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Roles: Meaghan as Digital Lead Learner (DLL), Caroline as volunteer practicum

& digital support
Interest in DL (digital learning) team?
COLLABORATIVE DISCUSSION: Post-its (3) colours (e.g. Blue & Yellow & Green)
- Round 1: SCHOOL LEARNING PLAN - Pauline
- STUDENT NEEDS (Blue & yellow post-its):
- Questions (on Slides presentation so questions are posted/visual)
1. (Blue) What do you see that students in your classrooms need?
2. (Yellow) Where are some challenges or barriers?


Give teachers some time to think about these questions, then

3-station rotation: go to each station in teams: Kinder/Primary/Junior??
Come back together: Common ideas & Top (1 or 2) priorities

Round 2: DIGITAL LEARNING PLAN - Meaghan & Caroline

STAFF NEEDS for TECH to address STUDENT NEEDS (green post-its:
- In light of the previous discussion, how can we use technology to equip our
E.g. Beyond KHPS
walls, beyond
information, to


E.g. Inquiry: Critical
Thinking, GGN
Discernment: online

E.g. Digital
(week: Nov 25 TBC)

Discussion with teaching partner/teaching team about:

- Common ideas & priorities
- Which priorities are more urgent? more important? Why?
- Which priorities have potential for wide impact?
- Which priorities are we going to lay as a foundation for this school
year/for KHPS?

(consider: math)
w do we as teachers need to
- grow/learn/focus to help students with these
I.e. Staff capacity-building in order to help students?
- What are you doing now?
- What would you like to learn / How would you like to grow?
- PD focus as a school AND individual goals
- Jo-Anne share goal
- Caroline share goal

- Meaghan share goal

Sending a Google Forms survey by Friday morning, November 4th, so Meaghan
& Caroline can compile for DLL board meeting next week
- Questions? Chat with others, share goals, chat with us, etc.

Digital Learning Community

staff capacity-building & communication
Google+ walk-through: All together w/ Chrome books
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twitter
school #hashtag: #khps_ock
People to follow: (on Slides)
George Couros

Meaghan as DLL 5 days / Caroline Tuesdays/Fridays

Letting us know what you want to learn or share
This staff meeting + Google Forms + DLL board meeting ----> DL draft plan for KHPS will
share Dec staff meeting

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