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Qianli He

Afternoon Class 2/3

Vincent Zompa
Difference between Male and Female
According to Los Angeles Times, in Study finds male, female brains are physically different
but think the same. Scientists say that human brains cannot be categorized as typically male or
female, although there are differences. In the research shows that it does have the greatest
difference between men and women in the 10 parts of brain. It is divided into 3 categories: male,
female and somewhere in middle that is not shows any feature of male and female. The scan of
MRI gives us a result that only 6% consistently shows up as male or female in all 10 parts of the
brain while 35 % shows up in the middle. So, in most cases, the parts of brain between male and
female do not have an obvious difference. The other scientists group who are also doing the same
research say that if we try to distinguish between a male and a female will broke the specific
brain features.

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