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2) United States Patent (io Patent No: US 8,008,931 B2 Parvinen et al. (45) Date of Patent: Aug. 30, 2011 ‘US008008931B2 (64) METHOD AND DEVICE FOR MONITORIN 66) References Cited THE OPERATION OF A FLOTATION CELL US. PATENT DOCUMENTS (75) Inventors: Pekka Parvinen, Outokupa (PD; 459016 8 * LV/I977 Kiting ta 73204 R ouko Kallioinen, Outokunpu (FR) Gq78881 BL* "82004 Du Pls ta "00268 ‘Veikko Eronen, Outokumpu (1) 200610215255 AL 972006 Zhu etal. FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS (73) Assignee: Geologian Tutkimuskeskus GTK, a Fn Espoo (FI) DE 4a20277 AL * 211996 Ri 2opsan "T1909 (4) Notice: Sujet to any disclaimer, the tem ofthis SU ‘iol i078 patent is extended of adjusted under 35 SU 6LaNs2 12190 7 Wo woorss%93 La 97 ‘C. 154(b) by 643 days. wo. WO .0068672 112000 PUBLIC. Ql) Appl.Nos 12091300 noe ‘Monitoring Lig and Solid Contend in Froth Using (22) PCTFiled: — Oet.24, 2006 Conductivity”, Progress in Paper Reeling, vl. 4, No.4, Aug, (86) PCE Nos PCTIEI2006/000341 International Search Report of PCTIF2006 000341 $371 (0,0), * cited by examiner (2).(4) Date: Sep. 25, 2008 Primary Examiner — Heron Williams Assistant Examiner — Nathaniel Kolb io, onder onmeeepeneceeae (04) Attorney, Agent oF Frm — Young & Thompson PCT Pubs, Date: May 3, 2007 “7 ABSTRACT The ivention relates t a method of anda device for moni- 66s) ior Publication Data o Prlor Publication Dat toring the operation of flotation cell Inthe method accord US 200910217741 AI Sep. 3, 2008 ing othe invention, the eletrical conductivity of the material (G. 7) in the tation cell (1) is measured to observe any (0) Foreign Application Priority Data ‘variations in the movement, the properties andor the inner structure ofthe materi, The device (10) according to the (041. 24,2005 (FD 20051073 jnvention comprises a mumber of measuring sensors (11,12, 13, 14) of electrical conductivity, which are tobe fitedin the (1) Inch Aoation cell (1) and embeds in the material (3, 7) eon- Gurr 3126 (200601), ‘ained in it for measuring its electrical conductivity and, on (2) US.C1 3241698 thebasis ofthe conductivity values, defining the state andlor 8) Field of Classification Seare None the properties ofthe material ‘Se aplication ile for complete search history. 10 Claims, 2 Drawing Sheets U.S. Patent Aug. 30, 2011 Sheet 1 of 2 US 8,008,931 B2 U.S. Patent Aug. 30, 2011 Sheet 2 of 2 US 8,008,931 B2 10 44; 44b 12; 12b 19 ; ta melee see ne 1 \ Dy, 1 \ 7 +> ; i y18; 180 q Vy + ; rey > $8; 180 t le > ' + i | =/' ut 18d G 19 { a MEASURE-| MENT t+} CONTROL { 4a XL Ftotation [s K FIG. 4 US 8,008,931 B2 1 METHOD AND DEVICE FOR MONITORING ‘THE OPERATION OF A FLOTATION CELL. ‘The invention relates to a method! according tothe pre amble of Claim 1 for monitoring the operation of a tation cal The imeation also relates to a device acconing to the preamble of Claim 7 for monitoring the operation of the ovation cel Flotation machines or plants are wsed for separating the valuable ingredients, suchas concentrates contained inslury, specifically ore pulp, from the rest ofthe material. The lo tion machine comprises flotation cell (ef. FIG. 1), wherein the slurry Ho be treated s arranged. Slurry 3s supplied tothe flotation cel through its side wal by means of stable feed- ing deviees 2, for example. Airis fed into the slurry 3anditis mixed by mixing and air supply devices 4. The surry 3 thus tums into @ mixtare of air bubbles § and particles of solid slur material. Reagents are also added 10 the slurry in the Foation cell by means ofa suitable feeding device 6. The reagents attach to the surfaces ofthe particles of the valuable ingredients, i. the valuable particles that are inthe slurry. “The reagents render the valuable particles hydrpliobie sn, tis, advance the attachment of the valuable particles to the sirbubbles 5. The valuable patcles rise upwards (arrows 51) > ‘long with the air bubbles $in the slory of the flotation cell, Jorming a froth bed 7 on top ofthe slurry inthe upper part of the Mocation cell, the froth being removed orallowed to How ‘out over the overflow edge 1a of the cell as @ mixture of minerals, ie. a concentrate 8. The excess slum is removed fim cell 9 ‘Sever flotation cells canbe connected sequentially andi in parallel. Thee srry volumes may vary from a few cubic muchas hundreds of cubic meters, Regarding the structures ofthe flotation cells, reference is mode to the inter national patent applications WO-01/43881 and WO-2006) (095044, for example forts atemadeto monitor and contol the operationof the Alotation cell so as to obtain an optimal separation esa, to separateanas lazeas possibleamount of eoncentrate from the slurry. The variables affecting the separation results include, among others, the stability ofthe process and, spe- measuring sensors 11,12, 13, 14 ofthe deve 10 are divided ntorwo groups ie. fist anda second goup. The fst group ‘includes the measuring sensors, of which there are preferably ‘80, ie the frst and the second measuring sensor 11, 12, ‘which are intended for measuring the froth bed 7, Inthat case, they are arranged on the elongated support 102 at such & height aod distance from the housing 101 that they are sta- inside the froth bed 7 of the flotation cll I and, specii- call, on the desired measuring planes B,C. The frst measur Jing plane Bis preferably arranged in the upper part of the ‘optimal froth bed7. The second measuring plane Cintra, = frranged inthe lower part ofthe froth bed 7 near the upper surface ofthe slurry 3 “The frst measuring sensor 11 that belongsto the first group js intended for measuring the horizontal speed of movement ‘of the froth by monitoring the variations inthe froth elec trical conductivity. The horizontal speed of movertent is pro- portional tothe froth’s speed of movement over the overflow ‘edge and, thus, the exiting speed of the concentrate from the Aotaton cel ‘The second! measuring sensor 12 that belongs to the fist group is used for monitoring the electrical conductivity by ‘measuring the variations inthe properties ofthe froth bed 7, ‘especially a possible froth collapse or overiothing. The col- lapse of oth 7 means thatthe enrichment process in the flotation cell is interupted and the minerals that are to be fothed are lost. Ovecrothingidicatesthat very stable freth is formed, which froth canaot be treated by the conventional ‘centrifugal pumps outside the overflow edge of the flotation ‘ell in the discharge of the concentrate. Before the froth collapse or overfrothing, the bubble siritare of the froth ‘ars to change and this is observed asa change inthe elec- trical conductivity by means ofthe socond measuring sensors 12, The electrical conductivity of the froth changes, ie. ‘quickly increases or decreases immediatly before the rath ‘collapse oroverirhing.Inthat case, the rateof change inthe ‘lecrical conductivity is monitored and this change ean be used to directly predict an unstableness of the foth bed and the said changes. “The senso that belongto the second proup, of which there are also preferably two, 42. a third and fourth measuring sensor 13, 14, are intended for measuring the electeeal con 6 ductivity ofthe slrry’3. In that case, they re arranged on the ‘longated support 102 at such a height and distance from the housing 101 that they are situated inside the slurry 3 in the Aotation coll 1 and, specifically, on the desired one oF two ‘measuring planes. In this application, the third and the fourth ‘measuring sensors 13. 14 are essentially atthe same height and, thus, are situated on the same measuring plane D, but they are arranged in adjacent measuring points D1, D2. The thd measuring sensor 13 that belongs to the second aroupis intended for measuring the electrical conductivity of sSluey that contains sr, te electrical eonduetvity ofthe ‘mixture of slurry and air bubbles. The fourth measuring sen- sor 14 that belongs to the second group is intended for mea- string the electrical conductivity of slury that does not eon- ‘ain an essential amount of aire. that does not have any air bubbles. Below the measuring heads 14a, 146 of the fourth ‘measuring sensor 14, there is arrange a blocking member, such as a plate 18, which has a sullicient surface area and ‘whieh is used for preventing the entry of the sir bubbles 8, \hiek rise from below, in between the measuring heads 14a, 4b ofthe measuring sensor 1. Thenumberandiorthesizeof tir bubbles inthe slury between the measuring heads 13a 1b of the third measuring sensor 13 influences the electrical conductivity that is measured, and itis proportional to the same. On the other hand, the electrical conductivity of the Sluy alone, whieh is measured by the fourth measuring sensor 1, gives a guideline vale, which the measuring result ‘oblained by the third measuring sensor 13 can be compared ‘with. Furthermore, these sensors 13, 1d are essentially on the same plane D and close to each ether, whereby the other prapertis of the slurry (excleing the air content) are exsen- ‘ally similar, ‘Ina preferred embodiment ofthe invention, the measuring beads of the measuring sensors 11, 12, 13, 14 are made of araphite. The material contained in te flotation cll doesnot havea significant effect on graphite measuring heads; there- ‘or, their maintenance intervals long and, thus, thoy have a Jong service lite Tina preferred embodiment ofthe invention, the measuring beads of the measuring sensors 1,12, 13, 14 are electrolyt cally cleaned. In that ease, an adequately high altemating voliage V, is arranged between the measuring heads foe 9 moment, Causing any material that has adhered to the mea- string heads to come off. The magnitude of this cleaning vollage isdependenton ie properties oftheslurny, i.e. the jobject ofthe flotation process, among others “The electric measuring sensors 11,12, 13, 14 ofthe devi 10 according to the invention are connected 0 an indicator vice 19 to bring out the measuring signals obtained from themeasuringsensos, a illustrated in FIG. 3. Inthisease, the indicator device 19 comprises an oscillator 16, a voliage source 17 and an amplification stage 18. The device 10 i. the measuring sensors, and the indicator device 19 joinly constitite the measuring deviee for measuring the electrical conductivity (ora corresponding variable) ofthe material in the flotation cel. “The indicator device 19 comprises at least an AC source i.e, measuring voltage souree; inthis case, the oscillator 16 and the adjustable AC source 17. The Frequency of the alter ‘ating curent of the AC source 17 ean be adjusted by adjust ing the frequency of the osillator 16, The amplitude ofthe altemating voltage across the measuring sensors can also be Adjusted. The first pole ofthe voltage sonree 17 is connected to the first measuring heod 112, 12a, 13a, 14a of exch mea- sting sensor 11, 12,13, 14, and the second poleis connected to the second measuring head 11,12), 135,14. In this way. the properties of the measuring sensors can be adjusted US 8,008,931 B2 1 ‘acconting 10 the electrical properties ofthe material that is measured, such a various ore pulps, so that strong enough ‘measuring signals are obtained from the Seasos. The indicator device 19 further comprises at least the ‘amplifying part 18, its each channel having a respective snplifying unit 180, 18b, 18, and 18d. The second measur ing head 114, 126, 130, 146 of the measuring sensor 11,12, 13,14 is connected to is own channel through the respective amplifying unit 182, 185, 18, 18d ofthe amplifying par 18 The measuring signals obtained from the measuring sensors 41,12, 13,14 are amplifid in the amplifying unit acl moved orward to further processing. The amplified measuring signal ean be converted into 3 suitable current signal, which i used in moving the measur ing data forward from the indicator device 19 to a stable ‘monitoring and contol unit. Altematively, the measuring sig- nal ean be converted into a digital form already in the inl tor deviee 19, after which the measuring data in the digital orm is tensferredalonya suitable dita ansmission bus to the ssid monitoring and eontrol unit, ‘One control system of the tation cell, which the method and the device according to the invention are applied to, is schematically presented in FIG. 4. The material inthe los tion cell 1, specifically the froth bed 7 and slurry 3, are measured by the measuring sensors 11, 12, 13, 14 of the ‘device 19, which aro situated in the indicator unit 19, The measuring signals are detected and sent t a monitoring and ‘control unit20, in which they are analyzed Onthehesisof the results, the monitoring and control unit 20 pies instructions for example, so as to reduce or increase the air supply to the supply devices 4a andor to change the reagent feed to the reagent feeder 6. The control of the flotation eell 1 can be ‘implemented by complying with the principles known as such and presentedabove in the preamble ofthe specification. "The invention is not Timited to the above application ‘example only, but various alterations are viable within the inventive idea defines by the claims REFERENCE NUMBERS. 1 tation eo Aa overdow ede of the cell 2 feng of slurry 3 sry inthe cl 4 siesuppy and mixing deviees 42 sirsuppy devices Sir bubbe(s) 51 upward amows 6 agent feeding “hot bed 8 clischange (ecovery) of concentrate 9 waste disposal 10 device for monitoring she operation of the Hotton cell 101 housing 102 clongated suppor 1W2e, 1025, 102e rd or the ike belonging to the support 11 measuring sensor—conduetivty measurement 1a, ibmeasuringheador the measuring sensor, with Wo oles 12°2"/ measuring sensor conductivity measurement 12a, 12hmeasuringheidof he measringsensr with wo roles 133" measuring sensor condostivty measurement 14, t3bmeasuringheadof the measuringsensor with Wo poles 1414 measuring ss or—conduetvity measurement 0 o 8 14a, 146 measuring head of the measuring sensor, with Wo poles 18 blocking plate or the Tike 16oscillator 17 (altemating) volte source Y alternating voltage mensring voltage aerating vltgesteaning vollage 18 184, 18%, 1Be ampliyng tae the measuring sign ands pans 19 indicator wit 20-conto unit ‘A.A versal diretion BF measuring plane C2" measuring plane D3" meastring plane DI measuring point on plane D 122" measuring point on plane D The invention claimed ie 1A method of monitoring the operation of tation et conisning sry’ and a fs bed ebaracterized in that the lectrical conductivity ofthe froth bd (7) nthe flotation cs smeared inthe vertical direstonon fest messing plane (@) the condictivity mensurements being wd fr monitor Jing the froth speed awards an overlow eige ofthe Motion cell 2.Amethod according wo claim 1 charaterized in hat the electrical eanduetivty ofthe eth be (inthe flotation eel fs measured in the verical direction on a second measuring Plan (C), the conductivity measurements being sed for "monitoring varationsinthe properties ofthe rth bed which ict a ft collapse or evertothing 3.A method according wo claim 1, charatcizein hat the clectrical conductivity af the sly (3) nthe oaton cel (1) Jsmeasuced in the vertical dretiononat eastone measuring Plane (D), the conductivity measurements a the slur being ‘sed for monitoring he changes in he air content contains intheslury othe size ofthe air bubbles. 4-4 method according to claim 3, characterized in tha 9 fist condoctivity vlc of the surry x deine for the sly ‘withthe airbubblescontined init nda second conductivity ale of the shiny is defined fr the shir without the ait tbbles '5.A method according ta claim 1, characterized ia thatthe smecsuring sensors (1, 12,13, 14) have measuring heads tat are elecilyticlly cleaned by means ofan aguately high athemating vtage CV.) 1-Amethd according to claim 3, characterizedin thatthe cloctricaleondetvity of the material in th Retation ells ‘casured ia the vertical dizection at ferent depts om = eral measuring planes (B,C, D) 7A device for monitoring the operation of flotation cll comprising: amunberof measuring sensors (11.12.13, 4)0F the eleuteal conductivity. which are to be fied inte tion cell (1) and immersed inthe mata (3,7 eontaned in ito messure its eleeticaleonductiviy wherein the measur ing sensors are range on an elongated support (102) sta small distance from one another, and the suppor this ‘measuring sesors cane fitted, in an essentially vertical retin, in the Hotation cell) and he material (3.7) contained in itt measure the electrical eonductivity of the ‘material athe fttioncelinthe veetieal direction an several ‘measuring planes (B,C, D) and wherein the measring son- Sors (1, 12,13, 14) ofthe devi (10) are divide into a ist and second group, of which the msasuring sensors (11,12) ‘which belong tothe frst group measure the froth bed (7) and the measuring seasors (13, 14) which Belong tthe sccond aroup measure the sluzy 7), and ented nit (20) which US 8,008,931 B2 9 uses the measurements ofthe measuring sensors ofthe fist sroupto determine the spoadof movementof the fot bed (7) du forprditing a collapse of the fah bod (7) or overt "s-A device acconing to claim 1, characteris in that the easing seatrs (13, 14) miasure both the electrical cone ‘ductivity ofthe mnt of slurry and aie bubbles and, the lectrcal condctivity ofthe slur alone. 9. device accor to claim 1, wherein the measuring sensors (I 12, 13,14) the device (10) ae connected aa 10 oscillator (16) and a voltage source (17) ofan ind (18), the amplitude and the frequency ofthe allemating vo ‘age across the measuring sensors being suitably selectable by ‘means of said oseillator and voltage source, 10, A device aecording to claim’ 1, wherein the measuring heads ofthe measuring sensors (11,12, 13, 14) af the device are made of graphite

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