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1.Explain SQL Server Architecture?

2.WHat is SQL OS?

3.WHat is page and Types of pages?
4.What is extent and types of extents?
5.What is mdf,ldf and ndf files?
6.What is filestream and file table?
7.what is filegroup?
8.what is collation?
9.What are pre requists to install sql server 2012?
10.Installation differences between SQL server 2008 and 2012?
11.WHat are the common errors were faced while installing SQL server?
12.What are the post installation steps in sql server?
13.What are the new features in SQL Server 2008,2008R2,2012 and 2014?
14.Explain syatem databases?
15.WHat is resourse database and where it is exist? to move master dataabase files from one location to another location in s
ql server? to move Model,MSDB and Tempdb database files from one location to another
location in sql server?
18.If master database corrupted ehat need to do?
19.If tepdb ,MSDB and MODEL databases were corrupted what need to do?
20.How to find installation details in sql server and where the file were locate
21.What is SQL Server Agent?
22.What is Maintanace plan and what are the components are there in maintanance
23.What are the permissions are required to run the jobs and create jobs?
24.What is Job?
25.What are the best practices when desining Database?
26.What is the diff B\W Login and User?
27.What is the diff B\W Authentication and authorization?
28.What is the diff B\W Mixed and windows Authentication ?
29.What are the server roles?
30.what are the user roles?
31.what are the permissions are required to run SQl jobs?
32.what is the diff b\w grant and with grant?
33.What is Orphaned users and how to fix it?
34.How to verify login assocaiated permissions
SP_helplogins <Login name>
35.What are the min permissions are required to run profiler and remove permissi
36.What are the min permissions are required to generate the reports
GRANT view serverstate TO <LOgin name>

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