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The trailer opens with a helicopter shot of a film lot accompanied with the non-diegetic sound of

marching, this shot combined with the use of sepia tone suggests the time period and location in
which this film is taking place.

There is then use of editing a quick fade, rhythmically times with the marching, to the entrance of
the film studio before a cut inside. This serves to show where the next shot is taking place. There is a
disembodied voice requesting help while the camera quickly cuts between some actors (still in time
with the marching) before cutting to a mid-shot of a man behind a desk who turns out to be the
owner of the voice.

The combination of low angle and framing him with a desk shot his importance which brings
importance to him talking about his biggest star being kidnapped thus establishing the premise of
the film and cementing it as a mystery as to what happens to him, there is then a cut to George
Clooneys character feinting, the combination of this shot directly following the mention of the
biggest star being kidnapped and the fact that George Clooney is the biggest star featured in the
trailer so far we can tell that he is the one being referred to. There is then a fade to black to
represent the kidnapping taking place.

The music then stops as another actors reaction to the situation is shown. There is then a high angle
extreme long shot of George Clooney being loaded into a truck in a desert before fading to an intertitle (of a review of the film) as the truck drives off to create the sense of time passing.

Before fading to a shot of the man behind the desk now walking through heavy rain, this shot implies
that the film will be largely about the effects on the film studio with the pathetic fallacy of rain to
connote hardship. A continuation of the inter-title is shown before a shot of the executive of the film
studio in a confessional booth where the priest tells him that he comes there too often, establishing
the comedic nature of the film.

A narrator then starts listing things to film contains while simultaneously showing/ connoting those
things (such as a shot of a man in a fedora and trench coat silhouetted against car headlights in a
doorway to connote mystery) to make the film seem appealing.

There are then more rapid shots of things going on in the film studio in which the film takes place
(both shows and behind the scenes work) interspersed with inter-titles showing more reviews all of
which is still in time to the marching sound. This serves to show the ranges of gratifications of this
film, the gratifications of the mystery provided by the main narrative and the gratifications of the
shows filmed in the studio which are also shown to the audience throughout the film. There are then
some more comedic shots of actors and then the title appears.

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