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Allegorical Novel Project

Double Entry Journals

Directions: As you read your allegorical text, you will maintain a copy of this log with
a record of quotes and meaningful connections.
You must have a total of five entries for your book (20 points per entry)
Choose five quotes evenly distributed throughout the book
Each quote from the novel must be 2-4 sentences in length
For each quote, choose one of the analysis options
The completed double entry journal must be typed and submitted on or before
Monday, December 5, 2016. You may format it as a two column chart or type the
quote and under it type your response.
You must use each analysis option at least once.
Analysis Option #1: Exploring the Personal Response
1. Quote (note the page number): Select text that seems to hint at bigger
meanings and/or resonates with you as an individual.
2. Insights: What bigger idea does the author try to reveal through this quote?
How does this quote fit into the bigger context of the chapter or the work?
Analysis Option #2: Clarifying the Text
1. Quote (note the page number): Select text that requires clarification.
2. Insights: Puzzle through the quote look at the connotation and denotation
of the words. Use these individual meanings to synthesize your response into a
cohesive interpretation
Analysis Option #3: Analyzing the Text
1. Quote (note the page number): Select a quote that seems to be layered with
detail and nuance.
2. Insights: Pull apart the quote and think about what choices the author makes
(diction, syntax, and figurative language) to communicate his/her idea

Double Entry Journal Rubric

Meaningful Quote Selection
Quotes are at least 2-4 sentences long. Quotes are evenly distributed throughout
the novel. The quotes are conducive to analysis.
Content/Critical Thinking/Insight
The interpretation of the quotes is not oversimplified as made evident by
generalizations or overlooking key points. The analyses are not plot summaries.
Clearly explains and analyzes the text according to the various analytical
Spelling, Grammar, and Presentation
This includes spelling, grammar, writing about literature in the present tense,
writing in the active voice, avoiding contractions and personal pronouns, and
having an organized format.

This part of the project will count as a test grade and is due on or before December 5,
2016. You are encouraged to submit your project early.
This project will not be accepted late.

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