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Sarakiki is a local term apparently referring to premeditated or frenzied movements which means to

allure, to draw with, to attract or exercise attraction, to entice or to win. By its pre-colonial denotation,
it means to praise, extol or eulogize spirits of gods. The word does not only ascribe to the ritual
or hadang as an activity to gratify the gods, but likewise hadang as the offering or the sacrifice.
Sarakiki as a ritual dance per se is a dance-offering of the Warays to their deity or deities which
traces its roots to pre-colonial religious beliefs. Calbayognons held that spirits occupied a position of
command over the power of nature which may inflict harm or do good in society. Rituals to please
these spirits were held during feasts and other occasions like planting and harvest season, drought
and in times of dreadful epidemics. The ceremony could last a couple of days. It involved the entire
villagers who offered (manok) sacrifices to venerate the spirits. Traditionally, our forefathers make
use of patani ug ugis nga manok (black feather and white feather chicken) as the offering in
veneration of the spirits.
In the context of cultural development, the term Sarakiki is adapted to describe the significance of
the movements used in the famous dance "kuratsa", a courtship dance eminent to all Calbayognons.
Today "kuratsa" is the most popular dance form consummated in all celebrations most especially
during wedding jovialities. Sarakiki is likewise place forth in songs particularly the SADA-SADA an
event of merriment in the evening before a wedding ceremony, which redound to one of our most
well-liked tradition, the so-called pamalaye or pamamanhikan. Another confirmation is the thumbs-up
form of the Calbayognons while dancing which represents the tahud. During the 1st Grand National
Streetdance Competition Aliwan Fiesta on May 13, 2003, participated by 26 famous festivals in
the country,the Sarakiki-Hadang Festival of Calbayog City won the 3rd prize. Sarakiki-Hadang
Festival is celebrated in Calbayog City every year from September 1 to 8 under the auspices of the
City Arts And Culture Office

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