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Sustaining patriarchy in the modern


Historically it has been established that sexes have existed there

and will continue to do so in future. But with the evolving times
the power relations between the two has become lop-sided. Such
asymmetric relationship is the defining feature of PATRIARCHY.
Patriarchy is a system in which the man has edged past the
female psychologically. Although some might contest that apart
from it they (females) have been overpowered physically as well.
But this process has gained roots in the thought process of the
society and consequently men and women across the cultures in
the world have internalized this idea of patriarchy in subtle
Although we in the contemporary times may think that this age
old system of patriarchy has been challenged and the winds of
change have started to flow. But it would be nave to say that a
paradigm shift in this regard has occurred. Instead the media
which we generally think has been the torchbearer in highlighting
the ills of patriarchy but some sections of media have been
actively engaged in sustaining patriarchy.
Hence it can be said that the commercial advertisements which
is our area of the study, known for their quirky and witty ways of
sending and selling out ideas. These advertisements actually

portray the mans dominance over woman is here to stay and

women will continue to get the raw deal and they are an
effective way of putting an old wine a new bottle.
Here we have a plethora of advertisements to show how men,
women have become the victims of patriarchy and subconsciously
have imbibed in it our routine lives.
This study begins with the short excerpt from the documentary
viz. killing us softly which explains how the womens body has
been commoditized ready to be consumed by the males which is
an overt way of establishing PATRIARCHY. This will set the tone for
the further study and subsequent video clippings will demonstrate
how it has consumed the educated minds of present day
Pandita Ramabai explains how Manus idea that

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