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-to accompany a submission (surat pengantar)

-always write one
1. Initial cover letter
-the reason why the study is important
-why did you do it, major results
-why the article is relevant to the journal's field (mengacu ke instruction for
authors; visi misi jurnalnya dll)
:bahwa artikelnya has not been published
or under conside
ration for publication
anywhere else
:bahwa all authors have approved the
manuscript and its submission to
the journal
-other important details
-signed by corresponding author on behalf of all
better make the letter somewhat personal; tujukan letternya ke editor/reviewerny
a langsung
-a letter accompanying our revision
-address each comments!
-gak semua suggestion reviewer harus disetujui, tapi harus di address, dan jelas
kan kenapa setuju/ngga setujunya
-address each reviewer and editor separately; kalau yg sifatnya minor bisa digab
ung????? (kaya titik koma dll)
-be clear and specific
-be patient, keep civilized lol
-suggestion for editor

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