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Homecoming Week Reflection:

Part of being in educational leadership means taking part in extra-curricular

activities such as homecoming week. We had spirit week within the school, pep
rally, parade, the football game, and the dance. This week was full of activities that
needs all administration present at all events. Since these events have large
attendance we need to make sure that everyone is still being safe and following the
Spirit week is a long week of different dress up days with the week ending in
the school-wide pep rally. This week is important to make sure students are still
following the dress-code and school rules. The day where we were high alert was
costume day. We did not want students to cover the faces nor did we want them
breaking dress-code day. At the end of week with the pep-rally, I was in charge of
keeping students on the bleachers and not on the track, unless they were
participating. I also helped clean up different games quickly in order to move
forward. We had a problem in our freshman class with students getting in verbal
fights on the bleachers. We did not find this out until after. We used the following
week to discipline the students who were involved in the fights. Overall the pep rally
went fairly smoothly.
That night we had the parade where clubs, sport teams and other members
of the school got together walked around the school for members of the community.
After the parade we opened the gates to the football game early in for community
buy in. I was helping with administration on duty. I started taking tickets, until our
ticket staff were able to get there. I stood in front of the student section to make
sure that all students were behaving. We had a couple of situations where an
administration was needed. Frist one of our referees were hurt and needed a ride up
to the school in order to go into the locker room. I took the referee in the cart up the
school which then he was able to go to the hospital. We also had a player quit the
team mid game. With all administration being at the game, the head coach asked
us to make sure that he gets in the building and nothing happens inside the school.
The last event I needed to cover was the dance. The dance I was responsible
for taking tickets and letting students in and circulate the dance to make all
students are behaving. I continued to walk around and talk students about the
night. I also walked around the cafeteria to make sure all students are behaving as
while they are taking a break from dancing. When the dance finished I wait for all
students to leave and made sure they all had rides.

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