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The Nathan and

Eric Party of

National Defence

Tensions around the world are greater than ever. Due to this
increasing threat Canada must revamp its national defence
policy. We plan to maintain the current size of our military but
procure new equipment to make our military capable of dealing
with the ever changing face of war.

The Environment
The Environment is one of Canada's greatest resources. We will fight to protect
the environment. In order to do this we will implement a cap and trade system
for carbon emissions. By the year 2020 we will aim to reduce canada's carbon
emissions by three million tonnes. Will will also introduce a green energy
production action plan. In this plan we will aim to have ten percent of our
country's energy produced by renewable resources

Criminal Law

Every day it bocome more evident that the canadian prison

system is not working for the citizens of the country. If we are
elected we will do away with mandatory minimum sentences on
minor drug offences. We will also introduce better reintegration
programs for ex convicts. Our goal is to keep citizens out of

International Relations
Good International relations are a crucial part of any
successful nation. If we are elected we will strengthen
our ties with nations around the world in order to
promote trade and economic growth for canada. We will
focus on building better relations with all NATO countries
and economic superpowers around the earth.

Health Care

Health care is a very important matter. If we are elected we will

continue to provide a universal healthcare plan. We will allow the
privatization of healthcare but any private facility will have to pay
significant taxes and will have to meet very high standards to
remain in operation. This will reduce the strain on the public
healthcare system and will also produce tremendus revenue
through the taxes.

Political Spectrum
In the political spectrum we are moderate right wing because we believe in
social equality but there's a limit to that we believe in helping everyone but we
are not going to change everything for just one person
One example of this is we want by our make health care free but we will not
make every decisions for you about health care because that one would take up
so much of our time to do for everyone and you shouldn't need us to make
them. Also we want to allow everyone to make decisions on what they believe is
best for them.

Party Leader
The leader of our party is john Macallan. He is 30 years of age and is male and
was an exceptional student at the Harvard school of law and was the president
of the student council all four years he went there and can deal with stressful
situations like there nothing he really believes in the environment first he was
the health minister of British Columbia for 5 years. John has over 7 years of
working with the community
We picked him as the party leader because. We thought he had the set of skills
and experience to be a party leader. He had the same ideas and values we

Election speech
Hello fellow Canadians. If we are successful in this election our first priority is to
take care of the Citizens of our great nation. We will make sure that our troops
have all the equipment and training to be safe and effective when in action. We
will also prioritize growing the economy in a way that nurtures small businesses
and the environment. We will also enact green power initiatives to lower
Canada's carbon footprint. We also plan to help families by doing away with
what often seem arbitrary, Mandatory minimums. They keep countless citizens
in prison who do not need to be there and benefit no one. Our goal is to keep
citizens out of prison. We also want to allow the privatization of healthcare to
enhance the citizen's freedom of choice. Lastly we will build global relations to
improve our economy and strategic alliances.

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