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Osteoarthritis is a joint disease that
mostly affects the cartilage of joint. This
is also known as degenerative joint
of the joints caused by gradual loss of c
artilage. This allows your bones under
the cartilage to become rub together
and the rubbing causes pain, bone
erosion, and restriction motion of the
joint. Over time, the joint may lose its
normal shape. In course of time also
bone spurs may grow on the edges of
the joint. Bits of bone or cartilage can
break off and float inside the joint
space, which causes more pain and

What is Cartilage?

Cartilage is a elastic, spongy, flexible type of

connective tissue layers covers the bones ends in
a joint .It is also provides flexibility, support and
smooth movements at joints of your body.

Who Gets Osteoarthritis of the Knee?

Osteoarthritis is a common type of arthritis. It can occur even in
young people, the chance of developing osteoarthritis rises after
age 45. According to the database, lots of people in India are
suffering osteoarthritis. In this type of diseases the knee is one of
the most commonly affected parts of the body. Women are more
likely to have osteoarthritis than men.

What cause osteoarthritis?

Older age: The risk of osteoarthritis increases with age.
Sex: Women are more likely to develop osteoarthritis
Being overweight
Getting older
Joint injury
Joints that are not properly formed
A genetic defect in joint cartilage
Stresses on the joints from certain jobs and playing sports.

Symptoms of Osteoarthritis:

Joint Pain: swelling, warmth, and cracking sound of the affected joints.
Tenderness: Your joint may feel tender when you apply light pressure to it.
Stiffness: When you wake up in the morning or after a period of inactivity
there is stiffness in the joint portion.
Loss of flexibility: You will not be able to move your joint i.e. the flexibility of
the joint is lost.
Grating sensation: When you use the joint you may hear or feel a irritating
Bone spurs: These are the very small tiny growth around the bone end which
can be otherwise defined as extra bits of bones that may form around the
affected joint.

Homeopathy Treatment for

In all types of arthritis the Homeopathic Medicines offer long-lasting,
beneficial impact with no possibility of side effects. And, this is not a
hypothesis as the findings of many clinical trials have shown that
homeopathic remedies have generated confirming results in all forms of
arthritis. Taking the right homeopathic medicines can help patients
control the pain and stiffness of joints effectively. Similarly,
homeopathic treatment for arthritis can also aid in the management
and control of swelling and other clinical symptoms of this inflammatory
disease. Most importantly, this treatment ensures a long-lived cure
compared to other treatments that provide relief for a short time

List of 6 Best Homeopathic Medicines

for Osteoarthritis:
RHUS-T. It is the effective Homeopathic medicine for all
types of arthritis and joints pain. There is Painful swelling of
joints and pains are tearing in nature on tendons, ligaments,
and fascia regions. The pains spread at nape of neck, spinal
portion, and extremities. Pain is relieved or better by motion.
There is soreness feeling of muscles and bones. There is
severe pain when the patient starts to move from a long
resting position. Rhus-t have prominent symptoms of morning
stiffness especially in cold climate found in all types of
arthritis including osteoarthritis. The patient also realized
legs stiff and paralyzed. The cold air is not tolerated by the
people who have osteoarthritis, it makes the joint painful.
There is Tenderness about knee-joint and loss of power in
forearm and finger of the patient.

MED. MEDORRHINUM is a powerful and deepacting homeopathic medicine for people who
have any sort of arthritis including osteoarthritis
and commonly use when the patient have
symptoms like: Pain in back, with burning heat.
There is heaviness feeling of Legs that ache all
night, cannot keep them still. The Ankles easily
turn when walking. People feel burning like pain
of hands feet and the Finger-joints are
concretions. The Heels and balls of feet are
tender. There is Soreness of soles.

CAUST. It is one of the best Homeopathic
remedies for Osteoarthritis where there is
feeling of stiffness of joints, with numbness
feeling. There is also feeling of shorting of
tendinal part of muscle which mostly found in
degenerative osteoarthritis. Causticum also
affect in Paralysis especially of single parts.
There is Dull, tearing pain in hands and arms.
Heaviness and weakness is also felt in joint
portion. There is tearing pain in joints.
Unsteadiness of muscles of forearm and hand is
also occurred. There is Numbness and loss of
sensation in arm.

RHOD. It is a wonderful homeopathic
medicine for all type of arthritis. These
medicines usually applied when the
patients have symptoms like: joints are
swollen and there is inflammation of
great toe-joint. Rheumatic tearing pain
in all through the legs, especially right
side leg. It becomes worse at rest and
in stormy weather. There is also
Stiffness of neck. Pain in shoulders,
arms, wrists.


Calc-f: It is generally given for the

spur over the bones in osteoarthritis
joints. It helps to dissolve any sort of
hard growth including spur in joint. It
also used for periosteal swelling.

Calc-p. CALCAREA PHOSPHORICA One of the most
important homeopathy remedies for osteoarthritis.
It is especially indicated its symptoms like Stiffness
and pain, with cold, numb feeling, worse at any
change of weather. There is crawling and coldness
result from pain. There are more pain at buttocks,
back and legs. There is also Pains in all joints and
bones. Weary when going upstairs.

Contact Us
Multicare Homeopathy Treatment Center
SHOP-HIG-4/4, Housing Board Colony
Besides Nandankanan Main Rd opposite
Aditya Care Hospital
Bhubaneswar, Odisha 751016
Mob: 91-9937412150 (Dr.Satapathy)
Visiting hour: 11am to 2pm ; 6pm to 9pm

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