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Ivn Gonzlez Solano.

Biography of my mom.
Her name is Margarita. She was born in Mexico D.F., in 1966. My mother leaved
school when was 16 years old. She was very good at math and Chemisttry, but
history was not his favorite. She has 32 years of marriage with my dad. She loves
to topics related to magic and esoteric, it is a believer, but not fanatic. She used to
practice exercise and play basket ball, but over time she stopped practice. In
actuallity, she has lived in Metepec with me, my father and my brother. She worked
in many jobs, but now is a house wife.
My mother is a beautiful person, she is sensitive and likes to help others. She
would never deny someone a favor. She is cheerful and likes the company of your
parents. One of its defects is that it is very nervous, so it tends to distress, however
knows controlled. My mom is a person who knows advise and listen, it is very
overprotective, especially with their children, but thats mother love.

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