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An Important Leader

In my country, one of the most important people who contributed the nation, was
Dusan the Mighty (Dusan Silni). He was the King of Serbia and later, an Emperor of
Serbs and Greeks in 14th century. Dusan was important not only for expanding the
territory, but also for contributing to literary work and law in medieval Serbia.
During his rule, Serbia had the biggest territory ever. Dusan united Greece and Serbia
and expanded the territory as no one ever did. He had a huge army of trustful people.
Also, people respected him and adored him as an Emperor because he was helping
everyone. He was never forgetting about ordinary people and their way of living. That
is why he also made a huge contribution in Serbian culture and tradition. He built a
few monasteries in todays territory of Kosovo. Dusan also finished the construction
of monastery Visoki Decani, the work of his dad, who was king before him, Stefan
Decanski. That monastery is also located in Kosovo and it is a UNESCO site. These
buildings are of a huge importance for Serbian culture even though today they are not
in Serbian territory. One of the most important things he did was writing the first
code. Its called Dusans Code and it contains written laws that were applied in that
time. This is the most important literary work of medieval Serbia and everyone knows
about it even today.
Dusan did a lot for Serbia and Serbia reached the top of its cultural and political point.
That is why he is known as Dusan the Mighty and everyone knows about him.

302 words

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