusual structural
system for the Ismaili centre and the central
public works dept. to undertake the construction
of stone columns and ferro cement domes for the
Parliament Library.
The only 2 other influences that he admits were
important to his development as an architect were
on his return to India.
On seeing the works of Le Corbusier.
Teaching history at the School of planning and
Architecture ,New Delhi.
Corbusiers works convinced him that it was
possible to be rational and employ modern means
to build in India.

Teaching history exposed him to the classical

and vernacular traditions of bldg in India.
They seems to exemplify what Le Corbusier
once said What makes our dreams so daring is
that they can be realised.

His bldg design include pure structural
expressions, cubic volumes.
He also provide for honesty in expression.
They reflect a concern for climatic sensitivity.
Structure , material
Tectonic variation
Memory and geometry


His architectural pursuit is centered on attempts
to evolve a contemporary architecture rooted in
traditional wisdom.
He has been influenced by the architecture of Le
corbusier and louis khan.
Also influenced by the typologies of traditional
bldg. and cities like Jaisalmer .

Bldg on traces from the past he transforms them

into the new.
In his work continuity and change consort one
another in familiar terms.
The strategy thus allows a monumental quality
to be imported in the projects.
In 1962, he created a hyperbolic paraboloid
structure with newspapers plastered on board to
articulate the skin.
The pattern for Bhikaji Cama pplace designed in
1965 is reminiscent of the organization of
traditional urban settlements.
Much like traditional bazars he created designs
modulated on a rhythm based on repetition of
cubic forms.

For the halls of nations and industries he drew

lessons the Humayuns tomb.
In Nehru pavilion he draws parallels with stupas
that enshrine sacred relics.
The Satish Gujral house and Rewal house like
the Havelis in Rajasthan .
Spatial orientation, use of cavity walls make the
designs responsive to the climate.
He derives lessons from different sources such
the layering of wall patterns in tombs and



The forts of Jaisalmer and Jodhpur offer from
high plateaux splendid overviews of the cities.
Settlement patterns are clearly visible and the
texture of the city with its closely related solids
and voids .
The densely packed bldg breathe through the
courtyards at different levels .
Cool shadows and air currents are built into the
grain of the city of Jaisalmer and are excellent
demonstration of the achievement of low rise,
high density development.
The sense of enclosure and continuity of
movement is maintained throughout the cities.

Raj rewal tried to evolve mass housing schemes

based on similar criteria.
In the Asian games village and Sheikh sarai
housing project , the peripheral roads are
connected to parking squares.
The central spine of the layout is reserved for
narrow ,shaded, pedestrian pathways .
The layout plans follow traditional methods of
creating shade and cross ventilation.
The creation of the traditional narrow street,
linking all the housing units, provides for intimate
encounters between people and a sense of
belonging to the neighbourhood square.


The joining together of several bldg which retain
their identity yet from a cohesive cluster, is an
enduring vernacular tradition within the Indian
The endless repetition of a single type of block or
slab has proved a dreary (dull) solution.
The street facades of Jaisalmer exhibit a simple
methodology , where each house owner bought
readymade elements of carved stone balconies
and doors, creating a rich street composition.
Traditional clusters surround a variety of open
spaces with different functions around a unified
pattern of movement.



Raj rewal designed his housing schemes at

Sheikh Sarai and the Institute of Immunology as
a series of district clusters which are inter
The bldgs are unified by means of similar
faade treatment, using sandstone grit render,
the piercing of parapets, proportions of doors,
deep set windows, and stone flanking walls for
the courtyard.

The public courtyard accommodates a multiple of
activities ranging from religious like marriage
ceremonies to the celebration of secular festivals.
The interlocking courtyards at Fatehpur Sikri, to
accommodate different functions creating a micro
climate, free from dust, heat and sandstorms.
Courtyards are protected by external walls and
verandahs or are defined by rooms, and act as a
light and air wells in which cool night air is
Raj rewal designed courtyards with similar
consideration in mind for a variety of housing and
educational buildings eg. Institute of Immunology.

Fatehpur Sikri


Gateways were built in the cities to define
particular zones.
Each Gateway is like the opening of a new
Gateways in the Asian Games village mark




Roof terraces are an essential component of the

lifestyle of north Indian cities.
They provide welcome outdoor space during the
summer nights in the dry, hot climate when the
interior rooms receive the heat absorbed .
Also provide an extension to living areas at upper
levels during the sunny winter days when interior
rooms can be cold.
Private roof terraces and courtyards are an
integral design component of the housing for the
institute of Immunology and Asian games village.



The narrow shaded streets of Jaisalmer
generate movement patterns full of fun,
pleasure and surprise.
The plans for the Asian games village and
Sheikh sarai are based on similar narrow
shaded streets linking a variety of clusters.
The streets are broken up into small units, so
there are pauses , points of rest and changing




He has received among many other
In 1989, he was awarded the gold medal by
the Indian Institute of Architects.
The Robert Mathew award by the
Commonwealth Association of architects.
In 1993 he was honored by the Mexican
Association of Architects, london.
Raj Rewal is also the 1995 recipient of the
JK Trusts Great Masters award.


Raj Rewals works can be divided in the following

Satish Gujral house, New Delhi
Sham Lal house, New Delhi
Rewal house, New Delhi


French Embassy Staff Quarters, New Delhi

Sheikh Sarai Housing Complex, New Delhi
Zakir Hussain Co-operative Housing, New Delhi
Asian Games Village, New Delhi


Nehru Memorial Pavilion, New Delhi
Hall Of Nations and Hall Of Industries, New Delhi
Karnataka Pavilion, New Delhi


Bhikhaji Cama Bazaar, New Delhi

Engineers India House, New Delhi
State Trading Corporation, New Delhi
SCOPE Office Complex, New Delhi

National Institute Of Public Finances and Policy, New
National Institute Of Immunology, New Delhi
French School and Cultural Centre, New Delhi
Central Institute Of Educational Technology, New Delhi


DELHI, 1970
Designed for an artist, the Gujral house
provided approximately 800sqm of living space
also intended for the display of paintings and
works of art.
The split level configuration of living room,
mezzanine and basement spaces was based
upon to previous houses in Delhi.
A central staircase connects various levels of
the dwelling which have the difference in height
of one and a half meters.
Certain interior spaces have direct access to
outdoor gardens at differing levels; the

Exterior view

basement, for example, is one and a half meters

from ground level and contains a workshop for
ceramics joined to sunken open court.
Similarly the main living space at plus one and a
half meters can be continued outwards on to the
raised garden.
The Gujral house was constructed with exposed
bricks, Moreover the concrete floor slabs and
beams were left exposed;
Large pivoting doors of teak and glass separate
the living areas and the garden.

Main entrance


The Sham lal design placed an emphasis on
blending the entrance hall, dining and living
room spaces with the front garden as much as
The large pivoting doors of glass and teak
define the living room garden boundary and
can be opened for social occasions.
The house was designed for a leading journalist
and writer .
A double height space contains the entrance
hall and stairs to the first floor.

View of double height


Three bedrooms and the upper floors have

access to roof terraces.
A small basement under the dining room serves
as library.
Construction is of reinforced concrete and brick
with traditional materials such as kotah stone
and teak for finishings.


In 1973, He designed 2 independent house units,
one for the architect and his family, the other for
his parents.
He were designed in such a manner as to give
both privacy and inter-relatedness to each other.
Communication between the two houses is
through the kitchen yard, at the back,
While separate entrances and front gardens are
provided across an extremely narrow frontage of
only 5 meters for each.
Living, dining, kitchen and study areas are on
the ground floor, yet the introduction of a small
cellar under the dining room offered the
possibility of a split-level and hence greater

Part of the living room is of double height, and is

overlooked by mezzanine.
A small interior courtyard within the two units
brings indirect light and good cross-ventilation to
these spaces.
Large pivoting glass doors provide continuity
between the living room and the garden outside.
The use of material is restricted to exposed brick
externally and internally (painted white outside).
The ceilings and cantilevered stairs are of
exposed concrete, softened by the texture left by
wooden form work.
The flooring of kotah stone in brown and bronze
achieves a certain continuity, carried through in
the teak-framed doors and windows.

The rewal house served as a prototype for his

later large scale mass housing designs.

A view
into the
living and
dining area.


The total area of each unit varies from 60-70 sq.m
and comprises two reception room ,bathroom, wc,
kitchen, verandah and private courtyard or roof
The spaces were arranged in order to enhance the
relationship between kitchen, verandah and
bedrooms for maximum utility.
Four principles concerns stand out-:
Courtyard is the focus of the plan
Natural ventilation is a key factor of determining
the form of bldg.
Good natural lighting is important ,as is protection
from the sun.
Privacy for each family unit has been ensured by
walls upto 2m high around roof terraces and
independent entrances and courtyards.

Exterior view

Sheikh Sarai Group Housing, New

Delhi, 1972-82

The programme for 550 apartments was based

on the norms in force for self-financed housing
in south Delhi.
Six different types of units, ranging in area 70120sqm,were organized into two distinct
clusters, three and four storeys in height.
Density is approximately 100 apartments per
An important aspect of this solution is the
pattern of interrelated squares of an intimate
scale that has been created.
While there is a clear demarcation between
pedestrian and vehicular spaces within these,
the movement of people within the enclosures
has been closely aligned with the access points
for vehicles on the periphery.

The scale of the various squares has been

adjusted to encourage and to serve different
community activities.
All the units have been provided with a courtyard
or roof top terrace, the wall or parapets of which
have narrow slits (jalis) ensuring both privacy and
good ventilation.
Although the structure is of reinforced concrete
posts and beams, the walls are of brick infill
covered with roughcast plaster.
This is customary for economical mass housing in
the region, and allows for some modification b y
the users.


This society commissioned the architect to
design 210 apartments units for its members, the
majority of whom are muslim.
The overall layout of the project and design of
individual unit types were taken democratically.
Two 8 storey towers were included as a means of
providing large units of 130-160 sq. metre.
There are 8 types flats in the towers.
The two towers form poles at either end of the
long site.
Between them are 4 storey clusters of apartments
around open areas for pedestrians or vehicles.

These contain smaller apartments (50-100

sq.metres) of which there are 16 variations to
meet the specific desires.
Begun in 1979, but completed in 1984.
A recurrent feature of rewals large scale projects,
namely a sense of traditional urban fabric in
indian cities.
Has been introduced here through the creation of
enclosures, covered passageways and individual
terraces overlooking public spaces.
The exterior surface treatment of the low rise
complex , which has a cement and pebble render,
is different from the tower, which are of exposed
concrete and grit.


DELHI, 1980
In 1982 India hosted the Asian Olympic games
in New Delhi.
The housing development was commissioned
and built by the public authorities to
accommodate for athletes.
It was forseen by the public client, the Delhi
development authority(DDA), that the units
would be sold off to private individuals once
the games had finished.
It was least expensive construction which at the
time, cost approx. 170 rupees a sq.foot.
The asiad village was built for 210 t0 280 rupees
a sq.foot for a middle class population.

A relatively wide variety of unit types, from

individual houses (types A, B, C) to apartment
type (E, F, G) and variations on the special
arrangement of these, was conceived-in part,
undoubtedly, to anticipate the needs of families
with different social beck ground.
In all, there are some 510 housing units,
comprising 200 individual town houses and 300
apartments in two-storey to four-storey walkups with an overall density of 50 units per
The combination of various dwelling types into
an urban pattern of unusual diversity makes the
asiad village quite remarkable.
The concept is based upon a sequence of open
spaces linked by narrow, shaded pedestrian
streets and containing both recreational and
commercial activities.

The passageways an lanes are consciously

interrupted by units which span them overhead to
produce gateways to identifiable groupings
within the complex.
Vistas are constantly changing, although a
continuity of movement is maintained throughout
each series of enclosures.
An obvious source of inspiration for such narrow
streets linking the housing units is the traditional
street scale and pattern found in many indian
cities, where narrow paths become spaces for
encounters between people, and the open
squares offer a sense of neighbourhood.
Peripheral roads are connected to cul-de-sac
parking areas which in turn give access to
individual garages or car porches attached to
houses or apartment block.

Vehicular and pedestrian movements is thereby

segregated but closely interlinked for
convenience: about 80% of the dwellings have
access from both pedestrian enclosures as well
as the parking areas
Centrally located within the Asiad village, but
easily accessible from outside as well, was a
dining complex for those participating in the
This now serves the local community as a
recreational and commercial center



The pavilion is designed to house exhibits on the

life and times of former prime minister Jawaharlal
Nehru, portions of which were assembled by the
celebrated American designer Charles Fames.
The building is embedded in a grassy mound of
The basic idea of the design comes from the
earliest Buddhist stupas in Nepal which are earth
mound containing relics of Buddha.
Plans of the building revel affinities with the
yantras and hence reflect a Tantric perception of
The upper level for example is for circulation and
based on the traditional parkarma, or
circumblation around a central shrine, often a
circler or an octagon which evokes a particular

The exhibition hall itself is arranged on two levels,

with the upper level containing the audio visual
rooms around the perimeter and a stepped roof in
the center for exhibitions.
Four corner windows at the upper level allow
ventilation for the lower spaces, while the stepped
roof, in the form of a truncated pyramid, has glass
bricks provided subdued natural light.
On the lower level, displays are conceived around
four sections, with double height enclosures on
the corners allowing space for large panels or
objects .
These architectural spaces defining pattern of
moment aim to produce a harmonious
relationship between the visitor

Concrete used for the structure has been left

exposed both inside or outside , where the
patterns from the wood shuttering remain evident
and contribute a note of simplicity.
However kota stone for the flooring and teak for
the doors and windows add a sense of elegance .
Outdoor spaces have not been neglected a no. of
protected spaces have been created for
gatherings and the grassy slopes are suitable
recreational areas for children.


2. Audio visual
3.Exhibition space

Section drawings of the pavilion

4.Covered walkway
5.Paved walkway

Exhibition space

A general view of the interiors



A limited competition was held in 1970 for the

design of permanent exhibition spaces for the
International Trade Fair 2 years later, & Raj
rewals proposal was selected.
The main pavilion of the hall of nations has a
clear span of 78 m and a height vary from 3 m to
21m , thereby providing a vast capacity for items
to be exhibited from books to bulldozers.
The hall of industries on the other hand is a
combination of 4 smaller pavilions by ramps
enclosing a central area for open air exhibits,
utilities, toilets, and other services are located
under the ramps.
Although each of the halls was initially conceived
as a full pyramid the truncated form was adopted
in order to avoid unnecessary constructions.

View of Hall of Nation

The steel for this space frame construction was

expensive in India.
As the result, it was built in the latter material.
Octahedra measuring 5m from joint to joint were
employed as the basic 3D unit of the space frame ,
which rests on 8 points around the essentially
square planned and allows 11m wide openings
between the supports.
An effective system of environmental control
inside the building was another outcome of the 3D
structure , as solid triangular panels at regular
intervals provided sun screens a modern
equivalent , according to some authors of the
traditional jali in Indian architecture .

Structure detail

Interior of Hall of Nation

Overall view of the complex

Plan of the G.F of the complex

DELHI, 1984
The pavilion was designed as a permanent
display area for the changing exhibits brought
to New Delhi from the state of Karnataka.
The design uses elements and materials which
symbolize this evolution from handicraft to
modern technology .
A structural system of reinforced concrete
posts and beams has been given a
configuration of 3 juxtaposed triangles .

Within the spaces created there is a mezzanine

An interplay between the triangular mezzanine
and the roof structure, seen from below, provides
a variety of points of view for the moving visitor.
The pavilions facade is composed of
sunbreakers, hand-made and richly patterned clay
tiles .
The machine made elements of fibreglass for the
The red of the tiles and the yellow painted door,
sunbreakers, and railings enliven the image.


DELHI, 1965
The complex offer an indication of the long time
span needed for many projects to be built in
In 1965, the complex was the winning entry in
the biggest competition ever organized by the
The scheme is for a district shopping centre on
a prestigious 15 hectare site in New Delhi.
It involving 220,000 sq.m for offices ,a hotel, a
cinema, a museum, an art gallery, an open air
theatre, 300 shops , and parking for
approximately 14,000 vehicles.

Designed as one continuous structure enclosing a

series of courtyards varying in scale and function
it was to consist of streets bridged over partially
by the buildings.
This sequence of open spaces was intended to
allow people to congregate on a raised podium .
The conception of enclosure is analogous to
Indian bazaars and evocative of civic spaces at
historic sites such as Fatehpur sikri and
A continuous structure, comprising small bldg
blocks of six-, nine-, and 12- storey units,
provided an opportunity.
Complete segregation of pedestrian and vehicular
flow was achieved by creating a pedestrian level
at about 3 m above the ground.
Each bldg block can be approached directly by
car or through the pedestrian podium.

The vehicular flow into the site is controlled at 3

points on adjacent roads.
The circulation system is a self contained net
effectively divided between short and long term


DELHI, 1978
It forms part of the commercial district centre at
Bhikhaji bazaar, New Delhi.
He was awarded the first prize for this project.
It houses the administrative, design, financial,
and public relation offices of a public sector.
The design has 4 cores on the corners, each
containing lifts, staircases and services.
These cores forms major structural elements
and, along with 4 central shear walls.
The office floor measuers 54x 24.6m.
The long spans and cantilevers expressed on
the faade create the appropriate image for an
engineering concern.

The office floors are stepped creating

overhangs on the south side, protecting the
building from sun, and creating space for roof
terraces on the north side.
It was also decided that the larger parameter of
the building should face north south and use
cores and floors overhangs to create micro
The stepping of floors within the cores and
extending different floors to the east and west
ends of the building creates a zone of surface
under shadows thus reducing temperatures.
EI house is entered by car directly from the
road and has two levels of parking underneath.
The centeral part of the entrance is 10 m high
and gives access to the mezzanine at 3 levels.

The structure of the reinforced is exposed

internally and the ribs on the roof slab form a
ceiling pattern in corporating lighting panels
and airconditioning ducts
Clads , sandstone 2.5 cm thick are used.
The lower 2 floors are used as public relation
offices containing exhibition spaces and
conference rooms
Building height is 52.5 m.
Total floor area is 18200 sq.m with a capacity
for 1800 people.

State trading corporation

The state trading corporation , like rewals
scope building is typologically very different
from other high rise offices of its time .
The STC design stands out as a result of its
unique structure and surface treatment .
Vertical structure cores containing lifts and
service support girders between alternate
floors , and the whole is covered by beige and
red sandstone panels
The perpendicular high rise blocks rise to
different heights , the tallest being the one
forming a junction of the lower two
A low 3 storey volume partially fills the space
created by the L-shaped plan of adjoining

The office floors have a 15 m span and since

they are free of internal columns allow for a
flexible partitioning system
The repetition of octagonal openings in the
bridge like girders between the vertical cores
creates ward the architect considers a modern
equivalent of the traditional jalli , a screening
device used throughout the subcontinent to
protect interiors from the hard sunlight
Here it is the concretes structural element
which acts as a sun breaker in front of the
windows across the faade rather than infill
screens which are added on afterwards
Natural light also reaches display areas from
skylights on the roof terraces
These feature together with the stone cladding
contribute to the buildings unique expressive
force as a sky scrapper

Scope office complex, New Delhi

At roof level the terraces, restaurants and observation
desks have been created among the cooling towers and
hidden machine rooms there is a rich articulation of
form and spaces with boxes of hanging plants , concrete
trellises for canvas covers over sundesk and passage
ways were the employees can relax .
Each of the 8 interlocking pavilions has a central core,
containing lifts, stairs, and a lavatory facilities from this
core there is access to the offices and meeting rooms on
each floor
Natural light reaches deep into the interior as a result of
the recesses on the principle faade
the structural systems consists of 4 columns supporting
a square in diagrid of structural slabs with 12 mts
centers or 16 mts at the two upper most levels .

DELHI, 1975
Raj rewal was given the challenge of designing for
a new and relatively unique institutional
programme at once again.
The CIET building is located on a campus which is
devoted entirely to institutions which formulate
infrastructure facilities for child development and
education in India.
It forms part of a network of educational institutes
located together in south Delhi near the National
Park which surrounds the historic Qutub Minar.
The CIET is specifically concerned with modes of
instructions, developing multimedia programs for
use as educational tools.

It contains 2 TV studios and 2 sound studios,

along with production room and ancillary
It is also equipped with classrooms, seminar
rooms and projection facilities, and will host
teachers and broadcasting specialists who will
collaborate in devising new teaching aids for use
in school throughout the country.
The architect wanted to provide places that could
function as open air, multi-purpose television
The design is built around 2 interlinking
courtyards, one near the entrances and the
second around an existing tree.

The larger courtyard has an open air stage and

amphitheatre seating; it is enclosed at ground
level by the main entrance hall, artists rooms and
Open passageways link the library, audio-visual
and adminstrative activities on the upper 3 levels.
The floor areas decrease as one moves upwards,
and roof terraces overlooking the central
courtyard and surrounding parks have been

Parliament Library,New Delhi

The Parliament library designed by Raj Rewal is
a new addition to the majestic complex of
imperial buildings in the former capital of british
It at once strikes the viewer as a monument
representing the democratic aspiration of an
independent india.
The building represents a wonderful interplay of
open and enclosed space.
delightful the dense space of the adjoining
Parliament house.
The composition of library complex is based on
squaring of triangles,a move set to balance the
circular composition of the parliament building.

Light is the defining theme of this

building,symbolically representing the spirit of
wisdom,enlightment & democracy.
A large part of the structure of library is made
of columns.
The site and the building is Located on a 10acre (4-hectare) site, the library is nearly
590,000 square feet (55,000 square meters) in
The plan of the building is inspired by
precolonial Indian architecture such as the
magnificeTaj Mahal.
The main entrance of the library is directly
linked to one of the parliament,it leads to an
atrium covered with a circular roof,lightly
placed above a steel ring,which allows muted

View of atrium

Its roof structure is designed as a lattice of

stainless steel members of octagonal forma with
glazed infill square panels.
Circular stainless steel edge beam is raised
above a ring of light and supported by columns
clad with red sandstone.

A view of the stainless steel structural tubes

that make the dome.
This dome also has a few square insulated glass
panes for natural lighting


An institute by defination is a society or
organization for promotion of scientific
educational or either public objects.
This institute divided into different levels.
This institute spreads over an area of 17,300
The basic idea was to have a contrast of 3
materials ;concrete columns to support, white
brick to infill, red sandstone as interactive jaalis
and eventually the plants taking over.
The plan of the complex is very simple with a
spatial arrangement of interlocked courtyards of
different scales.

The courtyard is the combination of the elaborate

stone jaalis and the surrounding greenery.
The main courtyard accommodates open air
It is linked to the auditorium with a seating
capacity for 200 persons.
The open spaces are surrounded by verandahs
for learning and informal discussion.
The ground floor consists of various activities
like workshops, display, cafeteria and auditorium,
integrated into a well knit complex by covered
corridors facing the courtyards.
Apart from the main entry independent entries to
the auditorium, hostel, and workshop.
The first floor includes a conference room, audio
video and publication and recreation facilities.

The second floor houses the library, seminar

room and class rooms.
The stone and ferro-cement domes of the meeting
rooms in the complex.

The auditorium is a delight in itself. The lighting

done with stone and steel as base and steel
tubes to support it.
Kotastone panelling on the walls for acoustic
treatment with vinartex as the finish in the
auditorium .
The wall facing the stage uses cedar wood in
place of
kotastone strips
as better sound


It is a permanent place where spaces for
gathering of the Ismaili muslim community for
social, cultural and economic development.
The design draws inspiration from Islamic
philosophy and the vocabulary of design.
It is innovative in terms of contemporary
construction technology.
It is influenced by the morphology of the
courtyard concept eg. Fatehpur sikri of the
paradise garden and Islamic patterns.
The public spaces of design like Jamatkhana,
social hall and community facilities are grouped
around separate courtyards on the ground floor.

The first floor is reserved for educational,

institutional and Agra khan foundation areas
around smaller enclosures of courtyards.
The six courtyards and external spaces and
landscaped with fountains, running water and
appropriate foliage.
The designed is based on 3 interconnected
enclosed gardens fulfilling a distinct function.
The entrance courtyard is courtyard is designed
to welcome the visitor and is derived on the
principle of char bagh with flowering plants and
running water.
The jamatkhana courtyard is an extension of the
prayer hall surrounded by a cloister and has an
ambience of serenity.

The central
char bagh is
dominated by


Pink granite is used in conjuction with steel as a
structural material to echo the islamic patterns
and forms an important features of the facades.
The stone is strong in compression in conjuction
with steel which is strong in tension.
The lattice for the cloisters was composed of one
layer of granite squares of 20 cm in combination
with steel pipes of 10 cm.
Lisbon is a high earthquake zone and the glazed
lattice was designed to support a structural span
of 25 x 35m .
Its height is 10m.

and steel

Typical lattice
shear wall


This complex provides high level of basic
infrastructure facilities for development
It is located in the south eastern corner of the
Jawahar lal Nehru University measures around
10 hectares.
The concept is based on provided distinct area
comprising the labs, the administrative block
and the animal house all linked in front with a
water pool facing the sweeping park land.
The building is totally air conditioned ,
water body functions as a spray pond.

Entrance view

The administrative block is built around a small

central courtyard and includes seminar rooms,
canteen and an auditorium for 250 persons.
It has also a library and office areas distributed
on the first and second floor.
The research lab are isolated in a separate wing
on 3 floors.
The labs conceived as large halls with an
intermediate floor between 2 levels which
contains all the services and air conditioning
The access corridor in front of the labs has 3
clusters of scientists rooms which give way to
the view of the national park.

The building has a reinforced concrete frame

structure infilled with brick walls and finally
cladded with red and beige coloured sandstone


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