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Missing +Vcc on the pull-up resistor 3.9 Kohms, inner track probably cut ...

Setting up a wire to bring the +Vcc on the pull-up resistor.

Trouble shooting Description:

After changing many components, among other SPI flash, HA86, Micro MB90F546GS ..
. etc, I have come to think of a concern for missing pull up
resistor or a problem on a layer track internal ...
Indeed, the return signal for communication between pin 2 (DO: data output) of t
he spi flash W25Q80B and pin 28 (P50 / SIN2: Serial data input)
of the microprocessor MB90F546GS fact it through two logic circuits: a ACHT86 an
d HB125; in order to change the logic state and complicate the task
of reverse engineering.

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