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Yael Dragwyla First North American rights



Volume II: The Magickal Sky
Part 2: The Planets
Chapter 6: Jupiter

Section 1: General Discussion

Jupiter is the largest known Planet in the Solar System. Together with His swarming satellites, many
of which were unknown to us before the Voyager fly-by space-probes of this gigantic Planet, He re-
creates the Solar System in miniature. How understandable it is that the Greeks and the Romans believed
him to be the King of the Gods!

In ascending order of orbital distance from Sol, Jupiter is the fifth Planet, orbiting Sol at an average
distance of 7.78 x 108 km. His orbit is not somewhat irregular, varying from 8.2 x 10 8 km at aphelion to
7.4 x 108 km at perihelion. It takes Him About 4,332.59 terrestrial days, or 11.86 terrestrial years, to
complete one orbit about the Sun.

His mean synodic period (the average time it takes Him to go from one opposition to the Sun to the
next, as viewed from Earth) is 398.3 dayr, a little over 13 months.

His rotational period is very short compared to that of our world; the Jovian day is about 10
terrestrial hours long. This gives Him a rather pronounced equatorial bulge, so that He has an ellipsoidal
or oblate shape. In consequence, His equatorial diameter is 1.4 x 105 km, while His polar diameter is
only 1.3 x 105 km. His axial inclination is very small, only 3.12 degrees from the vertical.*

*In contrast, that of Earth is some 23 degrees from the vertical, and that of Uranus is more than 90
degrees from the vertical (relative to the other Planets in the Solar System, Uranus’s rotation is
upside-down and backward, yet another deviation from the average of the Lord of Deviance!).

His equatorial diameter is 142,800 km, giving Him a volume 1,323 times that of the Earth. Though
His mass is enormous, His average density is actually rather low, indicating that He is primarily
composed of light elements, mostly hydrogen and helium, in the form of gases and liquids. All of His
features visible to us are composed of clouds; it still isn’t clear whether He has a solid core or not.* His
mass is 1.899 x 1027 kg, some 318 times that of our world, and accounts for more than two-thirds of the
total mass of all the Planets of the Solar System combined. As He moves sedately through His endless
dance around Sol, His gravitational field exercises considerable drag not only upon the other Planets in
the Solar System, but also upon Sol Himself. So strong is Jupiter’s gravitational influence upon Sol that
observers far from the Solar System, who knew of it only what they could see through high-power
telescopes and couldn’t see any of the individual Planets in the system, could easily deduce the presence
of at least once such Planetary satellite of our Star by the perturbations which Jupiter’s enormous mass
induces in Sol’s motion through the universe.**
*As of this writing, in mid-1996 e.v., data collected from the Galileo probe may bring us closer to
settling this question once and for all.

**In fact, this is exactly how terrestrial astronomers have succeeded in determining the existence Planets
orbiting other Stars in our galaxy. See, e.g., Robert Naeye, “Is This Planet for Real?”,
Astronomy, March 1996 (Vol. 24, No. 3), pp. 34-41, concerning the probable existence of
Planets with masses on the order of that of Jupiter or larger in orbit around the Star 51 Pegasi.

His density is 1.32 times that of Earth, so that His escape velocity is 59.6 km/s, more than 5 times
our Planet’s. Accordingly, it would take more than 28 times the energy to lift a body completely out of
Jupiter’s gravitational field than it would to take it from the surface of the Earth into interplanetary space.

His albedo is 34%, so that He is extremely bright.* Even at His faintest, He is far brighter than
Sirius, the brightest of the Fixed Stars visible from Earth.

*Though he isn’t the brightest of the Planets. That honor is reserved for Venus. Jupiter’s maximum
magnitude is -2.6, whereas Venus’s is -4.4. See Part 2, Chapter 4, Section 1 of this volume for
more about the physical characteristics of Venus.

His surface presents a number of fascinating features. The most famous of these is the Great Red
Spot, which has existed for more than three centuries, at least. Originally, observers believed the Spot to
be a kind of giant volcano, its brilliant red color due to eruptions of red-hot material. Eventually this
theory was shown to be untenable, and was replaced by a model that hypothesized that the Spot was
some sort of solid floating in Jupiter’s dense atmosphere, an egg will float in a saline solution. For
awhile another theory, first put forward by R. Hide in 1963, gained acceptance. According to this theory,
the Great Red Spot is actually the top of a Taylor column, a relatively stagnant column of fluid formed
above an obstacle in a rotating fluid. Hide proposed that some feature on Jupiter’s (hypothetical) surface
could be acting as an obstacle to Jupiter’s rotating atmosphere, thus producing a Taylor column in His
atmosphere. Finally, from the data collected from the Voyager fly-bys, a much more accurate picture of
this and other features of Jupiter’s surface has been put together. The Spot seems to be an elevated high-
pressure region, a sort of standing-wave pattern in Jupiter’s atmosphere created and maintained by
continuous replacement of material lost to it from upward movement through convergence of material far
below Jupiter’s ever-present cloud-deck. The new material apparently spirals upward slowly into the
circulating system of the Spot, then flows outward again at the level of the cloud-tops.

Other Jovian features of interest include the South Tropical Disturbance, the South Tropical Zone
Circulating Current, and the South Equatorial Belt Disturbances. The South Tropical Disturbance, which
persisted from 1900 until about 1940, when it finally faded away, developed from some dark humps
exxtending from the South Equatorial Belt into the South Tropical Zone, which finally formed a shaded
area throughout the South Tropical Zone. The other two features similarly constituted transitory belts
flowing around the Jupiter at different latitudes. Jupiter’s appearance is constantly changing, with many
such features forming and disappearing, but these have been the longest-lasting, best-known ones. Since
so far we can see only the top of Jupiter’s atmosphere, nothing beneath it, we have yet to see what sort of
solid surface, if any, He has beneath His massive atmosphere. It isnow believed that He contains a
relatively small rocky core covered by a thin layer of liquid metallic hydrogen, surrounded by a shell of
liquid molecular hydrogen, all of which is enclosed by the massive, crushing cocoon of hydrogen and
helium constituting His atmosphere.

Like Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune, Jupiter has an extremely strong magnetic field. Unlike Saturn,
Who seems to be unique among the Planets of the Solar System in that the axis of His magnetic field
corresponds almost exactly to His axis of rotation, the axis of Jupiter’s magnetic field is inclined to His
axis of rotation by about 11 degrees. It is possible that His enormous magnetic field is responsible for
much of His influence upon us, and that at least some of the differences in the various astrological
influences upon terrestrial life of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune reflect differences in Their
magnetic fields.*

*Though Saturn’s magnetic field is closely aligned with His axis of rotation, the former is significantly
displaced toward His North rotational pole, is center being about 2,400 km North of Saturn’s
center of mass. Uranus and Neptune have magnetic fields which are not only tilted considerably
away from Their axes of rotation, but are also significantly displaced from the centers of mass of
these Planets, more so for Neptune than Uranus. How this affects us is not clear; but certainly
Jupiter’s enormous magnetic field, like his gravitation, must have a profound effect upon Sol’s
own electromagnetic fields all by itself, and clearly all four of these Titanic Planets must add
various important characteristics to the overall electromagnetic field of the Solar System. Since
the latter, especially Sol’s portion of it, is responsible for much, if not all, of the effects
predicted by astrology, certainly the various electromagnetic phenomena associated with these
great Planets are of critical importance in this respect. As a result, the nature of the
electromagnetic fields of each of these four giant Planets is almost certain to reflect closely the
known astrological influence of that Planet upon terrestrial life in general and ourselves in

Jupiter radiates strongly in the infrared and longer wavelengths. The most intense such activity
occurs at wavelengths measured in tens of meters (referred to as “decametric” emissions). The
decametric emissions are not continuous, but are rather characterized by strong bursts at sporadic
intervals, and are probably due mostly to the interactions of Jupiter with His Moon Io. Jupiter emits
other forms of radiation, including a great deal of heat. In fact, He emits so much heat that clearly much
of this heat, rather than being merely re-radiated Solar energy, must be generated within His vast bulk by
processes that we don’t yet completely understand. Some have theorized that Jupiter is a “brown dwarf,”
a body too small to evolve into a normal Star but more than large enough to generate heat within itself by
gravitational pressure on its own core. But others calculate that the minimum mass necessary for a body
to be a true brown dwarf is far larger than that of Jupiter. Whatever the reason for Jupiter’s curiously
high output of thermal radiation, discovering it will teach us a great deal about the nature and origin of
all the Planets.

Like Saturn, Jupiter has a ring-system, but His is much smaller and far less spectacular than Saturn’s
beautiful attendant rings. Jupiter’s rings lie well within the classical Roche limit for the break-up of a
liquid body under His enormous gravitational forces. So it is likely that Jupiter’s rings are made up of
relatively high-density rocky material and dust, rather than the icy material of which Saturn’s rings are
composed. Jupiter’s recently discovered inner satellites, 1979 J-1 and 1979 J-3, help to maintain His
rings in their current form. 1979 J-1 is situated at the outer edge of Jupiter’s system of rings. As it
moves around its primary, it sweeps up magnetospheric particles in that region, thereby maintaining a
sharp edge on the system.

Jupiter has around 20 known satellites. Four of these are the size of respectible, if small Planets,
themselves. Discovered by Galileo in 1610 e.v., they are Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto.
Amalthea, the fifth of Jupiter’s known satellites, was discovered telescopically in 1892 e.v. All the
others have been discovered in the twentieth century, three of them – 1979 J-1 (since named Adrastea),
1979 J-2, and 1979 J-3 – as a result of the Voyager fly-bys. These last three of Jupiter’s Moons have
orbits within that of Io. Beyond Callisto, the outermost of the Galilean satellites, there are eight more
small satellites which may originally have been asteroids, captured by Jupiter’s enormous gravitational
field from their original orbits around Sol. In order of increasing distance from Jupiter, their names are
Leda, Himalia, Lysithea, Elara, Ananke, Carme, Pasiphae, and Sinope.
All of Jupiter’s currently named Moons were named after the consorts, attendants, children, and
other figures closely associated with Zeus, the King of the Gods in pre-Christian Greek religion, of
Whom Jupiter was the Old Roman counterpart. For example, Io, daughter of the river-God Inachus, was
a priestess of Argive Hera (Zeus’s wife, the Grecian Queen of Heaven, Whose Old Roman counterpart
was Juno), with Whom Zeus had one of His countless affairs. Io bore Him a son, Epaphus, who ruled
over Egypt, and she herself founded the Egyptian cult of Isis-Demeter (the Earth-Mother aspect of the
Egyptian version of the Great Goddess, Isis). Europa was the daughter of Agenor, son of Libya by the
God Poseidon, the Grecian Neptune; Zeus bore Europa away and ravished her, and she bore Him three
sons, Minos, Rhadamanthus, and Sarpedon, who eventually became the three Judges of the Dead in the
Underworld. Ganymede, the son of King Tros, who gave his name to the city of Troy, was the most
beautiful young man alive; accordingly the Gods chose him to be Zeus’s cup-bearer – and Zeus took him
as a bed-mate, as well. Callisto (Kallisto), whose name means “the most beautiful,” was a nymph with
whom Zeus fell in love. In a fit of jealous rage, Hera turned her into a bear. As a token of His love for
her, the grieving Zeus then placed Callisto among the Stars as the Constellation of the Great Bear.*
Leda, wife of King Tyndareus of Sparta, was another whom Zeus seduced or raped. Assuming the form
of a beautiful swan, ZEus took Leda while she bathed in the river Eurotas. Subsequently Leda laid an
egg from which were hatched Helen, Clytemnestra, Castor, and Polydeuces (Pollux), principals in the
Trojan War. Leda was finally deified as the Goddess Nemesis, She who punishes those who do not make
the proper sacrifices and observances to the Gods. Ananke, a daughter of Zeus, was a Goddess of Justice.
Pasiphae, wife of King Minos of Crete, bore a child with the head of a bull; she claimed that Zeus had
visited her in the form of a beautiful bull, begetting the child, the Minotaur, upon her in that form. The
remainder of Jupiter’s satellites are similarly named for figures associated with Zeus-Jupiter in Graeco-
Roman mythology; more about these will be discussed in the next section.

The Galilean satellites – the four Moons originally observed telescopically and named by Galileo –
are extremely large, as Moons go. In fact, some observers claim to have observed them with the naked
eye; so large and bright are they with reflected Sun- and Jupiter-light that this isn’t an impossible claim.
For example, Ganymede is slightly larger than Mercury, and not much smaller than Mars. With the
exception of Europa, all His Galilean Moons are larger than Luna, our own Moon.80
Section 2: Astromythology and Psychospiritual Aspects of Jupiter
Jupiter was the Divine King of the Old Roman Gods. As previously discussed, He was the Old
Roman counterpart to Zeus, the King of the Greek Pantheon, Whose name was eventually latinized into
deus, meaning “God.”* These two divine patriarchs shared numerous traits, though there were important
differences between Them, based upon the different historical origins and cultural dynamics of the pre-
Christian Greek and Roman cultures, as well. The Old Roman city-states eventually because united into
a republic, which evolved into a world-conquering empire, one which lasted for centuries. On the other
hand, the political unification of Greece occurred not long before her absorption by the Old Roman
Empire; even before then, Greece dominated a far smaller territory than did Rome during the latter’s
imperial phase. Therefore the Roman God Jupiter was patron of the Roman State in a way impossible to
Zeus with respect to either the Grecian federation or the later, short-lived Athenian Empire. Even so,
below Their obvious differences, Jupiter and Zeus are two faces of a single reality. The Old Romans
considered Them to be so, adopting the mythology pertinent to Zeus almost whole cloth for Jupiter, just
as they did the religious stories about the other Olympian Gods to apply to their own. Thus the
mythology of Jupiter is essentially that of Zeus, except for those parts of it that came directly from
aspects of Old Rome differing significantly from the socioeconomic, political, and cultural factors
peculiar to ancient and classic Greece.

*In Latin, “Jupiter” is spelled “Iupiter.” The original form of the word was Iopater, “All-Father.”

According to the Olympian creation myth of the ancient and classical Greek religious traditions, in
the beginning Chaos gave birth to Gaia (Earth). At some unknown time after Her birth, Mother Gaia fell
asleep. As She slept, She bore a son, Ouranos (Uranus = the Heavens or Sky). Ouranos fell in the love
with His mother, and began to shower fertile rains upon her (i.e., He ejaculated upon Her). Impregnated
by this fertilizing rain, She soon began to produce grass, flowers, and trees. Shortly thereafter She gave
birth to the insects, birds, mammals, and other animal life proper to each kind of plant-life now covering
Her fertile body. Ouranos continued to bathe His mother with rain, which overran Her lands and created
Her rivers, lakes, and oceans, complete with fish, frogs, and all the other creatures that inhabit Her
Gaia then bore Her first semi-human children. These were the hundred-handed giants Briareus,
Gyges, and Cotus. Next, She bore the three one-eyed Kyklopes,* fierce, wild beings who were master
smiths and builders of gigantic walls existing in the world long before modern men populated it.** The
names of these three beings were Brontes, Steropes, and Arges. The Kyklopes rebelled against Ouranos’s
harsh rule of the world, and He imprisoned them in Tartaros (the Underworld). Ouranos then fathered the
seven Titans upon Gaia.^#

*This name is usually Latinized as “Cyclops.” It means “Wheel-Eyed Ones.” It refers to the glowing
calderas of active volcanoes, round in shape and shining with fiery light.

**This may have been a “just-so” explanation of the origin of various pre-Hellenic ruins.

#The Titans were worshipped as Gods by early pre-Hellenic settles of the Southern and central portions
of the Attic peninsula. The portion of the Olympic creation story that follows reflects the
replacement of the Titan cult with the Olympian cult as the Hellene invaders swept across
Attica, conquering or destroying the older cultures in the area and replacing the worship of the
Gods of the latter with that of their own Gods.

Enraged by Ouranos’ oppressions and by His treatment of Her sons, the Kyklopes, Gaia persuaded
the Titans to rebel against Their father. Led by Kronos (Whose Roman counterpart was Saturnus), the
youngest among Them, the Titans surprised Ouranos as He slept. Kronos, Whom Gaia, His mother, had
armed with a flint sickle,* mercilessly castrated His father. Grasping His father’s genitals in His left
hand,** Kronos severed them with His sickle and then threw them, along with the sickle, into the sea.
But drops of blood flowing from the dying Ouranos fell upon Gaia, impregnating Her with three more
children: the Erinnyes, the Furies Who avenge crimes of parricide and perjury, Whose names were
Alecto, Tisiphone, and Megaera. The nymphs of the ash-tree, the Meliae, were also born from that

*Assuming that this story reflects real, historical events, however distortedly – an assumption that has
proved fruitful for various lines of investigation concerning origin stories of various peoples –
this detail of the flint sickle places the technological level of the culture upon which it was based
at the Neolithic or earlier. A sickle is a good-sized tool, and the work it is used for is laborious;
ideally, its wielder would want it to have a good, sharp, long-lasting blade. Flint doesn’t take a
sharp edge as dependably as a well-made blade of bronze or steel, and won’t last as long through
steady use, though it usually will take a better edge, and last longer, than a simple copper or iron
implement. Yet the Kyklopes were remembered as “master smiths,” i.e., workers of metal,
implying that they and the Titan culture in general had evolved past the Paleolithic stage, during
which only stone such as flint was worked, into the Neolithic, at which stage some metal-
working takes place. Therefore it is likely the historical originals of the Titans were a Neolithic
people who had some knowledge of the working of metal but a far better-developed technology
of flint-napping and use of tools and weapons made of flint. In general, “children of Gaia,” i.e.,
“children of Earth or natives, probably refers in the main to all pre-Hellenic, Paleolithic and
Neolithic, pre-Olympic cultures on the Attic Peninsula, the most prominent of which at the time
of the invasion of the Olympics was the Titan culture. Zeus, unlike His brothers Hades and
Poseidon, was a God of the heavens or sky; His dethronement of Kronos and the overthrow of
the Titans by the Olympians may represent the historical displacement or destruction of native
cultures of the region by the invading Olympians, similar to that of the overthrow of the native
Dravidian culture of ancient India by the later Aryan invaders. In fact, the preservation of the
Dravidian Great Mother Goddess, Kali/Chandi/Parvati, as a battle-aspect of the Aryan Queen of
Heaven, Durga, is very similar to the inclusion of Pallas/Athena/Medusa, originally a Libyan
matriarchal Goddess, among the Olympians as an aspect of Zeus Himself (i.e., as a child born
from His forehead, His ideal self). That the Goddess Pallas Athena was actually the patron
Goddess of Athens in spite of the patriarchal culture of the Greeks and the fact that the Greek
Pantheon was headed by a male deity is an eerie echo of the fact that Kali, the Mother Goddess
of the despised Draviddians, whose remnants in India are the despised Outcastes, is the most
respected and feared of any deity in the Hindu – i.e., Aryan – Pantheon. (By a similar process,
after the Levitic revolution in early Judea, the Gods and Goddesses, the Elohim, of the tribes that
had been amalgamated into the Kingdom of Judea were included in Judaic hagiology as angels
and archangels in the same way that, centuries later, Western Christianity incorporated local
Gods into the Roman Catholic Church hagiology as the Saints. The Archangel Michael,
originally a God of one of the peoples who later became part of the Kingdom of Judea, was thus
incorporated into the Judaic hagiology as the Captain of the Archangels, Defender of the Throne
of the Most High. Christianity eventually inherited this hagiology, and the Archangel Michael
also became the Christian Saint Michael, with essentially the same duties – e.g., it was Michael
who led the Angelic Hosts against Satan and Fallen Angels, and who would command those
same hosts come the Last Battle and Judgment Day, at the End of Days. Regardless of gender,
Michael had much the same relationship to JHVH ALHIM as Pallas Athena did to Zeus,
Minerva to Jupiter, and Kali/Parvati/Chandi to Durga and Brahma. So essentially alike are these
paradigms among these otherwise widely differing cultures and peoples that it is almost certain
that they point to one underlying sociobiological and psychospiritual reality, invariant among all
human cultures and perhaps among all terrestrial species. What that reality may be is something
very much worth investigating not only by Hermeticists, but by sociobiologists, anthropologists,
and ecologists, because the results of such research could have an important bearing on our
understanding of ourselves, not only as a species, but also as part of our living world, and of the
likely future of ourselves and our world.

**Ever since then, the left hand has been the hand of ill-omen.
The Titans then released the Kyklopes from Tartaros, and made Kronos Their king, monarch of all
the Earth. But no sooner had They crowned Kronos than He re-imprisoned the Kyklopes once more in
Tartaros. He then married His sister, Rhea, and commenced His harsh, tyrannical rule over the Earth.
But both Kronos’ mother, Gaia, and His dying father, Ouranos, prophesied that one of Kronos’ own
sons would eventually dethrone Him. Therefore every year, when each of His children were born to
Rhea, Kronos swallowed the child: first His daughter Hestia, Who would become Goddess of the Hearth;
then Demeter, Who would become Goddess of Fertility and Agriculture; then Hera, Who would become
Queen of Heaven; then Hades, Who would become God of Death and the Underworld; then Poseidon,
Who would become the Lord of the Oceans.
Finally, outraged by Kronos’ cannibalization of Her children, Rhea arranged to bear Her next child
and third son, Zeus, in the dead of night on Mount Lycaeum in Arcadia. She gave Her new-born son to
Gaia. In turn, Gaia gave Zeus to the ash-nymphs Adrasteia and Io and the goat-nymph Amalthea who
lived in the Cave of Dicte on the Aegean Hill to raise. The three nymphs raised Zeus there together with
the infant Pan, Who would become the wild Goat-God of the Hills and Deep Forests. When Zeus
eventually became Lord of the Universe, out of gratitude to the kind nymphs, His foster-mothers, He set
Amalthea among the Stars as the Constellation Capricorn, thereby including her in the company of the

*Zeus also borrowed one of Amalthea’s horns, and gave it to the daughters of Melisseus. This horn
became the legendary Cornucopia, the Horn of Plenty, which is always filled with whatever food
or drink its owner may desire. The Cornucopia may be a symbol of the divine Vulva of the
Great Goddess, Who was worshipped the world over for countless millenia before the advent of
patriarchal cultures some 7,000 years ago. This “just-so” story about the origin of the
Cornucopia may reflect attempts by the patriarchal Hellenes to come to terms with the
matrifocial, Goddess-worshipping cultures which they displaced as they invaded and conquered
the Attic peninsula, keeping the Goddess and Her Magickal Weapons rather than outlawing the
Goddess-cult. If so, they nevertheless made sure that Zeus, the divine Patriarch, All-Father of
Earth and Heaven, kept ultimate control of the Goddess’s potent Self and Powers, which
otherwise could rise again and perhaps destroy the Hellenic culture and the latter’s control of
Attica. 80a

Around the cradle of the infant Zeus, which was hung in a tree (so that Kronos couldn’t find Him in
Heaven, nor on Earth, nor in the sea), stood armed guards, the Kuretes, sons of Rhea. They clashed their
spears against the shields and shouted loudly to drown out the sound of the child’s cries, which Kronos
might otherwise have heard. In the meantime, Rhea had wrapped a stone in swaddling clothes and given
the bundle to Kronos, Who, believing this was His new son, swallowed it. Even so, Kronos finally found
out what had really happened, and set out to find Zeus. To escape His father’s murderous wrath, Zeus
transformed Himself into a serpent and His foster-mothers into bears. Later, He commemorated this part
of His young life by creating the Constellation Serpens, and set the ash-nymphs in the heavens as the
Greater and Lesser Bear, simultaneously honoring their kindness to Him during His infancy and youth.
Zeus grew to manhood among the shepherds of Ida, in another cave. When He reached maturity, He
sought out Metis the Titaness, Who lived beside the vast, world-circling River Ocean. On Her advice He
sought out His mother, Rhea, and asked Her to make Him Kronos’ cup-bearer so that in that He might
thereby gain an opportunity to rescue His siblings, Who were still in Their father’s belly. Rhea quickly
agreed, and mixed up a powerful emetic, which Metis had told Zeus to mix with Kronos’ drink. This
plan went off without a hitch. Kronos drank great quantities of the doped drink. Soon He became
extremely nauseated and began vomiting. First, He vomited up the stone Rhea had given Him in place of
Zeus. Then, one after the other, He vomited up Zeus’s brothers and sisters, who sprang forth from Their
father’s belly unhurt. In gratitude, They asked Zeus to lead Them in battle against the Titans, Who were
led by Atlas, since Kronos was now too old to do so.
The war between the Titans and the Olympians lasted 10 years. The Olympians finally won when
Zeus freed the Kyklopes and the Hundred-Handed Ones from Tartaros, strengthened them with food and
drink, and won them over as allies. In return, the Kyklopes gave the Olympians potent gifts: to Zeus
they gave the Thunderbolt as an offensive weapon; to Hades, they gave the Helmet of Invisibility, which
generated an impenetrable darkness around Him and made Him invisible whenever He wore it*; and to
Poseidon, they gave the Trident, another offensive weapon.** Using these Weapons, and backed up by
the Hundred-Handed Ones, who threw gigantic boulders^# at the Titans, the Olympians conquered
Kronos and the other Titans. With the exception of Atlas, the Titans, including Kronos, were banished to
the British Isles, and never again troubled Hellas. Atlas, the war-chief of the Titans, was punished by
being made to carry the sky on his shoulders.^## The Titanesses were spared, however, for the sake of
Their sister Rhea and Metis, since these two Titanesses had helped Zeus to trick Kronos into
regurgitating the other Olympians.

*The Norse version of this Weapon is the Tarnknappe, the Cap of Invisibility made by the Dwarf
Albericht and stolen from him by Odin (Wotan). The dwarves of the Norse myths and legends
bear the same relationship to the Norse Gods that the Kyklopes, Hundred-Handed Ones, and
other, non-deified Children of Gaia (Earth) do to the Titans and, later, the Olympians. Legends
about them are almost certainly based upon the experience which the Celts and other immigrants
into what is today Western and Central Europe had with the original native peoples there, many
of whom were very competent workers in metal and stone.

**In Hindu mythology, one of the aspects of Shiva, God of Destruction and Enlightenment, is that of the
Power of the Sun upon the Waters, a kind of Sea-God. Shiva’s weapon, like that of Poseidon, is
the Trident, with powers identical to those of Poseidon’s Weapon. (Originally, Shiva is a God of
the Full Moon, just as Kali, His wife, is a Lunar Goddess and a Goddess of the Eclipse.)80b

#This could refer to gigantic siege-engines, such as ballistae, of the sort frequently used by large armies
against fortified cities from at least the time of Cyrus on. The Hundred-Handed Ones were
supposed to have great skill as engineers and craftsmen, who could well have turned their skills
to military uses.

##This may be a conflation of several different legends and myths. The Atlas Mountains of Northwest
Africa, stretching across Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia, have peaks up to 4,150 meters (more
than two miles) high. Metaphorically speaking, they “carry the sky on their shoulders” – a
saying from ancient times. The battle-master of the defeated Titans, whatever his original name,
was probably exiled to that region after it was all over. Either his name was then given by
Greeks to those mountains, or he was remembered for his banishment to that area, which already
had the name; in either event, this part of the legend most probably commemorates exile and
banishment of a defeated war-leader, not a torturous physical punishment (imposition of which,
in the literal form given in the myth, would have been physically impossible, anyway).

In this way, Zeus became King of the Gods and Lord of the Universe. As previously discussed,
Jupiter is essentially identical in this as well as the rest of His story to Zeus, Their mythologies differing
only superficially. These differences are due primarily to expedient modifications in the Greek myths
made by Imperial Rome to encourage continued adherence to and support of the Empire by the people.
Jupiter/Zeus also bears a strong resemblance to Brahma, war-leader and king of the Hindu pantheon.
However, Zeus/Jupiter differs in important ways from Odin/Wotan, leader of the Norse Gods.
Zeus/Jupiter was primarily a politician. Odin/Wotan, on the other hand, though of course a political
adept, like Zeus, was also a Magickian, like Hermes/Mercury (Who was not King of the Gods). Nor
does the amorous and pleasure-loving Zeus/Jupiter resemble JHVH, the God of the Old Testament, Who,
by the time of the establishment of the Kingdom of Judea under King David, had evolved into an
apparently bodiless Voice emanating from unknown worlds, without carnal needs or desires, the pure
superego of a people and little else, commanding His adherents to live lives of righteousness and virtuous
abstentious from many of the things which the Greeks, like the Romans, considered to be life’s necessary
Huge-natured in all things, Jupiter/Zeus was first in war, first in justice, and first in mercy and
beneficence (except when it suited His convenience, lusts, or rage to do otherwise). He did not begrudge
men their pleasures any more than He begrudged Himself the same pleasures. And while He might scour
the heavens and the Earth with the terrible fury of His Thunderbolts when His wrath was aroused by evil
or even just simple impudence committed by any of His subjects, human or otherwise, once the
miscreants had been punished and His rage had been satisfied, He acted only in kindness, distributing the
bounty of the Universe impartially to all. By the advent of Christianity, He had evolved into a God
rivalling JHVH in justice and love for His children, but without that God’s parochialism and dislike of
the compellingly carnal. His worship covered the known world, with His temples set up throughout the
Roman Empire. The vengeance of Ouranos had ironically become the blessing of all humankind: the
establishment of the heavenly rule of the truly Great Good Father.
Astrologically speaking, the influence of Jupiter closely fits His mythology. The original Divine
Party-Animal, He is the Greater Benefic, as Venus is the Lesser Benefic. Traditionally, more than any
other Planet, He signifies success, expansion, opportunity, achievement, good luck, prosperity, and, in
general, every good thing life can offer. The Planets from Jupiter outward aren’t so much concerned with
the individual’s personal existence and experience, as they are with one’s environment. Jupiter has to do
with the amount of support which relatives, friends, spouses, and society as a whole gives to the
individual, and the abundance which life has to offer him or her. At least for those living in Western
urban cultures which have not yet learned to live within their ecological means, Jupiter’s influence is
almost the reverse of that of Saturn, Who governs the amount of resistance which one encounters in one’s
social and ecological environment in the process of trying to fulfill one’s wants and needs. Jupiter
expands life’s horizons to the maximum possible, and opens the doors the new opportunities and
experiences through which one can grow and improve one’s life. Jupiter integrates the individual into the
world by encouraging him or her to reach out to life and achieve ever more, for both him/herself and
According to Michael Meyer, Jupiter represents

[t]he principle of preservation, increase, and compensaiton.

The process of individual assimilation of the social
consciousness/ The urge to be a self-sustaining entity
consciously participating within the social realm. The
establishment of a larger frame of reference and the power
to grow through co-operation with experience. Dharma, or
the individual’s ‘power of right action.’ The guru,
patriarch or savior image.

Cyclic Meaning: The expansion of the individual’s realm of

activity within the social sphere.

Retrograde: A life dedicated to the service of a higher

principle; or, social withdrawal.81

Whereas Saturn represents the Superego, self-restriction one one’s behavior out of fear of social
reprisal and/or desire for social approval, particularly from authority figures, Jupiter represents the
Conscience, ethically motivated self-restraint, action based upon mercy, compassion, and love. 82 He is
the good, wise, kind, and benefic ruler, judge, and administrator, the State as Benefactor, the source of all
good things, as opposed to Saturn, Who represents the State as Authority. Jupiter also represents the
highest form of wisdom which we as mortals can ordinarily comprehend. He is the administrator of
Earthly justice; while often this requires punitive actions, that isn’t the main thrust of His influence,
which is directed to bringing about the most good for the greatest number, i.e., equity law, as opposed to
adversarial law, ruled by Saturn. Venus refines the abundance brought into being by Luna; in turn,
Jupiter distributes the fruits of Venus’s work as equitably as possible. He represents all those aspects of
Sol involved with wealth, happiness, and security, distributed across society as a whole. His placement
in any horoscope generally indicates how luck, opportunity, and beneficence will enter the life of the
native, or influence a matter under consideration in a horary or event chart for the benefit of all
Section 3: Correspondences


Egyptian: Amoun, Amoun-Ra.

Greek: Zeus (in Latin, Deus = “God”); Pallas Athena.
Roman: Jupiter (Io-Pater, “God All-Father”); Minerva.
Scandinavian: Odin, Wotan.
Polynesian: Tane (Kane) (as Lord of the Heavens); Ta’aroa (Kanaloa) (as hurler of the lightning).
Native Australian:
Hindu: Brahma, Indra.
Szekeli (Romany Gypsy):
Chinese: the Jade Emperor (ruler of Heaven)
The French Enlightenment: Justice, Egalité.
Central American:
American Indian:
American folklore: Pecos Bill, Paul Bunyan (tall tales, big men)
SubGenius: Wotan/Odin/JHVH-1
Discordianism: Foghorn Leghorn, Porky Pig, Eris (rough justice! <G>)
Southeast Asia:
Voudon: Shango or Chango, Lord of the Lightning-Bolt, Giver of Justice (a God of thunder or
explosives, ruled by Uranus, in Whose Sign Aquarius Jupiter is exalted).
Christianity: St. James (Santiago, San Diego, etc); Joseph of Aramathea
Judaism: Tzedkiel
The Land of Oz: Ozma of Oz; Glinda the Good.
Lovecraft: Randolph Carter (far-traveler)
Stephen King novels:
Science fiction: Randolph Carter; Baron Münchausen’s tales;
LaVeyan Satanism:


AL (Aleph-Lamed)

World religions:

Olympian religion of ancient and Classical Greece; JHVH-1 and Fightin’ Jesus cults of SubGenius



Angelic Choir:



Angels given by Barrett, et al.:

Olympic Planetary Spirit:






Spirits given by Bardon, Barrett, et al.:

Name of Planet in Hebrew:



Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor, and do
all your work; but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God; in it you
shall not do any work, you, or your son, or your daughter, your manservant, or your
maidservant, or your cattle, or the sojourner who is within your gates; for in six
days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the
seventh day; therefore the Lord Blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it.

Exodus 20: 8-11

The Ten Plagues of Egypt (from Exodus 9 and after):

Plague of hail and fire (Zeus’s weapon is the Thunderbolt, i.e., meteorites

Verses of the Creation Story from Genesis (Genesis1-3):

And God said, ‘Let the waters bring forth swarms

of living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across
the firmament of the heavens.’ So God created the great
sea monsters, and every living creature that moves, with
which the waters swarm, according to their kinds, and
every winged bird according to its kind. And God blessed
them, saying, ‘Be fruitful and multiply and fill the waters
in the seas, and let birds multiply on the earth.’ And there
was evening, and there was morning, a fifth day.

Genesis 1:20-23

Cantos from the Inferno of Dante Alighieri:

Cantos from the Purgatorio of Dante Alighieri:

Cantos from the Paradiso of Dante Alighieri:

Orders of Qlippoth:

Gha’agsheblah, “Smiters”

Qlipphotic Spirit:


Article of Bill of Rights (the first ten amendments to the Constitution of the United States of America):

Amendment IV

The right of the people to be secure in their persons,

houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and
seizures, shall not be violated, and no arrests shall issue, but
upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and
particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons
or things to be seized.

General astrological classification:

Fruitful, benefic, warm, moist, electric, masculine

General Qaballistic classification:

Key 4, Geburah, Sephirah 4, occupying the intersection of the Third Plane and Right-Hand Pillar of
Mercy of the traditional Tree of Life; Key 21, Kaph, Atu connecting Geburah and Sephirah 7, Netzach.

General attributions of the Tarot:

The four Fours; Trump X, Fortune.

Title(s) of Tarot Trump:

The Lord of the Forces of Life

Correct design of Tarot Trump (Golden Dawn):

A wheel of six spokes, whereon revolve the Triad of Hermanubis, Sphinx, and Typhon

Title and Attributes of Court Cards:

There are no Court Cards associated with Jupiter.

Title & Attributions of Numbered Cards of the Tarot:

Four of Wands: Venus in Aries, 20-29 degrees Aries, Perfected Work

Four of Cups: Luna in Cancer, 20-29 degrees Cancer, Pleasure
Four of Swords: Jupiter in Libra, 20-29 degrees Libra, Rest from Strife
Four of Coins: Sun in Capricorn, 20-29 degrees Capricorn, Earthly Power

Alchemical and Pythagorean Associations:

The metal tin; the principle of Expansion (as of gases)

Trigrams and/or Hexagrams from I Ching, and Other Aspects of Taoist Cosmology:

__ __

Sun, “The Gentle” (The Penetrating, Wind)


Ch’ien, Heaven, The Creative

Hexagrams (King Wen arrangement): 1, Ch’ien (Ch’ien above Ch’ien); 57, Sun (Sun above Sun)

General associations: Yang: the Pine. Yin: the Bamboo. Wood, Wind, East, Spring, vitality,
production, the solid but workable, sour, blue or green, controls liver and gall, the Dragon. Tin, salt.

Ninpo and Shinto (Way of the Kami) Associations:

Air, Void (as Heaven)

Other Magickal Correspondences, according to Barrett, et. al:

Day of the Week ruled by Jupiter:





Hours of the Day ruled by Jupiter:


The first, eighth, fifteenth . . . daylight hours after the first moment of dawn of Thursday; the third,
tenth, seventeenth . . . hours after the first moment of sunset on Thursday night



Grades of the Temple:

7th degree = 4th grade, Adeptus Exemplus (highest grade of Second Order)


Liber 777 gives the following. King Scale: deep violet (Key 4), violet (Key 21); Queen Scale: blue
(Key 4), blue (Key 21); Emperor Scale: deep purple (Key 4), rich purple (Key 21); Empress Scale:
(deep azure, flecked yellow (Key 4), bright blue, rayed yellow (Key 21).
Generally, the colors and combinations of colors associated with Jupiter include royal purple, violet,
deep blue, royal blue, and some blends of red and indigo such as magenta and claret. To these, Davis
adds red mixed with green and ash-color. 83 Watters adds yellow-green and aquamarine, perhaps because
of Jupiter’s traditional rulership of Pisces, i.e., of the ocean and the Element Water, which often display
these colors.83a


Patterns related to growth and expansion, e.g., as in time-wise studies of population growth, series of
maps showing expansions of empires, etc. Shiela-na-Gig Celtic luck/fertility figure. Four-leafed clovers.

Forms, shapes, lineal figures, geomantic figures, figures related to pure number, and numerological

Jupiter is associated with full, generous curves. These are usually prominently displayed in the
handwriting of those in whose natal horoscopes and lives Jupiter is prominent. Jupiter rules solid figures,
that is, three-dimensional (cubical) ones, as well as the square and the rhombus, both four-sided figures.
The numbers 4 and 21 are associated with Jupiter, since these are His Key-Scale numbers. Therefore
the Mystic Numbers of the Sephiroth 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 10 and 1 + 2 + . . . + 21 = 231 are associated with
Him, as well. The number of Jupiter’s Trump, Fortune, is 10 (that is, the Roman numeral X). The sum
of the letters that make up the name of His Sephirah, CheSeD (Cheth-Samekh-Daleth) is 8 + 60 + 4 = 72,
while the sum of the letters that spell the name of His Atu, KaPh (Kaph-Peh), is 20 + 80 = 100. Jupiter’s
God-Names in Assiah (the Material World) are AL, ABA, and AL AB (respectively “the God,” “the
Father,” and “God the Father”); the sums of the letters spelling these are respectively 1 + 30 = 31, 1 + 2
+ 1 = 4, and 1 + 30 + 1 + 2 = 34. Finally, the value of the Hebrew letter associated with His Atu, Kaph,
is 20 = 4 x 5. Clearly the number 4 is strongly associated with Jupiter, since it factors most of the other
numbers associated with him and/or constitutes the sum of their digits. The number 10 also factors many
of them; further, 10 is equal to 1 + 2 + 3 + 4, the Mystic Number of His Sephirah, Chesed, and so is also
an archetypal number of Jupiter.
The 4 x 4 Magick Square of Jupiter, used to construct sigils for Jovial talismans and amulets, is as

4 14 15 1
9 7 6 2
5 11 10 8
16 2 3 13

Seal of Jupiter:

Seal of Intelligence of Jupiter, YAHPhIEL:

Seal of Spirit of Jupiter, HISMAEL:

Stones, gems, and metals:

Liber 777 gives lapis lazuli, the deep blue-violet color of which represents Jupiter’s spiritual nature;
the amethyst, because of its violet color, its ability to protect against poisons, and its traditional use as the
stone of episcopal rank*; and the sapphire, because its color is the blue of the Element Water,
traditionally ruled by Jupiter (in the West).
*In addition, the amethyst is associated with Pisces, a Sign traditionally ruled by Jupiter.

Other stones traditionally associated with Jupiter include turquoise, because of its sky-blue color
(Jupiter was ruler of the heavens or sky); topaz; hyacinth; jacinth; chalcedony; diamond; chelidon;
bezoar; armenia; iris; green arabian; and carnelian. 84
Traditionally the metal of Jupiter is tin (chemical element Sn, Z = 50).

Herbs and Trees:

Liber 777 gives the oak, traditionally sacred to Jupiter because, as Jupiter is King of the Gods, the
oak is King of Trees; the olive tree*; the shamrock (it has four leaves, and brings luck); arnica ,
because of its ability to relieve pain; the hyssop (used to purge the liver, which is ruled by Jupiter; also,
because of its religious use in lustration); the opium poppy, because it relieves pain and gives “Olympian
detachment”; the poplar, because of its soft and easily swollen pulp and great height; cedar, because
incense made from it is used for religious purposes, and protects vestments from attacks by moths; and
the fig, a symbol of the testicle, and thus of male sexuality and virility, archetypal aspects of Jupiter
(also, perhaps, because of its soft, sensual texture and its rich purple color).


*Because it was a potential source of enormous wealth; also, Pallas Athena, Zeus’s idealized self, was
supposed to have given the olive tree to humanity as one of Her great gifts.

Generally speaking, Jupiter is associated with various nutritious fruits and nuts, such as almonds,
apricots, asparagus, the chestnut, currants, rhubarb, rose-hips, and strawberries; plants with a pleasant
odor, such as anise, balm, balsam, cloves, jasmine, linden, meadowsweet, mint, myrrh, and nutmeg; the
oak tree, which is associated with Zeus-Jupiter in mythology; medicinal plants which affect the liver or
the arterial system, which are ruled by Jupiter, such as chervil, cinquefoil, dandelion, deer-tongue, docks,
garlic, leeks, limes, liverwort, onions, sage, and scurvy grass; and miscellaneous others, including
agrimony, the ash tree, birch, betony, bloodwort, borage, daisies, the fir tree, jasmine, the mulberry,
nailwort, polypody, small samphire, swallow-wort, sugarcane, thorn apple, wild pinks, and wild succory.

Animals and Other Organisms:

Liber 777 gives the unicorn (a symbol of virility) and the eagle (Jupiter’s messenger).
In general, the animals associated with Jupiter include large animals, such as the horse, elephant, and
whale (which is also a marine creature, ruled by Pisces, of which Jupiter is the traditional Lord); those
with valuable fur, such as the ermine, sable, mink, seal, and chinchilla; the ostrich, because of its size
and because of the great distances it was once necessary to travel for Westerners to view or catch one;
and the turkey. Any animal of the sky (Sagittarius) or sea (Pisces) is secondarily ruled by Jupiter.

Ecological domain or process:

Jupiter is associated with detoxification, hence with the natural systems which, over time, detoxify
and cleanse the soil, air, and water of pollution (Neptune is also associated with these); the oceans
(because of His dominion over Pisces; Neptune is the primary ruler of the oceans); and the great natural
balances of the living world (because of His aspect as the Just Judge, i.e., He Who Restores Balance to
the World).

Legendary orders of being:

Liber 777 gives Incubi and Nightmares.

Foods, drugs, and perfumes:

For vegetable drugs, Liber 777 gives opium and cocaine. For perfumes, it gives cedar, saffron, and
all “generous odors.”
Goldstein-Jacobson gives olive oil, honey, fruits, and sweet, heavy wines, such as Maneschewitz. 96
De Vore gives things that have a fragrant or bland taste or scent. 97
By extrapolation from Jupiter’s essential nature, He rules all rich or luxurious foods, especially those
prepared as part of a banquet given to many people; the wine and wafer used in Holy Communion; and
food or drug that affects the liver or general circulation, which is ruled by Jupiter; fattening foods; drugs
that make one feel expansive, generous-spirited, or megalomanic; homeopathic preparations of stones,
metals, minerals, or other substances ruled by Jupiter; food prepared from animals or plants taken from
the sea; agricultural products of all kinds; and all rich odors and valuable perfumes.

Clothing, Magickal Weapons, and other things, objects, and processes:

For Magickal Powers, Liber 777 gives the Vision of Love and the Power of Acquiring Political and
Other Ascendancy. For Magickal Weapons, it gives the Wand, Scepter, or Crook (i.e., Bishop’s Crosier).
Jupiter rules high ceremonial in any form. He especially rules sacred and holy things, and things
connected with religions, religious centers and buildings, and the Bible; rosaries; churches, synagogues,
mosques, and other religious buildings, and all their furnishings, including altars, the Ark of Torah and
torah scrolls, stained-glass windows, religious regalia, and ecclesiastical robes.
He rules higher education in all its forms, and therefore all things connected with it. These include
institutions such as colleges and universities and their furnishings; the cap and gown worn at graduation
ceremonies; professorial regalia; and diplomas. He also rules publishers and publishing, especially
those connected with supplying students of higher education with textbooks or religious texts and
hymnals for churches, synagogues, mosques, monasteries, etc. And he rules philosophy and
Jupiter rules all rituals of state and their accoutrements, and therefore crown jewels, uniforms,
medals, parade regalia, robes of state, court-costumes, judges’ wigs, the baton, and the judge’s gavel or
Jupiter rules people of high station, great fame, or great national or international importance,
including those who attain fame through crime and dishonor as well as those who attain it honestly and
Jupiter rules codes of honor and ethics, legal systems, law, lawyers, and law schools.
Jupiter rules expansion and growth, and their expression in terms of material wealth. He therefore
rules machinery that brings gain, such as gambling machines, lottery wheels, ATM bank machines, and
so on. He rules large fortunes, and the instruments used to negotiate large monetary transactions, such as
letters-of-credit and similar instruments used by banks and other large financial institutions, including
electronic versions of such documents. For the same reason He rules luck, hence prizes and awards;
gamblers and gambling; and good fortune in any form. He rules lavish expenditures of all kinds, and
therefore losses through reckless speculation or gambling.
Jupiter rules large vehicles such as vans, trains, buses, and parade-floats. He is also associated with
all things that are connected with long-distance travel and travel for pleasure, including caravans, ships,
Winnebagos, land-rovers (vehicles), foreigners, strangers (even those one meets at home), foreign
languages, and the science of linguistics. He rules charitable and philanthropic organizations and the
things connected with them.
He rules public functions, assemblies of a state or official nature, social gatherings, and anything
associated with them, such as theaters, banquets, and the jewelry and clothing associated with high-
society and state functions.
Jupiter rules circuses and large pleasure-parties, and the things associated with them. He rules horse-
racing, race-tracks, and stables for race-horses. He rules large mountains, and mountain-climbers.
He rules large wild animals, zoos, and game preserves.
His musical instruments include the pipe-organ and the calliope. And of course He rules symphony
Four-leafed clovers, rabbit’s-feet, and other luck talismans are ruled by Jupiter.

Anatomy and physiology:

Liber 777 gives the digestive system. With this assignment I disagree. Virgo, ruled by Mercury, is
the ruler of the small intestines, and Scorpio, ruled by Mars and Pluto, rules the bowels. Traditionally,
Jupiter rules the liver – an assignment which Liber 777, for reasons best known to itself and God, gives to
Key 22, which is associated with the Sign Libra!
Jupiter rules the posterior pituitary gland; the feet, thighs, buttocks, hips, and hip-joints; the liver,
the intestines (secondarily; see above for the primary rulers), and muscles (secondarily; Mars is the
primary ruler). He rules growth as a general process. He rules control of the shoulders and arms, in
motions which depend upon good timing for their effectiveness. He rules the sciatic nerve and its
function. He rules cell nutrition and development and flesh-building. He rules blood plasma, the arterial
system, and the formation of hemoglobin and red corpuscles.
In pre-Christian Greek and Roman religious astrology, He also rules the testicles and external male
genitalia, as well as male sexuality and virility. In modern Western astrology, these, along with the
female genitalia, are ruled by Scorpio and Pluto, with Mars being the secondary ruler of the male
genitalia and Venus that of the female genitalia. However, the older assignment makes a good deal of
sense in terms of general sociobiology. The division of a species into male and female originally began
as establishment of specializations for providing a means of nurturance and stability for the young of the
species, in the form of the ovum (female); and one for species dispersal, in the form of spermatozoa
(male). These two functions could co-exist in the same, hermaphroditic individual, e.g., as in modern
snails; or they could be manifest in morphologically different individuals, e.g., as in all modern
mammals. Regardless, it is the task of the “male” to make sure that the next generation is optimally
dispersed throughout the habitat, to prevent overcrowding and overuse of the resources of the habitat,
which could be detrimental to the growing young as well as to the environment that they depend on for
survival; and it is that of the “female” to make sure that the “male” dispersal function isn’t overdone,
that the individual young aren’t so widely dispersed that essential resources aren’t available to them or
they can’t find mates when the time comes for them to reproduce. The “male” thus roves far from “his”
birthplace; the “female” tends to stay close to home. Jupiter not only rules long-distance travel, but the
keeping of harems, male promiscuity, and frequenting of bordellos. He is thus associated with
exaggerated forms of human male behavior that are perfect human expressions of the essential “male”
function – spreading one’s genes as widely as possible, through as many offspring as possible. That
Jupiter also rules the husbandman, the paterfamilias, doesn’t contradict this – many a culture expects a
man of substance to have one or more mistresses or concubines in addition to one or more “official”
wives, the sort of thing for which Zeus and Jupiter were famous. At any rate, fior this reason Jupiter can
certainly be considered the secondary ruler of the testes and the male genitalia, if not the primary one.


Jupiter rules the abstract and creative faculties; broad generalizations, and reasoning and
comparisons based on them; idealism; a powerful sense of the dramatic and ceremonial; obsession with
a desire to be of service to humanity; optimism; harmony; the orderly mind; the expansive and
gregarious personality; talent for amassing great wealth, but without Saturn’s miserliness; generosity,
both materially and spiritually; temperateness; sociability; hopefulness; a peace-loving, law-abiding
nature; the philosophical temperament and faculties; religious inclinations; the “higher,” spiritual
faculties; moral integrity; the ethical sense; the just and ethical person; wise judgment tempered with
mercy; a love of beauty applied to grandeur and the sublime; a love of the fine arts, especially sculpture;
broad vision; open-mindedness; reasonableness.
Jupiter creates conditions through which such qualities can be expressed, such as health, as an
expression of physical harmony; law, as an expression of social harmony; or religion, as an expression
of spiritual harmony. In all cases, these are vehicles of creation and maintenance of justice, harmony,
and balance, not particularly as intellectual diversions or the means of acquiring wealth. Jupiter
represents wise judgment, benevolent power, profit, good fortune, honesty, and dignity, and all the
psychological traits and faculties that express or mediate these. On a lower level, Jupiter is also
concerned with respectability and Gemütlichkeit, and the drive to acquire and maintain these.
At his best, the Jovial person is generous, expansive, genial, temperate, vital, benevolent, respectful,
and self-controlled. But when frustrated, he or she is likely to become proud, dissipated, boastful, a
compulsive gambler, a spendthrift, extravagant, procrastinating, complacent, or hypocritical.

Diseases and dysfunctions:

Liber 777 gives dropsy and gout for diseases ruled by Jupiter.
Jupiter is associated with illnesses and dysfunctions of any of the parts of the body ruled by Him, as
well as those involving or the result of pathological expansion, distention, or growths anywhere in the
body. Such illnesses include those that are a result of over-indulgence, such as hangovers or gout, both
of which are cries of outrage from an unhappy liver; congestion of tissues; chronic systemic acidity;
abnormal blood pressure; and apoplexy (cerebral congestion, often leading to stroke). Jupiter increases
the magnitude of any symptoms of illness. He causes excessive expansion of tissues, superabundance of
fluids or glandular secretion, flabby tissues, and impurities in the blood due to dietary indiscretions. He
causes fatty degeneration of parts of the body ruled by the Sign in which He currently resides; this is
worst in the Sign Leo, which rules the heart. He initiates unwanted growths, such as fibroids and other
non-malignant tumors; such growths could, however, become malignant due to bad aspects between
Jupiter and Saturn, and in any cause would do harm to nearby organs as Jupiter continues to cause them
to increase in size and put pressure on neighboring tissues. Jupiter is also associated with pathologies
such as obesity, megalomania, obsessions, and compulsions that drive the native to work too hard or try
to care for too many people; an inability to take a personal stand on any issue; compulsive extravagance
and gambling; and religious mania.

Occupations and ecological niches:

Jupiter rules professions involved in banking, especially international finance, and such occupation
niches as cashiers and bank-tellers; careers in law, as exemplified by senators, magistrates, judges, and
attorneys; ecclesiastical careers, such as those of bishops, priests, ministers, rabbis, and preachers;
careers in higher education, especially the teaching of philosophy; clothiers; restaurant workers;
publishers; linguists; gamblers, bookies, croupiers, and owners of gambling-houses; jockeys, racetrack
touts, horse-breeders, and owners and managers of race-tracks; mountain-climbers; philanthropists;
ambassadors; professions and occupations involving high status, great fame, or national importance;
travel-agents and adventurers (who travel widely in foreign lands); tin miners; and zoo-keepers,
managers of game preserves, zoo docents, and all others connected with zoos and anything else dealing
with large wild animals.

Places, nations, and peoples:

Jupiter rules all places of dignity and solemnity, commanding respect or reverence. These include,
e.g., churches, cathedrals, altars and confessionals; law courts and military tribunals; banks; large,
ornate buildings such as palaces, etc. (another reason He rules cathedrals); and large institutions such as
universities and great libraries. He rules any large, luxurious, or valuable property, building, or other
place; parliamentary and other legislative meeting-places; places of higher education; and charitable or
philanthropic institutions and the buildings that house them, such as public library systems established
through philanthropy, and hospitals for the poor.
Among peoples, Jupiter rules or co-rules all theocracies.
Jupiter rules the Republican political party in the United States. This may be because He was the
chief God of the Pantheon of the Old Roman Republic, and could be considered to have been its ruler,
though Mars and His sister Venus were the rulers of the Roman people per se.

Planetary Age of Man:

Jupiter rules the Sixth Age. Traditionally, this age spans ages 58-69, the period when, having
already achieved a certain success in life, one continues to nurture and administer what one has created,
but with an increased awareness and understanding. This is a time of increased reflection upon Earthly
events and contemplation of a greater, spiritual reality.
By the reckoning according to which each Planet rules a decade of life, beginning with Luna and
proceeding outward to Pluto and any Planets beyond, Jupiter rules ages 51-60. This is the period of full
maturation of Earthly wisdom, and the beginnings of true spiritual maturity.

Matters of the horoscope:

Jupiter rules abundance, in any form; adventure; affluence; altars; artificial legs and hip-joints;
beliefs; cathedrals; churches, Kingdom Halls, mosques, pagan and Magickal Circles, Sacred Groves,
synagogues, and temples; celebrations and parties; ceremonies and ritual; charity and philanthropy;
courts, both those concerned with law and those of nobility or royalty*; exploration; gamblers and
gambling in any form, including lotteries, games of chance, betting, etc.; generosity; gifts; judges;
judgment (as a faculty) and judiciousness; luck, fortune; optimism, hopefulness; philosophy;
publishing; religion; the Republican Party of American politics; and universities and other institutions
of higher education.

*Originally these were identical. It was the Lord of the Realm – count, duke, king, or other ruler – who
ruled on matters of law and even made the law. Modern aristocracies are the descendants of the
early feudal and other systems in which the rulers were simultaneously military, religious, and civil
authority. Today, these functions are usually invested in separate agencies, e.g., legislative bodies,
religious organizations, military agencies, etc., and the aristocracy – where it still exists in an
established form, such as in England – is mostly a repository of cultural heritage, little more. But in
the beginning, the ruler was divine, his or her mandate given by heaven, and the word of the
monarch was that of the Gods Themselves (except when the ruler’s behavior became so outrageous
that it was decided that “the mandate of Heaven had been removed,” in which case the ruler either
got the hell out of Dodge a few steps ahead of the local tar-and-feather party, or joined his or her
ancestors in some creatively nasty way, to be replaced by someone a little more biddable by the
Gods). For this reason, Jupiter rules monarchs, legislators, and ecclesiastics, as well, for originally
all these were invested in the same man or woman, who represented the Will and Earthly
manifestation of God. The Latin word deus, “God,” after all is derived from Zeus, the Greek name
for Supreme Divine Lord; it is generic for “God” but also refers especially to Jupiter. The “Will of
God” is above all the “Will of Jupiter” or “Will of Jove,” and it was this Will of which the early
rulers were the Earthly agents. For this reason, Jupiter rules rulers and authority of all kinds, hence
what are today the multiple functions of church, state, aristocracy, etc.


Beethoven’s Sixth and Ninth symphonies; Gustav Holst’s “Jupiter: The Bringer of Jollity,” in his
The Planets; Vangelis’ sound-track for the film Chariots of Fire; all grand and grandiose music


Alfred Noyes’s “The Barrel-Organ”

Books and other literary productions:

The Chemical Rubber Company’s Chemical Handbook, any good-sized encyclopedia, The Oxford
Dictionary of the English Language (the two-volume job that comes with the little magnifying glass that
most of us have ripped off from the book-clubs at some time or another*), most of James Michener’s
works, and a good many of Stephen King’s, if sheer size is any consideration; cookbooks concerned with
gourmet foods or exotic delicacies; textbooks on law (e.g., Blackstone); religious works, e.g., the bible,
the Torah, the Koran, and the Mahabharata); works on high finance, e.g., Adam Smith’s The Wealth of
Robert R. McCammon’s great novel Swan Song (1987) is co-ruled by Jupiter because of its vast size,
the fact that its general architecture is that of Dante’s Inferno, and its moving spiritual themes. Dante’s
Divine Comedy is ruled by Jupiter. The Talisman by Stephen King and Peter Straub (1984) is a story of a
great quest, as is King’s Dark Tower series and his The Stand (1983, 1994), hence ruled by Jupiter.**

*Like the Signs of Their strength, the functions of Mercury and Jupiter do oppose one another a good
deal of the time, after all. :)
**Stephen King was born at 4:18 a.m. on September 21, 1947, in Portland, Maine. Using the Placidean
system of house domification, his natal chart has Jupiter in Scorpio (death, horror, the primordial, the
occult, etc.) in his Third House (the house dealing with writing, writers, etc.). He also has the star
Algol exactly conjunct his Midheaven, and Spica exactly conjunct his Third House cusp. Algol is
traditionally considered to be “the most evil star in the heavens,” while Spica is considered to be the
most fortunate of stars. His career (Midheaven, 10 th House) deals with explorations of horror and
evil and humanity’s ability to triumph over these (prose versions of Dante’s journey through the
Inferno to Purgatory and then Paradise), while his writing has brought him vast (Jupiter in Third
House) good fortune (Spica). Sheer coincidence. (Yeah, right.)


The Sistine Chapel; Notre Dame Cathedral; Buckingham Palace; Capitol Building in Washington,
D.C.; the White House; the Vatican and all it comprises; the Hermitage in Moscow, Russia; the
Russian Kremlin (Russia only recently emerged from feudalism and, after that, Communism, and for
many Russians, the state has always been inseparable from spiritual authority in some form);
Independence Hall, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Sculpture and Monuments:

Washington Memorial in Washington, D.C.; Mount Rushmore, South Dakota, a vast sculpture
comprising the busts of four American Presidents, Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt;
the Statue of Liberty and Liberty Island in New York City Harbor; John F. Kennedy Center for the
Performing Arts in Washington, DC, a memorial to a martyred President; the Abraham Lincoln
Memorial in Washington, DC, ditto; Puukohola Heiau, Hawaii, ruins of temple built by King
Kamehameha; Crazy Horse National Monument; Simon Rodia’s magnificent Watts Towers, Watts,
California; monuments dedicated to Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr/

Visual arts:

The Sistine Chapel ceiling

Cinematographic Arts:

Made-for-TV-movie series; Gone With the Wind; Gandhi; Chariots of Fire; The Ten
Commandments; anything with about 200 sequels, like so many of the animated features produced by

Saints and exemplars:

The 36 Just Men and the 36 Wives, a Jewish legend (they correspond to the 36 decanates of the
Zodiac, North (husbands) and South (wives) of the Celestial Equator) – as long as they exist in the
world, we are not wholly lost
St. Nicholas, A.K.A. Santa Claus, Father Christmas (seen on many wanted posters around January 1
of each year for instigation of highway robbery by the nation’s merchants).
Judge Dee, the famous Chinese magistrate of the Tang Dynasty (circa 7th Century e.v.).84a
Justinian, Emperor of Rome, 527-565 e.v., creator of the Codex Justinianus, last and greatest
codification of Roman Law. 84b
Temujin, Genghis Ka Khan.
The lawmaker Solon.
Solomon ben David, King of Judea.
the Apostle Peter, the “Prince of the Apostles,” first Bishop of Rome and essentially first of the
Popes; .
Andrew Carnegie, the famous 19th-Century Scots-American financier and philanthropist.
Lucky Jim Baldwin, adventurer, gambler, and financier who hit it big in the Alaskan gold-rush of the
late 19th Century and finally settled in Southern California, where he helped build and operate the Santa
Anita Racetrack.
Tsar Peter the Great of Russia
The Italian adventurer Giovanni Jacopo (1725-1798), better known as Casanova, famous for his
Memoirs, which include accounts of his many love-affairs;
Grigoi Efimovich Rasputin, Russian religious mystic and faith-healer, also known for his astounding
amatory capacity and his practice of a sexual form of mysticism involving a tremendous number of
female partners. Among other things, he was virtually unkillable – it took a vast amount of cyanide,
several bullets, and a few heft whacks over the head before pitching him into an icy-cold river in the
midst of a Russian Winter before he finally gave up the ghost. His influence over the Russian Tsarina
eventually changed the course of history.
Aleister Crowley. ‘Nuff said.

American emblems, sigils, symbols, myth, folklore, and urban legend:

Paul Bunyan
Pecos Bill
All tall tales

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