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0. Executive Summary (essentially a long abstract - 2-4 pages on what you will be
doing; cannot be written until after you've written the rest of it; insist on
significance why subject (the research problem) is important)
1. Introduction description of the decisional context
2. Research problems and Research Objectives (1- 4 Research questions);
separate treatment of significance and relevance
3. Theoretical (bibliographical) documentation or Literature review (theoretical
bases, fundaments, conceptual framework)
4. Methodology
4.1. Possible research methods (found in LR) and selected research methods
for the intended research (considering own objectives and various
constraints time, money, competencies etc.)
4.2. Investigated population volume, structure
4.3. Type of investigation exhaustive or through sample analysis, type of
sampling, sample volume and structure
4.4. Research instruments (borrowed from LR replications; adapted;
created, including pretesting and testing, reliability and validity analysis
5. Proposed analysis and expected results
6. Research reports preliminary, intermediate, final
7. Action plan (period, deadlines, persons and responsibilities etc.)
8. Budget
9. Appendices (annexes)
Note: A research proposal is written considering the main research steps:
- formulation/definition of the research problem
- elaboration of the research plan: sources (secondary and primary), methods,
instruments, sampling or experimental design, timing, responsible persons, budget etc.)
- data collecting
- data analysis
- presentation of obtained results

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