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GLENCOE HIGH SCHOOL To whom it may concern, Lam pleased to write a letter of recommendation for Lucy Ellis. I have known Lucy for the past year, and she has done an amazing job as the Team Manager for the Glencoe High School Lacrosse Team. As an educator and coach, [ have had an opportunity to observe her participation and interaction in class and on the field. She is an outstanding leader, student, and person in all respects. She has proven that through hard work, follow through, perseverance, and teamwork, she can accomplish tasks in a courteous and timely manner. Asa first year head coach at Glencoe High School in 2016, I had a lot on my plate. Lucy was instrumental in making sure that we were prepared for film sessions, teaching sessions, practices, and games, After the first couple weeks, I knew that Luey was going to be a huge asset to the Glencoe Lacrosse program. She was always prepared, always on time, and didn’t need to be told what to do. She took the initiative and asked for clarification if needed. Her energy and positive attitude are contagious, and I can’t wait to work with her again this spring. ‘Speaking with Luey’s teachers over the past year, they have also said the same things about her academic success. She is confident in her ability to be a great student and she works hard each and every class period. On top of that she is a leader in the classroom and helps others when they are struggling. Lucy is the type of person that you want on your campus.I recommend Lucy to your program without reservation. Sincerely, Kyle Tolzman Glencoe High Schoo! Business Education Teacher

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