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The trailer starts with a shot of the empty mies en scene of an open field with a man standing in the

centre of the frame as reviews praising the film come into the frame to present the film as good as
to warrant those reviews.

Sound is used in the form of low ticking music fades in to create a sense of suspense as it cuts to a
close up of the man from the field who is now sitting at a bench. He looks around as if in response to
the question posed by the non-diegetic voice which begins to set up the premise of the film and
contextualises the field and benches as part of a college campus.

The narration continues as it quickly fades to the cluttered mies en scene of an interior of a car and
then to some prestigious looking schoolboys and then to a black and white portrait of what we can
assume to be the founder of the school to contextualise the school that the protagonist is accused of
ditching by the narrator and begins to show what the plot of the film is about.

The shot then fades to a comparatively brightly lit shot of a pool to represent the journey being
made by the main character and the comparative freedom facilitated by this change. The narration
also takes on a less formal tone in this scene. The music reaches a crescendo and turns into typical
party music which is accompanied by various shots of people partying and various lines of speech
about parties. This further paints the decision to ditch school in a positive light.

Amidst the shots of partying words flash up on screen reading Every fall over 500,000 young men
pledge fraternities which begins to hint at the main conflict of the film. This conflict is added to by
dialogue about someone trying to join a fraternity and how difficult it will be.

The music then abruptly stops as a phone rings with the person on the other end telling the
prospective fraternity member come to the house in 10 minutes or youre dead from this point of
the lighting is a bit darker to reflect the darker tone taken on by the trailer at this point.

There are then shots of people doing military style exercises in the house before a door slams and a
fade to black. This openly lays out the main conflict of the film for prospective viewers. The next shot
shows the man from the field in the first shot now in the basement of the house yelling at a line of
other men to accentuate the intensity of the scenario. The next few shots show a mixture of military
style exercises and challenges such as drinking hot sauce from a bottle interspersed with more text.

This montage ends with a shot of the main character slowly slapping himself in the face while sitting
in the car to insinuate the stress caused by trying to join a fraternity. This is interspersed with
reviews showing up on screen and more challenges with the slap sound punctuating every cut
culminating with the title appearing on screen to show what film this has been building up to.

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