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Brief Reports

Etiology of Partial Epilepsy 131 cases fulfilled the inclusion criteria: (i)
Had two or more unprovoked parital mo-
tor seizures; (n) Had complete historical
Anju Aggarwal data and had undergone relevant investi-
S. Aneja gations; and (Hi) Were attending follow up
V. Taluja regularly for 6 months or more. Patients
R. Kumar presenting with partial seizures during
Kiran Bhardwaj neonatal period or acute central nervous
system (CNS) insult were not included.
All patients underwent clinical evalua-
tion and routine investigations including
Epilepsy is an important public health blood counts, Mantoux test, chest X-ray.
problem in developing countries. Interac- Computed tomography (CT) and electro-
tion of various genetic, environmental and ncephalography (EEG) was advised in all
physiological factors gives rise to epilepsy. cases soon after presentation. Cerebrospi-
The Commission of International League nal fluid examination was done in cases of
Against Epilepsy (ILAE) has suggested that inflammatory granuloma in whom clear
seizures should be classified according to distinction could not be made between tu-
presence or absence of a presumed caus- berculosis (TB) and neurocysticerosis
ative or precipitating insult(l). The etiologi- (NCC) using radiological criteria (lesion
cal factors of epilepsy differ markedly in more than 20 mm and irregular outline)(2)
children as compared to adults. However, and evidence of tuberculosis elsewhere in
there is paucity of literature on etiology of the body.
epilepsy, particularly in children from de-
veloping countries. This study was carried All patients were treated with first line
out to determine the etiology of partial antiepileptic drug, i.e., phenytoin or
(localization related) epilepsy in children. carbamazepine. A second anticonvulsant
was substituted if the highest dose of the
Subjects and Methods first drug failed to achieve seizure control.
The records of children attending the Antitubercular therapy was given to
Epilepsy Clinic of Kalawati Saran Chil- patients with tuberculosis. Albendazole
dren's Hospital were analyzed. Of these, was given to few cases of active neuro-
cysticercosis (NCC). In addition, deconges-
From the Department of Pediatrics, Kalawati Saran tive therapy was given to patients with
Children's Hospital, Lady Hardinge Medical granuloma showing mass effect or midline
College, New Delhi 110 001. shift.
Reprint requests: Dr. S. Aneja, Flat NO. 10,
Lady Hardinge Medical College Campus, Results
New Delhi 110 001. A total of 131 cases (72 males and 59
Manuscript received: April 17,1997; females) were studied. The mean age of
Initial review completed: June 4,1997; presentation was 6.7 years (range 1-12
Revision accepted: July 18,1997 years); of these 64.19% cases were less than


six years of age. The clinical and radiologi- ELISA for NCC was done in 21 cases and
cal features of the patients are shown in Ta- was positive in 28.1%. Magnetic resonance
ble I. CT examination was carried out in 116 imaging done in 2 cases showed presence
patients. Of 15 patients who did not under- of larval stage of cysticercosis.
go a CT, 10 were of benign partial epilepsy
EEG examination revealed abnormali-
of childhood and rest 5 had documented
ties in form of focal slow waves or focal
evidence of previous CNS infection or
spike/spike and wave discharge in 66.7%
perinatal insult. Inflammatory granuloma
cases and focal abnormality with generali-
was the commonest CT abnormality seen in
zation in 4.6% cases. EEG was normal in
64 cases, of these 7 had multiple granulo-
28.7% cases. Based on history, clinical eval-
mas. Parietal lobe was the commonest site
uation and findings of various investiga-
of single granuloma seen in 68% cases fol-
tions, 100 (76%) patients had symptomatic
lowed by frontal (20.9%), occipital (9.4%)
epilepsy and 31 (23%) were idiopathic
and temporal lobe (1.7%). Six of these were
(Table II). The idiopathic group included 10
diagnosed as tuberculous using radiologi-
cases of benign partial epilepsy of child-
cal criteria(2) and supportive evidence of
tuberculosis elsewhere. Cerebrospinal fluid
At 6 month follow up 102 ( 77.9%) pa-
tients were seizure free, 26 (19.8%) had de-
creased frequency of seizures and 3 (2.2%)
had no response to antiepileptic drugs.
Partial epilepsy constitute a larger per-
centage of the epilepsy type seen in chil-
dren. In developing countries partial epi-
lepsy is reported to be more frequent in all


ages due to higher incidence of symptom- nological tests of NCC on CSF and support-
atic epilepsy in the tropics caused by ive evidencecof tuberculosis elsewhere in
cortical damage resulting from host of the body. Immunological tests such as en-
factors(3). zyme linked immunosorbent assay in CSF
The etiology of epilepsy could be deter- for NCC was positive in less than l/3rd
mined in all cases in the present study with cases tested. However, negative tests do
a combination of history, examination and not exclude diagnosis of NCC since ELISA
investigations carried out. Historical data is negative in inactive cases of neuro-
revealed a high incidence of previous CNS cysticercosis(8). A follow up of at least 6
infection in as many as 13.6% of cases. His- months in all these cases revealed the be-
tory of previous febrile seizures was seen nign and self limiting nature of these single
in 2.2% cases. This is in contrast to the earli- inflammatory granulomas. Magnetic reso-
er observations(4) in which CNS infection nance imaging offers better resolution to
was seen in only 4.6% of cases(4). They also detect the scolex and often reveals more
demonstrated a higher incidence of cyst than does CT(9). Being an expensive
perinatal insult 29.1% in contrast to 9.9% in investigation and bearing in mind the
present study. The differences in relative benign course of most of these cases, it is
proportion is possibly because of higher in- presently reserved for cases in whom no
cidence of infection in the study group and clear distinction can be made on the basis
inadequate and at times unreliable data of all investigations.
about perinatal period. In the present study, 62.5% cases of par-
EEG correlated with CT scan in as many tial epilepsy could be attributed to past or
as 71.3% of cases. EEG is particularly useful recent infection or infestation. This is in
to diagnose benign epilepsy of childhood contrast to studies of developed countries
in the group of partial epilepsy since they where perinatal insult(4) and cortical
have an excellent prognosis. CT examina- developmental abnormalities(l0) are the
tion was carried out in 116 patients. CT ab- major cause of symptomatic epilepsy.
normality was seen in 69.1% cases in the Poor sanitation may be the single most
present study. Other studies from India important social factor underlying the in-
which included both adults and children creased prevalence of NCC and subsequent
have also shown CT to be abnormal in 50- epilepsy in tropical countries(11). The
70% of cases(5,6). The commonest abnor- subjects of the present study were mainly
mality noted on contrast enhanced CT from low socioeconomic status of the
was an inflammatory granuloma seen as society in whom both bacterial infection as
hypondense lesion surrounded by hyper- well as parasitic infestations are more
dense lesion. In a previous study on focal likely. Besides the study was hospital
epilepsy which included both children and based with an inherent selection bias
adults, similar lesions were seen in 40.9% towards more severe cases of epilepsy
of children below 15 years of age(5). A coming to hospital. Prospective studies
study in which excision biopsy was done to are required to determine the extent of
evaluate the histology showed that 90% of this problem in the community.
these lesions are due to NCC(7). In the
present study the differentiation between REFERENCES
tuberculoma and NCC was made by the
1. Commission on Classification and Termi-
suggested radiological criteria(2), immu- nology of International League Against


Epilepsy. Proposal for revised classifica- 7. Chandy MJ, Rajshekar V, Ghosh S,

tion of epilepsies and epileptic syn- Prakash S, Joseph T, Abraham J, et al. Sin-
dromes. Epilepsia 1989; 30: 389-399. gle small enhancing CT lesions in Indian
2. Rajshekar V, Haran RP, Prakash GS, patients with epilepsy. Clinical, radiologi-
Chandy MJ. Differentiating solitary small cal and pathological consideration. J
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Neurosurg 1993; 78: 402-407. 8. Zini D, Farrell VJR, Wadee AA. The rela-
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of epilepsy in developing countries. Bull spectrum of human neurocysticerosis. J
WHO 1993; 71: 247-258. Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 1990; 53:
4. Scarpa P, Carassini P. Partial epilepsy in
childhood clinical and EEG study of 261 9. Jabbari B, Gunderson CH, Wippold F,
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5. Wadia RS, Makhale CN, Kelkar AV, Magnetic resonance imaging in partial
Grant KB. Focal epilepsy in India with complex epilepsy. Arch Neurol 1986; 43:
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10. Blume WT. Clinical profile of partial sei-
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zures beginning at less than 4 years of
Neurosurg Psychiatry 1987; 50: 1298-
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6. Sethi PK, Kumar BR, Mohan VS, Mohan 11. Commission on Tropical Diseases of
V. Appearing and disappearing CT scan International League Against Epilepsy.
abnormalities and seizures. J Neurol Relationship between epilepsy and
Neurosurg Psychiatry 1985; 43: 866-869. tropical diseases. Epilepsia 1994; 35: 89-

nonspherocytic hemolytic anemia, drug-

Glucose-6-Phosphate induced hemolytic anemia or hemolytic disease
Dehydrogenase Deficiency in of the newborn.
Neonatal Hyperbilirubinemia in a
G-6-PD deficiency is the most prevalent
South Indian Referral Hospital enzyme deficiency worldwide. Routine
screening of children and adults in various
parts of India indicates that the prevalence
Kurien Anil Kuruvilla
Shaji T. Sukumar From the Neonatology Unit, Christian Medical
Atanu Kumar Jana College Hospital, Vellore 632 004, Tamil Nadu.
Reprint requests: A.K. Jana, Neonatology Unit,
Christian Medical College Hospital, Vellore 632
Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G-6- 004, Tamil Nadu.
PD) is essential to maintain stability of red Manuscript received: March 26, 2997;
blood cells(l). The inherited deficiency of this Initial review completed: May 13,1997;
enzyme may manifest as congenital Revision accepted: August 19,1997

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