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Hebrew-Aramaic Sacred Names

72 Expressions of the Divine in Hebrew-Aramaic

according to the study by Dr. J.J. Hurtak, Ph.D.

copyright 1973, 1989, 1998 J.J. Hurtak

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This study is connected with The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of
Enoch and is intended to be an ecumenical study. These are terms derived
from from Biblical references and not to be confused with other works by Dr.
J.J. Hurtak or various other authors. Since no single traditional listing or
reference exists, one will find a variety of 72 Divine Expressions and Names.
Therefore each list is unique and should be respected as a work of
Since our work is ecumenical, other expressions in various languages can be
found in the Greekand Vedic-Sanskrit, as expressions of the Divine provided
for additional study.
The purpose of this page is to allow those of the Judeo-Christian heritage to
recognize the Divine Names and Attributes can be found throughout the
Scriptures. Before studying this section we must acknowledge that there are
more than 72 Divine Names in Hebrew and Aramaic. This is a unique number
chosen by us to elaborate on these ancient expressions.
Remember, these words are sacred words and should be treated with
1 ABBA or ABWOON (Hebrew-Aramaic) Father
The intimate name given to the Divine as Father by the scholars and sages
writing originally from Aramaic (the lingua franca of the Semitic languages
from Egypt to the Indus Basin and the holy land area of the Near East from
1,200 BCE to 600 CE). The personal Father one calls upon to deliver
oneself from divine limitation. The title Jesus used in the Gospels to pray to
the Eternal Father when he was in intimate dialogue with Him in the great
plan of realizing the Kingdom within that belongs to all believers.

O Abwoon, Father, open my eyes that I may see the wonders of Thy inner
Kingdom, for Thine is the Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory on this side of
Creation and in all dimensions forever.
2 ADON OLAM (Hebrew) Lord of Eternity (or theUniverse)
The expression of God found in the most frequently cited ancient
hymns. (Psalm 117:2)
O most precious Lord, O Adon Olam, Thou who art in the celestial songs of
creation and Thou who exist as the Lord of the Universe, may the future and
the findings of life throughout the Universe remind us of who we are in the
divine plan as Thy seed experiment of Life.
3 ADONAI (Hebrew) Lord
The title used by the scholars from the ancient teachers of the Torah, the
Tanaim, the Geonim (Academic sages), down to the present orthodox
scholars who call upon the Lord of the prophets. This expression occurs 432
times in the Masoretic Biblical text.
Divine Eternal Adonai, may Thy Holy Name be preserved and used with
great wisdom, for we know that the awe of Thy Holy Name is the beginning
of wisdom.
4 ADONAI ECHAD (Hebrew) The Lord is One
The basic affirmation of the second part of the lst commandment given by
Moses to Israel. The Lord (G-d) is one. The mystery of the Godhead as the
supreme unity of the Divine Family is affirmed in this expression. (Deut. 6:4)
Divine Eternal Adonai Echad, may the mystery of Thy Unity and Thy Plurality
be understood by the education of my soul and ascent into the higher
5 ADONAI, MELEK (Hebrew) Lord, King
The salutation used by David in the Psalms to call upon the Divine as Lord
and Sovereign King of creation. The divine executive power of the Divine
King is also shared as a power of mercy over all principalities and powers of
the universe.
O Adonai Melek, may the loving, guiding and awesome Presence of Thy
Kingship guide the inner awakenings of my soul to the marvelous expanse

and organization of the physical universe that is sustained by Thy Kingdom

of Light.
6 ADONAI TSEBAYOTH (Hebrew) Lord of Hosts or Lord of Armies
The angelic command of the true Lord of the true Hosts of the Heavens.
Tsebayoth or Sabaoth is found written over 200 times in the Bible and by
the many prophets and in the New Testament although originally in Greek in
Romans 9:29; James 5:4.
O Adonai Tsebayoth, may the presence of Thy Hosts and the coming of Thy
Hierarchy of Celestial Beings from the Higher worlds manifest the truth of
Thy Image. May the Enthronement of Thy Tsebayoth awaken the myriad
souls of sentient beings who sleep in the material illusions of material
7 AIN SOPH (Hebrew) Limitless One
The supreme title for the Infinite out of which all other creation proceeds.
The foundation for All in the universe.
O Ain Soph, Praise to Thee who created our spirits before this world was and
whose Greatness guides all future worlds through Thy sons and daughters of
8 AL-ILAH (Aramaic) The title for God as used by Aramaic speaking
believers at the time of Jesus
One of the most proper titles for God used in the Near East when Aramaic
was the lingua franca of the Semitic language family from 1,200 BC to 600
CE. During the most important period in the formation of the New
Testament, this expression could be found as seen in Romans 16.26-27, for
the original language spoken by Jesus and his disciples was Aramaic.
Al-ilah, O blessed and only wise one, may Thy blessings of the cosmos be
with us at all times. Praise to Thee for the prophets and Jesus the Messiah.
In all of Thy Holy Names, may the mysteries of your nature and
manifestations be revealed to us. Amen.
9 AL-ILAH RAPHA (Aramaic) God of Healing
Ancient expression for the intervention of the Divine Powers that all
humanity requires to live and breathe.

Most precious and exalted Lord who Heals, Al-ilah Rapha, examine my body
and physical nature with Thy penetrating and healing power. May Thou Heal
us from all sicknesses and sufferings and bring a restoration of health in
body and spirit to those I pray for at this hour, especially for those in a time
of transition.
10 AL-ILAH SABTAI (Aramaic) God of Rest
Ancient expression for the Rest or Sabbath, that place of contentment and
Peace with God.
May Al-ilah Sabtai bring forth the peace to deliver all sentient intelligence in
this universe which appears to move towards chaos.
11 AL-ILAH SHEMAYA (Aramaic) God Hears
Ancient expression which acknowledges the Presence of God in our lives.
Thou art the true Lord who is always with us, Al-ilah Shemaya. Manifest Thy
presence here in the midst of the physical world and the physical reality so
that it may be transmuted into the glory of a spiritual planet in the newly
arisen universe.
12 AMMI SHADDAI (Hebrew) People of the Almighty
The title of the beloved of God imprinted within the People who know the
Holy Names as signaled in the writings of Isaiah and other prophets. An
expression for God interacting with the People of Light as found in the major
and minor prophets of Israel.
O my beloved Ammi Shaddai. May the powers of Shaddai awaken our crown
with Light and Splendor to feel in our midst the Presence of the Almighty
13 AMUD HA-ESH (Hebrew) Pillar of Fire
An aspect of the Holy Spirits work through superluminal Light that lead the
people through the desert as seen in Exodus 13:21.
O Divine, Thou who art called by the sages Amud Ha-Esh, and Thou who art
our Pillar of Fire, may the forces of the princes of the earth and the elements
of destructive nature make way for Thee who art the great deliverance and
inspiration to all of life.

14 ARIK ANPIN (Hebrew) Long Faced One, the Macroprosopus

Title used by medieval Jewish mystics for the face of God emanated into
human creation. Used by the Jewish mystics and Kabbalists for the Face of
God in the higher universe.
Divine Face, Arik Anpin, may the privilege of seeing beyond the veil of this
life remind us of the image we had before we came into this life. May Thy
image guide us through all difficulties and dramas as our face becomes
highly reflective of Thy face of Light.
15 ATTIQ YOMIN (Aramaic) Ancient of Days.
The expression found in Dan. 7:9, 13, 22 where the original Aramaic is
preserved to explain the one who sits upon the Throne as the Divine.
O Attiq Yomin who is there upon the Divine Throne, help us to comprehend
the great Wonders that you see and to walk in the path of what you envision
for all humanity.
16 AVINU MALKEINU (Hebrew) Personal Praise expressed as O
Father, Our King
Here we ask the Divine to allow blessings to come into our lives and allow
these expressions to resound in our hearts as we proclaim the Kingdom.
Love and Presence of the Divine around us. Beloved Avinu Malkeinu may you
transmit your Kingdom and supernature along with all Your Wisdom into the
Splendor of the Human Race.
17 BE-MIDBAR (Hebrew) In the Wilderness
The name for the in-gathering of Gods people and their families according to
divine numbers and division of the sacred science that binds the families on
earth with those in heaven. The true name for the book of Numbers.
O, Be-midbar of life, we have walked through the desert and have called
upon The Divine and now we ask Thee to call us into a higher plan and
mission of divine identity and the higher priesthood of all believers.
18 BERESHITH BARA (Hebrew) In the beginning
The affirmation of Gods identity in the opening words of Creation, that is,
the first words of the book of Genesis which are an affirmation of the Divine
function within all Life.

As Bereshith Bara, may these first words of our Creation signal for our souls
the ongoing Divinity of Life and the divine privilege of knowing that there is
a living higher creation behind this physical creation. Thou art Universal
Mind, Creator and Redeemer of the Image. May we as Thy sons and
daughters see the evidence of Light that we come from Thy Higher Evolution
and not from the lower evolution of material illusion.
19 BNAI ELOHIM (Hebrew) The Sons of God as referred to in the
Book of Job
An expression of the Divine family in the higher spiritual worlds. (e.g., Job
1:6; 2:1; 38:7)
May the Bnai Elohim guide us and bless us in the newborn creations as
aspiring sons and daughters on the path of the future Kingdom, the
Heavenly Jerusalem.
20 CHOKMAH (Hebrew) Wisdom
The co-participant and co-creator with the Divine in the creation of the
world, as personified in the Coptic Christian texts as the Divine feminine.
Part of the higher quad-trinity of the Divine united with the Eternal
Son. (See especially Proverbs for Biblical references, e.g., Prov 9.)
O Divine Chokmah, may I be blessed with Thy revealed Wisdom so that Thy
indwelling nature may cultivate a new mind with the gifts of self- realization
and plenitude so that the mysteries connected with your I AM may unfold.
21 EHYEH ASHER EHYEH (Hebrew) I AM THAT I AM or I will be
what I will be
The profound revelation of one of G-ds names in Exodus. As revealed by
Moses, the highest affirmation that can be made by the believer in
conjunction with the living God. (Exodus. 3:14)
O Divine Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh, crown me with Binah, with Understanding, that
I may express Thy holy presence and indwelling nature of the Tree of Life in
my life.
22 EL (Hebrew) God
One of the early tribal names of God in the Near East expressed in the
gatherings of the tribal leagues. It can be found over 250 times in the Old
Testament. (e.g., Gen. 7:1, 28:3, 35:11; Isa. 9:6; Ezek. 10:5. )

Divine El, Thy greatness is unfathomable. Thy sovereignty is the sovereignty

of all worlds. With Thy right hand grant me your loving-kindness. Be Thou
my guide and my blessing through the elevation of my life.
23 EL BRIT (Hebrew) The Covenant
The living compact between the Divine and us as planetary pilgrims of the
Divine who have recorded their expressions in the phonetic and musical
expressions of sacred traditions. (Josh 3:3)
El Brit, may The Covenant that Thou hast spoken to my forefathers and
foremothers remind me of Thy victory and that of Thy hosts in the higher
worlds so I may persevere in this vale of tears until Victory brings me out of
the exile of my soul.
24 EL CHAI (Hebrew) Living God
The God of the Living Creation who permeates all things. (Josh 3:10)
O El Chai, manifest Thy living presence and Thy message of Love to me, a
humble servant of this Thy planet within Thy myriad worlds.
25 EL ELOHE ISRAEL (Hebrew) God, The God of Israel
The affirmation of the spiritual people-hood of Light in this local creation
connected with the altar of Jacob in Shecham
Israel means he who contends with God until Victory. (Gen 33:20)
In the depths of Thy Beloved Ones, O El Elohe Israel, may Thy love letter to
Thy people known as the holy scripture be seen as a Holy Altar for all people
of Light who are Thy spiritual Israel on earth and in the heavens.
26 EL ELYON (Hebrew) The Most High God
According to some scholars when Israel was taken captive from Jerusalem to
Babylon, scholars began to emphasize the name/nature of El Elyon because
Yahweh laws could not be practiced in Babylon. (e.g., Gen 14:18; Ps 9:2;
O El Elyon, May Thy presence celebrated in the communion between
Abraham of the earth and Melchizedek of the heavens be celebrated anew in
my work for the greater priesthood between heaven and earth. May Thou
help me in the overcoming of the corrupting spirits of the earth. May we

remember that we are sons and daughters of the Most High God.
27 EL GIBBOR (Hebrew) God of Strength or Mighty God
The affirmation of a God of the tribal league or manifesting for the frontier
people in the deserts, mountains, and jungles of the world. The God who
works through the synergy of fellowship under the rigors of life. (Is. 10:21;
Jer. 32:18)
O Divine Power we call El Gibbor, may Thou help me understand in my
weakness the mysteries of the smallest particle of Light that expresses the
fullness of a billion suns that awaits the Sons and Daughters who will be the
new Adams and Eves.
28 EL RACHMAN (Arabic) Merciful God or God of Compassion
The living nature of the God who loves and forgives He people.
May the great God of Mercy and Compassion, the One who is El Rachman,
extend Divine Purpose and Love to the worlds of physical form from the
worlds of emanation through Power and Majesty of the five natures of the
God which are revealed.
29 EL ROI (Hebrew) God of Seeing
The God of Omnipotence and Omnidirectional vision through the Divine
Eye. (e.g., Genesis 16:13)
O El Roi, may Thy sight enable Thy servants in all towns and countries the
power to seek true brotherhood and sisterhood by seeing through the
transparency of life. We know Thy living nature of awareness probes the
depths of the psyche and the heights of all Cosmoses.
30 EL SALI (Hebrew) God of My Rock
The Strength of the Divine who maintains us through all our trials and
tribulations. (Psalm 42:10)
May the eternal Godhead that purifies and manifests life as El Sali, become
as a strength for all creation so that a pathway of pure Light that can
prepare the way for all beings who wish to ascend to Thy glorious throne.

31 EL SHADDAI (Hebrew) The Lord God Almighty

The title used by the angel of the Lord when he appeared to Abraham
demonstrating the manifested Nature of God as He appeared to
Abraham. (Gen. 17:1; Ex. 6:3; Ps. 68:14)
Divine El Shaddai, Almighty, Thou hast chosen us before the foundation of
the world that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love.
32 ELI, ELI (Hebrew) My God, My God
The last words upon the cross uttered by Jesus in his supreme sacrifice as a
living lesson of oneness with the body of resurrection. (Mark 15:34; Ps.
Divine Eli, Eli, may Thy Name open the heavens to receive my body off the
cross of space and time. May the eternal body of Divine Sonship be
activated in my life of perishability.
33 ELOHA SHAMAYYIM (Hebrew) The God of the Heavens
A proper title for the glorious Leadership of the heavens and the lower
heavens and the One who is the Organizer and sustainer of Creation. (Ezra
May the Eloha Shamayyim remind us of the spiritual government that
guards and governs the honest behavior of our lives and our spiritual
commitment to the higher path of Life.
34 ELOHIM (Hebrew) The Gods or Godhead
The first title for God given in the written texts of the Torah in the Scroll of
Genesis. The pluralistic majesty of the Godhead as revealed in Genesis even
before the expression Yahweh is used revealing a majestic plurality of
excellence. It occurs over 2,500 times in the Old Testament and 32 times in
Gen. 1. (e.g., Genesis 1: 1; Psalm 68: 1)
O Divine Elohim, with Thy Left Hand protect me and deliver me as the
Creator from which all life emerged. May your Glory be Forever Praised.
35 ELOHIM TSEBAYOTH (Hebrew) God as the Hosts or Armies
An expression which describes the external Hand of the Godhead in the
Universe. A title of excellence used for the externalization of the Hierarchy
used by the Jewish mystics. (Ps. 80:7, 14.)

May Elohim Tsebayoth, the glorious forces of the Hosts of the Right Hand
help to protect and deliver my life from the lower forces not in the divine
36 ESH OLAM (Hebrew) The Eternal Flame
The flame burning in the Temple of Jerusalem as a sign of the Eternal
Presence. An expression of the Eternal Light that burns before the
celebration of the Divine in all temples of the Universe.
May the Esh Olam be before me at all times so that all that I touch may feel
the flame of Yah and the Hosts.
37 GEDULAH (Hebrew) Greatness or Magnitude
An expression of the enormous power of God by the mystical writers and
teachers, used in prayers and affirmations acknowledging the Divines
Omniscience. (I Chron 29:11)
May the loving, guiding and powerful Presence of Gedulah continue to
nourish and enlighten and strengthen our hearts and spirits always.
38 HA-EL HA GADOL (Hebrew) The Great God
An attribute of the Divine as the quality of the Eternal Sovereign Power of
the Divine as it is seen throughout the Universe. (Deut 10:17)
O Ha-El Ha Gadol, awaken within me the indwelling commission of this life:
To love you O Lord with all my heart and strength, and mind, and to love my
neighbor as myself in your example.
39 HA-EL HAKADOSH (Hebrew) The Holy God
An expression used in prayers to the Divine as the One exalted by the
prophets of the Old and New Testament. The pronouncement of the Holy
shows a recognition of the the Divine Works of Righteousness. (Is. 5:16)
May the Holy God be exalted before all heavenly intelligence as Ha-El
HaKadosh for He stands in the higher heavens giving the living teachings of
the Torah Or, the scripture of Light, to all worlds, both visible and invisible.
40 HA EMET (Hebrew) The Truth
An attribute of the Divine as the qualifier of the Reality of Lifethat which is

real both here and in the heavens which is good and lasts for eternity. (Ps.
33:4 )
May Thy Truth, Ha Emet, remind us of the higher plan of creation behind the
physical form of creation.
41 HA GOEL (Hebrew) The Redeemer
An aspect of divine intervention by the God of Providence. God as the
Deliverer of Creation in the physical worlds. (Isa. 49:7)
May the Supreme Redeemer, Ha Goel, bring victory over the tempest and
struggle of life on all fronts. May all radiations extend in unlimited and
infinite fashion to animate innumerable worlds.
42 HA SHEM (Hebrew) The [Great] Name
The Divine Name used by the orthodox believers to fulfill the words of
Exodus 20:7 and in affirmation of the inner nature of the Divine as uttered
by the human. It has been interchangeable with the Tetragrammaton as
used by the Hebrew mystics.
May Ha Shem help and heal the divisions of the Adamic people so that they
may be prepared for the work of the Eternal Christ.
43 HA TIKVA (Hebrew) The Hope
This affirmation of the Divine brings forth a greater purpose and insight to
a commitment of the plan of life. (This expression is used throughout the
scroll of Job, e.g., Job 14:19.)
May Ha Tikva, the Hope of the Divine Lover of the nations allow the glorious
work to abound in the world through those who love Thee and those who
apply the gifts and insights that come with Thy holy names.
44 HAYMANOOTHA (Aramaic) Faithfulness
The Name of the Living God who is faithful to the People of Light. In the
Hebrew scripture, the word means firmness, or faithfulness. In its usage in
the New Testament, the word means faith, creed, belief. It comes from the
Aramaic root word, Amen, meaning to make firm.
O, Thou Faithfulness, Divine Lover who sees into my soul. May my soul seek
Thee and my spirit delight in Thee who hast given me lips to declare Thy

45 JESHURUN (Hebrew) The Righteous One
A poetic name for Israel by the poet scholars of ancient Israel. (De 32:15;
33:5, 26; Isa 44:2)
May Jeshurun as the beloved ones of Light be helped and strengthened by
righteousness a remnant people of glory in all people who overcome the
world of historic confusion and the power of ephemeral meanings and
46 KETHER KADMON (Hebrew) The Primordial Crown
The attribute of the higher mind of God. A divine salutation used by the
people of God for the source of all wisdom in the experiment with
May Thou, Kether Kadmon, crown me with wisdom, light and understanding,
and manifest the highest of divine honor and energy for my body as the
temple of understanding. May I be given the strength for the challenges of
47 KISSEI KAVOD (Hebrew) The Glorious Throne
The Throne represents the spiritual government as the true foundation for
ruler-ship of the multidimensional universe and the place of the God of God
of Gods. (Jer. 17:12)
May the throne of God, the glorious Kissei Kavod, reveal to the awakened
believers the myriads of the Divine Family that exist in unity in the higher
worlds. May long-suffering and patience of the Divine Father and the Divine
Mother guide us in the visible and the invisible.
Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God of Hosts
The divine salutation (connected with the triple Kedushah) of the Godhead
according to The Keys of Enoch (Key 305). Holy, Holy, Holy or the
Sanctus is a salutation for the greeting and discernment of the true angels
from the false angels and masters who have not the indwelling divine love.
The traditional spelling is Kodosh or Kadosh, but The Keys of Enochhave
inserted the i in Kodoish as an added vibration. (Is. 6:3 and in Greek, Rev

May the sacred salutation, Kodoish, Kodoish, Kodoish, help us discern the
powers of the universe and lead us into receiving and renewing the
abundance of life with the Living God of all universes.
49 MARIAH (Aramaic) Lord God
In the Aramaic Peshitta, this was the expression used for God. The Aramaic
term for Lord comes from Mara, lord or master. When Jesus was called by
the people my Lord the Aramaic word was Mar (Matt.8:2;28:44-45). The
term Mariah-Lord was substituted for the Hebrew word YHWH (Yahweh)
which refers to the LORD God only, but on a few occasions the Messiah is
called Mariah (as in Matt.28:45) because he is the highest Lord among men.
It was understood among the Aramaic scholars that GOD is the Lord of the
May the resonance of the sacred name Mariah remind us that we shall love
the Lord our God with all our heart and with all our being and with all our
power and with all our mind. O Mariah, in these words the nature of Thy
work as the indwelling Messiah is realized and Thy work as the eternal Son
on the right hand of YHWH becomes a reality for our imitatio Dei. Let us
bring forth the spiritual bravery, greatness and devotion needed to work
with the Right Hand of God.
50 MAYIM HAYIM (Hebrew) The Living Waters
A divine attribute of the Godhead and a metaphor for the source of all
creative energy and glory. (Song of Solomon 4:15)
May the Mayim Hayim, the living Waters, flow through us, invigorating all
the molecules and cells of our body as the Living Waters of Life.
51 MESHIAH or MSHECHA (Hebrew-Aramaic) Messiah, the
Anointed or the Anointed One
The term Messiah is a title and not a proper name. The deliverer of Gods
people according to the scriptures appointed to deliver Israel in the cosmic
plan of advancing the Adamic race into the active citizenship of participating
in the Kingdom of the Divine. (Ex.28:41; Lev.4:3,5, 16; 1 Sam.2:10,35; 1
Kings 19:16)
May the Messianic vision of deliverance help me be anointed or Christed for
raising the consciousness of the people of Light throughout the world until
the day of graduation into the higher worlds.

52 OSE SHALOM (Hebrew) Creator of Peace or The One who

Makes Peace
The One who can truly transform the aggression of humanity into Divine
Love and who helps to elevate humanity for which reason these words are
said in the Kaddish which ends with a hope for the Divine to establish peace
in ones life and throughout the world.
May the Ose Shalom help seal and preserve the peace that passes all
human understanding for the Divine Mission of Life.
53 ROKEB BA-ARABOT (Hebrew) He who rides upon the higher
spheres or passageways
The Divine moving upon the higher realms of creation and through the
dimensions of eternity. (Ps. 68: 4)
May the Rokeb Ba-arabot who rides upon the clouds and governs the hyperdimensions of glory manifest great revelation to the nations of the world as
The Beloved and give witness of the revelatory power within The Names to
those seeking to know the opening of the heavens.
54 RUACH HA KOIDESH (Hebrew) The Holy Spirit
The Infinite Spirit of God that is Holy and expressed as a central part of the
Trinity Power for All the Universe. This expression is also connected with the
Hagios Pneuma in Greek (e.g., Luke 11:13; Eph. 1:13; 4:30) (Is. 63: 10-11)
May the wonderful powers of the Ruach Ha Koidesh sanctify and dwell within
us as the Divine Comforter and Supplier of Faith.
55 SABAOTH HA MALKA (Hebrew) Queen of the Sabbath
The divine as the female aspect of the Godhead. An expression given to the
Divine Counterpart of the Father of Creation.
May the Queen of the Sabbath activate the inner nature of radiance divisible
into innumerable sparks that take shape in the bridal garment of loving
powers within the influx of the Supreme Will from the feminine side of the
56 SAR SHALOM (Hebrew) The Prince of Peace
The deliverer appointed to deliver Israel. (Is. 9:6)

May the Prince of Peace, Sar Shalom, as the Savior, the Wonderful
Counselor, The Mighty and Everlasting One bring forth the realization of true
liberation and inner peace and help those who struggle for the meaning of
the diamond vehicle in this world of illusory form.
57 SHEKINAH (Hebrew) The Divine Presence
The Divine Glory manifested to the holy people of YHWH whenever The
Presence is felt.
O Shekinah may we be blessed in this world with the dispensation of gifts of
the Holy Spirit. May we be regenerated thrice, once in the body, once in the
mind, and once in the spirit.
58 SHEM HAMEFORASH (Hebrew) The Ineffable Divine Name
The Tetragrammaton that is not pronounced but kept Sacred.
May the Shem Ha Meforash bless and govern the human creation in all of
the inner mysteries of life in protection of the future evolution of DNA.
59 SHEMA YISRAEL (Hebrew) Hear O Israel
Israels highest prayer as found in the foundation for Deuteronomy 6:4.
O Shema Yisrael, may the sacred call to the Homeland above lift us to the
highest level of knowing our call into the Eternals Divine vibration and music
of the spheres that sustains the peace of the universe.
60 SHEMOTH (Hebrew) Names
This expression is the Hebrew name for the book of Exodus which provided
the divine program of deliverance. It is called this because that is one of the
first three words in the first sentence of the second book of the Torah.
O Eternal Divine One, may the divine exodus through Thy intervention as
the Shemoth prepare us for the cosmic exodus from this world to the higher
worlds of the House of Many Mansions.
61 URIM-THUMMIM (Hebrew) The Lights and the Powers
The sacramental tools of the high priesthood for para-physical
communication. (Exo 28:30; Lev 8:8; Deu 33:8; Ezr 2:63; Neh 7:65; Urim
only: Num 27:21; I Sa 28:6)

May the indwelling powers of the Urim and Thummim open the inner nature
of life to the great powers of the high priesthood of the Universe.
62 VAY-YIK-RA (Hebrew) The Call
This expression is the Hebrew name for the book of Leviticus to be used by
the priesthood who understand the power of prayer and the call to Holiness
as the first word of the book.
May Thy Divine Law, in the expression of Vay-Yik-Ra, lead us into the
pathway of holiness and purify us from the limitations of this world and the
shadow realities of the lower cosmos.
63 YAHWEH (Hebrew) The Revealed Name of the Divine
The Name of the Eternal Divine is found over 6,800 times in the Old
Testament and is first used in Gen. 2:4. It is used with the definite (the for
the first time in the scriptures after Enoch walked with God.
O Living and Eternal God, Yahweh, without beginning and end, may Thou
always be with me for sharing Thy Revealed Name of the true nature of
divine partnership. May the power and permutations of Thy holy Name guide
our lives as Thou hast guided the diaspora of Thy people in the Universe in
the aeons before planet earth.
64 YAHWEH ELOHIM (Hebrew) God Creator or Lord God
InGenesis 2:4 this expression is given to bring the nature of the Divine as
revealed in Genesis 1 together with the Personal God as revealed in Genesis
2 together
(e.g., Judges 5:3; Isa. 17:6; Psa. 59:5).
In Thy Revealed Names of true living Godhead, Yahweh Elohim, may Thy
glorious Name from universe to universe follow us and make us true sons
and daughters of Light.
65 YAHWEH ROI (Hebrew) The Lord is my Shepherd
This sacred expression reveals the Divine as Lord who watches over us for
all eternity. (Ps. 23:1)
O Yahweh Roi awakened as the jeweled vehicle of body, mind and spirit in
the work of the Torah Or.

66 YAHWEH SHALOM (Hebrew) The Peace of Yahweh

This expression that acknowledges the Divine is Peace, seen in the form of
the Dove and used for the elevation of creation. (Judges 6:24)
Divine Lover, O Yahweh Shalom, give us the Peace that passes all human
understanding and exalt in our heart Thy love for us as the Eternal One
who is Sanctified. O Divine of Eternal Peace, lift up our heart so that we can
see peace prevail in the midst of whirling galaxies through Thy Law and Thy
Word as the true Living God of eternal Peace and the celebration of Life.
67 YIGDAL ELOHIM CHAI (Hebrew) Exalted be the Living God
The title used for prayer and praise of the higher and magnified nature of the
Living God as existing in all of the universes.
In all prayer and meditations, may the words of my lips exalt Yidgal Elohim
Chai. May great discernment be given as we exalt the Living God who stands
before all gods and lords of creation as the guiding divine essence before all
physical planetary worlds.
68 YOD HE VAU HE (Hebrew) The Tetragrammaton
The Sacred Letters of the Divine Nameas a foundation for the Divine work of
The Keys of Enoch, as well as sages throughout the centuries.
May the four sacred letters, Yod-He-Vau-He, the blueprint of Divine Life in
the physical Adam, be upon our foreheads in the newness and joy of the
awakened blueprint of super-nature. Hallowed Be Thy Name.
69 YOSHUA YAHWEH (Hebrew) The Anointed of Name of Yahweh
This expression signifies Blessed be Yoshua, the Deliverer who cometh in
the Name of the Divine. This is an acknowledgement of the recognition of
the Unity Work of Redemption between the Father and Son, the Messianic
Divine Eternal Son who is begotten from the Father as Yoshua Yahweh, may
your blessed work of grace and love be known in the kingdom of mankind.
May Thy name be exalted as we say through the ages, Blessed is
Yoshua who cometh in the name of Yahweh.
70 YOTZER HAADAM (Hebrew) The Creator of Adam
The first man gathered out of the thought-forms of the Divine in the higher

worlds that emanated into the dust of this world. This is the 2nd of the 7
blessings that are recited at the end of the traditional Hebrew wedding feast.
O Yotzer Ha-Adam, Divine Eternal Creator of the Adamic seed. May the
Image of Humankind in Adam be always reminded that the image and
similitude of this life came from the highest levels of Thy Mind and Thy
71 YOTZER MEOROT (Hebrew) The Creator of the Luminaries
The Divine Mind as Creator of the higher worlds.
O Yotzer Meorot, most living and exalted Creator of the Luminaries. May we
see Thy work and the vast expanse of Thy glory
in the whirling star systems of glory.
72 ZEIR ANPIN (Hebrew) Short Faced One, the Microprosopus
The immediate face of God in the physical universe according to Jewish
Beloved and radiant face revealed to the saints, may Thy face, Zeir Anpin,
be a witness of eternal life. May the glory of Thy face remind us of the great
love and beauty of Thy sublime nature which indwells within our image and
our destiny as Thy celestial seed in human form. May the meeting of Thy
presence, face-to-face, come through Thy holy name YHVH.

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