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Helyi tanterv (minta)

(A kerettantervi elveknek, szempontoknak s raszmoknak megfeleltetve)

Oxford University Press


Kzpiskola 9-12. vfolyam

Clok s feladatok
A 9. vfolyam megkezdsekor a tanulk mr 4-5 v nyelvtanulsi tapasztalattal
rendelkeznek. Ezalatt az id alatt megismerkedtek az idegennyelvi foglalkozsok feladat- s
szvegtpusaival, szkincsk bvlt, megrtik a tanr clnyelvi ravezetst, nbizalmuk lehetv
teszi szmukra, hogy az rai munkban egynileg, prban s csoportban is eredmnyesen
vegyenek rszt, rn kvli feladataikat nllan megoldjk. nrtkelsk fejlett s relis:
ismerik sajt ers s gyenge pontjaikat.
Az 910. vfolyam cljai kztt els helyen ll a tanulk motivcijnak fenntartsa s
fejlesztse, folyamatos sikerlmny biztostsa. Cl, hogy a 10. vfolyam vgre a dikok
eljussanak az A2-B1 kztti szintre, amelyen szmukra ismert tmakrkben, letszer
helyzetekben kpesek informcit krni s kapni. Megrtik hosszabb terjedelm, autentikus
hallott vagy olvasott szveg lnyegt, abbl ki tudjk szrni a lnyeges informcit. Kpesek tbb
mondatbl ll szveget szban s rsban ltrehozni. Szkincsk elg fejlett ahhoz, hogy az
ismert tmakrkhz kapcsold tmkrl szban s rsban informcit tudjanak cserlni.
A 12. vfolyam vgre a dikoknak B1-B2 kztti szint nyelvtudst kell szereznik, az
elz szintnl fejlettebb szkinccsel, szlesebb skln mozg, de ismert tmkrl kell kpesnek
lennik szban s rsban informcit cserlni, hosszabb szvegeket megrteni s ltrehozni.
A tmakrk fellelik a tanterv egyb tantrgyi tartalmait, hiszen a nyelvet nem nmagrt
hasznljuk, hanem informciszerzsre, illetve az informci feldolgozsra. A kereszttantervi
trekvsek hozzjrulnak az idegen nyelvi tananyag rthetv ttelhez, de a tartalmakat ms
szempontbl, mskpp csoportostva dolgozzuk fel, nehogy unalmass vljanak. Fontos, hogy az
nll olvass s az osztlytermen kvli nyelvi hatsok az elz vekhez hasonlan segtsk a
Ebben az letkorban a dikokat mr nagymrtkben segti a szablyszersgek felismerse
s alkalmazsa, de a hangsly tovbbra is a jelentsen, kontextuson s kommunikcin van. A
kzpiskolban egyenslyt kell teremteni a folyamatos beszd s a nyelvhelyessg kztt.
A 12. osztly vgre a dikoknak el kell sajttaniuk az nll nyelvfejlesztshez
elengedhetetlen nyelvtanulsi stratgikat.

Fejlesztsi kvetelmnyek
A tanul ismert tmakrben szban s rsban tud informcit cserlni, szveget megrteni
s ltrehozni. Tisztban van a nyelvtanuls rszterleteivel (hallott szveg rtse, beszdkszsg,
olvassrts, szkincs, fogalmazs stb.), kialakult s tovbbfejleszthet nyelvtanulsi stratgii
vannak. Nyelvtudst nllan szinten tartja, illetve szakmai rdekldsnek megfelelen
fejleszti, az osztlytermen kvli idegen nyelvi hatsokat (tvmsorok, jsgok, internet stb.) is
hasznostja nll haladsa rdekben. Nyelvtudsa segtsgvel ms orszgok npeirl s
kultrjrl is kpet tud alkotni.

A fejleszts vrhat eredmnye, hogy a tanulk a 10. vfolyam vgn elrik vagy
megkzeltik a KER szerinti B1 szintet, a 12. vfolyam vgn pedig a B2 szintet.

Az eredmnyes tanuls-tants folyamat alapfelttele a folyamatos s rendszeres rtkels,
melynek sorn kpet kapunk arrl, hogy tanulink milyen fejlettsgi fokot rtek el a ngy
alapkszsg terletn, milyen mrtkig sajttottk el a tantott anyagot, s, hogy mennyire tudjk
teljesteni a tantervben megfogalmazott kvetelmnyeket. A relis alapokra pl rtkels a
tanult tovbbi munkra sztnzi, s ersti a motivcijt.
Az rtkels sorn a tanr a tanrai s a tanrn kvli tanuli teljestmnyeket egyarnt
rtkeli. Az rtkels nem a negatvumok kiemelsre, hanem a teljestmny, hozzlls,
motivltsg, ntevkenysg javulsra koncentrl. A clirnyos szmonkrs a tanuli
teljestmny rtkelsnek nem elsdleges formja, a hangsly sokkal inkbb az idegen nyelven
vgzett egyni, pros vagy csoportos tevkenysgek minstsn van.
Az Oxford University Press tananyagaihoz ksztett tanri kziknyvek tartalmi s
mdszertani segtsget nyjtanak az rtkelshez. A tantsi folyamat klnbz szakaszaihoz
ellenrz feladatokat, elre elksztett felmrket javasolnak: vagy a kziknyv fggelkeknt,
vagy klnll, ingyenes fzetben. Ezek mindegyike korltlan szmban fnymsolhat. Fontos,
azonban, hogy a tanuli teljestmny ellenrzse ne csupn feladatlapon trtnjen, hiszen a ngy
alapkszsg mindegyikben mrni kell a fejldst. A tanknyv, a munkafzet s a hanganyag
minden fejezete klnbz lehetsgeket ajnl fel a tanuli teljestmny rtkelsre.

Az alkalmazott tanknyv kivlasztsnak elvi szempontjai

A kerettanterv alapvet clkitzseinek 100%-ban feleljen meg: motivlja a tanult a
nyelvtanulsra, fejlessze mindazokat a kszsgeket, amelyek a nyelvtudshoz szksgesek,
hasznljon olyan munkltat s gyakorlati feladattpusokat, amelyek megknnytik a nyelv
A tanknyvsorozat a kzpiskolai angol nyelvi tanterv kvetelmnyeit 100%-ban fedje.
A tananyag illeszthet legyen a tantervben megadott ves raszmokhoz.

A kivlasztott tanknyvsorozat:

New Headway

vfolyamonknti tanterv
9. vfolyam
vi raszm: 111
Tanknyv: New Headway Elementary

a) Kommunikcis szndkok
A trsadalmi rintkezshez szksges kommunikcis szndkok
Kezdemnyezs s vlasz
Kszns, elkszns:

How do you do?

Good morning/afternoon/evening.
Hello Rick.
Hello, how are you?
See you tomorrow.
Good night.
Have a nice day.

Bemutatkozs, bemutats: My name is

This is my friend,

How do you do?

Good morning.
Hello Bill.
Very well, thank you.
See you.
Good night.
Hello, Im
Hi. Nice to meet you.

Email- s kpeslaprs:

Dear John,
Dear Mr/Ms
Best wishes,
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely

Ksznetnyilvnts s
arra reagls:

Thank you very much.
Thanks a lot.

Not at all.
Thats all right..
You're welcome.

Bocsnatkrs s arra

Im sorry. Im very sorry.

Thats all right.

Gratulcik, jkvnsgok Happy Christmas / New year / Birthday!

s azokra reagls:
Have a nice holiday.
rzelmek kifejezsre szolgl kommunikcis szndkok

Happy Christmas / New Year /

Thank you.

Sajnlkozs, egyttrzs:

Im sorry.
Sorry to hear that.
Sorry Im late.

rm, szomorsg:

Are you happy about that?

Im happy to see you.
What do you think?

Im so happy.
Im happy to hear that.
Thats good news.
Im sorry to hear that.

Szemlyes belltds s vlemny kifejezsre szolgl kommunikcis szndkok


Are you interested in music?

How do you spell it?

I love rock music.

Tetszs, nemtetszs:

Do you like ?
I like .
She loves listening to music.
Do you like the new teacher?

I think its great.

I dont like it.

Akarat, kvnsg:

Would you like a sandwich?

I want to do this work later..

Id like a hamburger


Can you speak French?

Can you play football?

I can understand French

I cant play tennis.

Szndk, kvnsg:

What would you like to do?

Id like to go out today.


What are you going to do?

Im going to make a party.

He's nice, I like him.

Informcicserhez kapcsold kommunikcis szndkok

Dolgok, szemlyek
megnevezse, lersa:
Esemnyek lersa:
Informcikrs, -ads:

Tuds, nemtuds:

What is that? What is it like?

Whats it in English?
There is a blue pen on the table in the
We went to the cinema first, then we had
dinner in a Chinese restaurant.
Did you see him at the party?
When does the last bus leave?
Where do you go to school?
Can you tell me the way to the station,
How do you spell it?
Do you know what's on TV tonight?

Its / Thats

Yes, I did, he was there.

At 11 p.m.
I go to technical college.
Go along this road, then take
the second street on the right.
I dont know.
I have no idea.

A partner cselekvst befolysol kommunikcis szndkok


Can I use your pen, please?

Could you repeat that, please?
Can you help me?

Of course.
Yes, of course.
Im afraid I cant.


Stop at the corner.

Javaslat s arra reagls:

Lets go to the cinema tonight.

Good idea.

Knls s arra reagls:

Would you like a drink?

Thats very kind of you.

Im sorry, I cant.
Orange juice, please.
Thank you.
No, thank you. / Yes, please.

What would you like?

Have an apple.
Here you are.
Interakciban jellemz kommunikcis szndkok
Megrts biztostsa:

Visszakrdezs, ismtlskrs
Betzs krse, betzs
Nem rts, magyarzatkrs, magyarzat
rts ellenrzse

Sorry, what did you say?
How do you spell it?
Sorry, I dont understand.
Could you understand?

b) Fogalomkrk
trtns, ltezs


Fogalomkrk nyelvi kifejezsei

present simple
present continuous
present perfect simple

He comes from New Zealand.

When do you usully go to sleep?
Shes wearing blue jeans.
What are you doing now?
She' travelled to most prts of the
Have you ever been in a car


past simple

We had lunch in pub yesterday.

How much money did you get?


going to

What are you going to do on

Ill have a cheese sandwich.
When will you finish school?

future simple


Fogalomkrk nyelvi kifejezsei

have (got)
possessive adj.
possessive pronouns
genitive s

I dont have / haven't got too many

Shes got beautiful clothes.
my, your, his/her/its,our, their room
mine, yours,theirs
Claudias mother
the door of the classroom

Trbeli viszonyok Irnyok,


prepositional phrases,

here, there, on the left, on the right,

in, on, under, opposite, next to,
between, in front of, behind, inside,
outside, above

Idbeli viszonyok Gyakorisg

how often?

always, often, sometimes, never,

once/twice a week, every day
now, in the morning
yesterday, last week, two years ago,
tomorrow, next week
in 2002, in August, at 2 oclock, on
Its quarter past five.

when? what time?



whats the time?


singular and plural

cardinal numbers
ordinal numbers
countable nouns
uncountable nouns
some, any

children, people, men, women

one, two, three.,
first, second,
How many friends have you got?
How much milk have we got?
I havent got any time now.
a lot, not much, little, few
Ive got a lot of/little money.
a cup of tea, a piece of cake


comparative sentences
(short, long adjectives)

London is bigger than Paris.

She is as old as me.
This is the best restaurant in the
good, bad (better, worse)
Whats it like?
What colour is it?

irregular adjectives
what like
what colour


She can dance very well.

Can I open the window?
I couldn't drive when I was younger.
Could you find it?


linking words

and, or, but, because


Fogalomkrk nyelvi kifejezsei

articles, determiners
some+plural noun
any+plural noun
some +singular noun
any + singular noun
nominative and
accusative of personal
demonstrative pronouns
indefinite pronouns

a, an, the, some, any

There are some eggs in the friddge.
Have you got any sisters?
I havent got any brothers.
Theres some tea in the cup.
There isnt any juice in my glass.
I, he, they
me, him, them
this, that, these, those
somebody, anybody,nobody,

c) Tmakrk

Kapcsoldsi pont

Ismerkeds, bemutatkozs, iskoltrsak, bartok, csald,

rokonsg, szemlylers, jellemzs

nismeret, illemtan, orszgismeret, fldrajz,


Kzvetlen krnyezetnk, laks, tanterem, tantrgyak,

vros/falu, pletek, kzlekeds, tjkozds

oktats, hon- s npismeret, brit civilizcis

ismeretek, illemtan

Mindennapi letnk, napirend, szoksos tevkenysgek, gasztronmia, hon- s npismeret,

hzimunka, tanuls, szabadid, tkezs, vendgsg
egszsgtan, brit civilizcis ismeretek,
Munka, lls, foglalkozsok, karrier, kommunikci,

nismeret, hon- s npismeret, kommunikci,

brit civilizcis ismeretek

Idjrs, vszakok, ruha, ltzkds, divat, sport

termszetismeret, hon- s npismeret, brit

civilizcis ismeretek, fldrajz, meteorolgia,
egszsgtan, divattrtnet

Szrakozs, kikapcsolds, zene, utazs

kultra, mdia, hon- s npismeret, brit

civilizci, fldrajz

A tovbbhalads felttelei
Hallott szveg rtse
A tanul kpes
kb. 100 szavas kznyelvi szvegben a lnyeges informcit a lnyegtelentl elklnteni;
kb. 100 szavas kznyelvi szvegben ismeretlen nyelvi elem jelentst a
szvegsszefggsbl kikvetkeztetni;
kb. 100 szavas kznyelvi szvegben fontos informcit megrteni;

kb. 100 szavas kznyelvi szvegben specifikus informcit azonostani;

kznyelvi beszlgets vagy monologikus szveg lnyegt megrteni.

A tanul kpes
kznyelven megfogalmazott krdsekre egyszer struktrkban rendezett vlaszokat adni;
egyszer mondatokban kzlseket megfogalmazni, krdseket feltenni, esemnyeket
elmeslni, rzelmeket kifejezni;
megrtsi, illetve kifejezsi problmk esetn segtsget krni;
beszlgetsben rszt venni;
trsalgst kvetni.
Olvasott szveg rtse
A tanul kpes
kb. 150 szavas, kznyelven megrt szveget elolvasni;
kb. 150 szavas kznyelvi szvegben lnyeges informcit a lnyegtelentl
ismert nyelvi elemek segtsgvel kb. 150 szavas kznyelvi szvegben ismeretlen nyelvi
elemek jelentst kikvetkeztetni;
kb. 150 szavas kznyelven megrt szvegben fontos informcit megtallni;
kb. 150 szavas kznyelvi szvegben specifikus informcit azonostani;
kb. 150 szavas kznyelven megrt szveg lnyegt megrteni;
egyszer vagy egyszerstett publicisztikai illetve irodalmi szveget kvetni.
A tanul kpes
kb. 100 szavas, tnyszer informcit kzvett nhny bekezdsbl ll, szveget rni;
gondolatait vltozatos kifejezsekkel s mondatszerkezetekkel, a megfelel nyelvi
eszkzk hasznlatval, logikai sszefggsek alapjn szvegg rendezni, egyszer
kzlseket rsban megfogalmazni;
klnbz szvegfajtkat ltrehozni;
vltozatos kzlsformkat (lers, elbeszls, jellemzs) hasznlni.

10. vfolyam
vi raszm: 111
Tanknyv: New Headway Pre-Intermediate

b) Kommunikcis szndkok
A trsadalmi rintkezshez szksges kommunikcis szndkok
Kezdemnyezs s vlasz

Excuse me.

Can I help you?


How do you do?

Good morning / afternoon / evening.
Hello Jane.
Hello, how are you?

How do you do?

Good morning / afternoon /
Hello Jim.
Fine, thanks. And you?


See you later.
See you tomorrow.
Good night.
Have a nice day.

See you.
Good night.
Thanks, bye.

Bemutatkozs, bemutats: My name is

How do you do?
This is my friend, .
This is

Hello, is that Peter? This is John.

Can I speak to Jane, please?

How do you do?
Nice to meet you.
Pleased to meet you.
Yes, just a minute, please.

Levrs, email, kpeslap: Dear/Hi Peter,

Dear Mr/Ms
Best wishes,
By for now,
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely,
Greetings from
rdeklds msok
hogylte fell s reagls:

How are you?

Are you fine?

Fine. / OK / All right.

Not very well, Im afraid.

Engedlykrs s reagls: Can I sit here?

Could I open the window?

Yes, of course.

Ksznetnyilvnts s
arra reagls:

Thank you very much.
Thanks a lot.
Its very kind of you.

Not at all.
That's all right.
You're welcome.

Bocsnkrs s arra

Im sorry. Im very sorry.

Thats all right.

It doesnt matter.
Never mind.

Gratulcik, jkvnsgok Happy Christmas / New Year / birthday!

s azokra reagls:
Have a nice holiday.

Happy Christmas / New Year /

Thank you.
Thank you, the same to you.

rzelmek kifejezsre szolgl kommunikcis szndkok

Sajnlkozs, egyttrzs:

Im sorry.
Im sorry to hear that.
Oh, dear.

rm, szomorsg:

Im so glad / happy.
Im happy to hear that.
Im sorry to hear that.
Im saad about it.
Im so sorry for

What do you think of?
elgedetlensg, bosszsg: Are you happy with?

Thats fine/nice/not bad.

That was fine/good/ nice
It wasnt very good.

I hope well get there in time.

Szemlyes belltds s vlemny kifejezsre szolgl kommunikcis szndkok

vlemnynyilvnts s
arra reagls:

What do you think?

What do you think of it?

rdeklds, rdektelensg, Are you interested in music?

tetszs, nemtetszs:
What are you interested in?
Do you like Italian food?
How do you like it?
What do you think of ?
Dicsret, kritika:

Youre really kind.

Akarat, kvnsg:

Would you like some coffee?

We want to travel to France this year.

I think its terrible.

Its fine/nice/not bad.
It's OK.
Yes, I love it.
I enjoy music, but I don't care
for films.
I think its great.
I really like it.
I dont like it.
It looks nice.
Id like some tea.


Can you help me with this exercise?

We can't finish this work by tomorrow.


Do you have to work hard?

I had to get up early this morning.
You must work harder.


You must see this film, it's very good.

She shouldn't drink so much coffee.


Im going to see the doctor tomorrow.

I want to improve my English.
We're planning a trip to France.
I'm thinking of moving house.

I think I can help you.

I think I can do it.

Informcicserhez kapcsold kommunikcis szndkok

Dolgok, szemlyek
megnevezse, lersa:

What is it?
What is it like?
What does she look like?

Esemnyek lersa:

We put everything in the car and left for

Paris. On the way
Did you see Jim in the pub?
Yes, he was there.
Can you tell me the way to the post office? Take the second street on the
right, and go down King Street.
Do you know when the last bu leaves?
I have no idea.
Do you know Peter?
Yes, we have already met.

Informcikrs, -ads:
Tuds, nemtuds:
Ismers, nem ismers:

Its/ Thats
It's small and ugly.
She looks pretty. She's tall, and
she's got long hair.

A partner cselekvst befolysol kommunikcis szndkok

Tilts, felszlts:
Segtsgkrs s arra val

Could you do me a favour?

Could you give me your phone number?
Please don't smoke here.
Dont worry.
Can you help me with this exercise?

Yes, sure.
Of course.
Certainly, what's the problem?
I'm afraid I can't.

Interakciban jellemz kommunikcis szndkok

Megrts biztostsa:

Prbeszd strukturlsa:

Visszakrdezs, ismtlskrs
Betzs krse, betzs
Nem rts, magyarzatkrs, magyarzat
rts ellenrzse
Beszdszndk jelzse, beszlgets
Elemek sszekapcsolsa


Sorry, what did you say?
How do you spell it?
Sorry, I dont understand.
Could you understand?
Guess what!
Can I talk to you a little?
And then So because

b) Fogalomkrk
trtns, ltezs


Fogalomkrk nyelvi kifejezsei

present simple
present simple passive
present continuous
present perfect simple
present perfect
present perfect passive


past simple
past simple passive
past continuous

past perfect

going to
future simple
future simple passive


possessive adj.
possessive pronouns
genitive s

Trbeli viszonyok Irnyok,


prepositional phrases,
picture location
geographical location

She likes going to the cinema.

She swims well.
English is spoken all over the world.
What are the two men at the back
Have you been to a fashion show?
She's written twenty books so far.
How long have you been working in
this office?
They haven't been invited to the
We decided to go to the seaside last
What did you do there?
My car was stolen last night.
When I phoned her, she was having a
What were you doing at ten last
He said he had been ill for two days.
What are you going to do after
Jane will be eighteen next year.
Ill make chicken for dinner.
His new book will be published next
I havent got a brother, but I have
two sisters.
my, your, his/her/its, our, their
mine, yours,theirs
Jims uncle
the windows of the house
here, there, on the left, on the right,
in, on, under, opposite, next to,
between, in front of, behind, inside,
outside, above, etc.
at the top / bottom, on the left/right,
at the back, in the background
along the street, down the road, past
the park, opposite the station, etc.

Idbeli viszonyok Gyakorisg

Fogalomkrk nyelvi kifejezsei

adverbs of time
how often?
when? what time?

whats the time?

perfect simple

singulars and plurals

cardinal numbers
ordinal numbers
countable nouns
uncountable nouns


comparative sentences
(short, long adjectives)
irregular adjectives


can/ could
can/could (permission)
might (possibility)
must (obligation)
have to (obligation)


linking words
first conditional
second conditional
time clauses with future


some, any, many, much
indefinite pronouns

already, yet, just

always, often, sometimes, never,
once/twice a week, every day
yesterday, last week, two years ago,
tomorrow, next week
in 2011, in May, at 2 oclock, on
Its a quarter past four.
I was sleeping when the phone rang.
I've lived here for seven years now.
children, people, men, women
one, two, three a hundred and
first, second twentieth
How many books have you got?
Ive got a lot of/few books.
How much money have you got?
Ive got a lot of/little money.
much, many, (a) few, (a) little, a lot
of, lots of
a cup of tea, a piece of cake, a glass
of water, a kilo of potatoes, a bunch
of flowers, etc.
She''s much nicer than her sister.
Jane is the most beautiful girl I've
ever seen..
better, worse, farther, etc.
What should I do?
You should do more work.
She can swim very well.
We couldn't finish it last night.
Can/could I open the window?
I might go out, or I might stay at
You must read this book.
Did you have to work last week?
and, or, but, because, so, although
I'd buy a new computer if I had more
If I had the time, Id travel the world.
I'll give her a call when I get home.
a, an, the
There isnt much juice in the fridge,
but there are some apples there.
somebody, anybody, nobody,
everybody, something, etc.

c) Tmakrk

Kapcsoldsi pont

Csald, bartok, ismerkeds, trsas kapcsolatok,

hzassg, lettrtnet, iskola, napi tevkenysgek

nismeret, illemtan, kommunikci, hon- s


Emberi tulajdonsgok, rzelmek, szemlylers, tervek, nismeret, kommunikci, kultra,

tkezs, tterem, trend, vsrls, vendglts

termszetismeret, gasztronmia, hon- s

npismeret, brit civilizcis ismeretek

Egszsges letmd, betegsg, orvos, ltzkds

egszsgtan, termszetismeret, hon- s

npismeret, divattrtnet

Kikapcsolds, knyv, film, trtnetmesls s rs

kultra, hon- s npismeret, brit civilizci,s

ismeretek, irodalom

Levlrs, email, internet, rlapkitlts, telefon,

kommunikci, hrek, mdia

illemtan, kommunikci, hon- s npismeret,

brit civilizcis ismeretek

A tovbbhalads felttelei
Hallott szveg rtse
A tanul kpes
kb. 150 szavas kznyelvi szvegben a lnyeges informcit a lnyegtelentl elklnteni;
kb. 150 szavas kznyelvi szvegben ismeretlen nyelvi elem jelentst a
szvegsszefggsbl kikvetkeztetni;
kb. 150 szavas kznyelvi szvegben fontos informcit megrteni;
kb. 150 szavas kznyelvi szvegben specifikus informcit azonostani;
kznyelvi beszlgets vagy monologikus szveg lnyeges pontjait megrteni.
A tanul kpes
rnyaltabban megfogalmazott krdsekre sszetettebb struktrkban rendezett vlaszokat
vlasztkos mondatokban kzlseket megfogalmazni, krdseket feltenni, esemnyeket
elmeslni, rzelmeket kifejezni;
megrtsi, illetve kifejezsi problmk esetn segtsget krni;
beszlgetsben rszt venni;
trsalgsba bekapcsoldni, llspontot, vlemnyt kifejteni.
Olvasott szveg rtse
A tanul kpes

kb. 200 szavas, kznyelven megrt szveget elolvasni;

kb. 200 szavas kznyelvi szvegben lnyeges informcit a lnyegtelentl
ismert nyelvi elemek segtsgvel kb. 200 szavas kznyelvi szvegben ismeretlen nyelvi
elemek jelentst kikvetkeztetni;
kb. 200 szavas kznyelvi szvegben fontos informcit megtallni;
kb. 200 szavas kznyelvi szvegben specifikus informcit azonostani;
kb. 200 szavas kznyelven megrt szveg felptst megrteni;
egyszer vagy egyszerstett publicisztikai vagy irodalmi szveg lnyeges pontjait

A tanul kpes
kb. 150 szavas, tnyszer informcit kzvett nhny bekezdsbl ll, szveget rni;
gondolatait vltozatos kifejezsekkel s mondatszerkezetekkel, a megfelel nyelvi
eszkzk hasznlatval, logikai sszefggsek alapjn bekezdsbe rendezett szvegben
klnbz szvegfajtkat ltrehozni;
vltozatos kzlsformkat hasznlni

11. vfolyam
vi raszm: 111
Tanknyv: New Headway Intermediate

c) Kommunikcis szndkok
A trsadalmi rintkezshez szksges kommunikcis szndkok
Kezdemnyezs s vlasz

Excuse me.

Can I help you?
What can I do for you?


Good morning / afternoon / evening

Good morning / afternoon /

Hello Peter.
Very well, thank you. And how
about you?

Hello Jane.
Hello, how are you?

See you later.
See you tomorrow.
Good night.
Take care.
Have a good day.
Keep in touch.

See you.
Good night.
Thanks. Bye!
OK, bye.

Bemutatkozs, bemutats: My name is

This is Mr/Mrs/Miss
How do you do?
This is my friend
Szemlyes s hivatalos

Dear Jane,
Hi Peter,
Dear Mr/Mrs/Ms ,
Kind regards,
Best wishes,
Write soon,
Im looking forward to hearing from you
Yours sincerely,

Nice to meet you.
Pleased to meet you.
How do you do?

rdeklds msok
hogylte fell s reagls:

How are you?

How are you feeling today?
How are you doing?

Fine. / OK / All right. Much

better, thanks.
Not too bad.
Not very well, Im afraid.
Actually, I feel ill.

Whats the matter?

Engedlykrs s reagls: May I use your telephone?
Do you mind if I open the window?

Yes, go ahead.
Not at all.

Ksznetnyilvnts s
arra reagls:

Thank you very much.
Thanks a lot.
Its very kind of you.
Id like to thank you for your help.

Not at all.
You are welcome.
Thats all right.
Dont mention it.
My pleasure.

Bocsnat krse s arra


Im sorry. Im very sorry.

Please forgive me.

Thats all right.

It doesnt matter.
Never mind.
No problem.

Gratulcik, jkvnsgok Merry Christmas.

s azokra reagls:
Happy New Year!
Happy birthday!
Have a nice holiday.
All the best.

Merry Christmas.
Happy New Year!
Happy birthday!
Thank you.
Thank you, the same to you.

rzelmek kifejezsre szolgl kommunikcis szndkok

Sajnlkozs, egyttrzs:

Im sorry about it.

Im sorry to hear that.
Oh, dear.

rm, szomorsg:

Are you happy about that?

What do you think of it?
How do you feel about ?

What do you think of?
elgedetlensg, bosszsg: Are you pleased with?
Are you happy with?

Yes, it's great.

Im very happy/glad about it.
Im glad to hear that.
Im so pleased that
I feel so happy for
Im sorry to hear that.
What a pity.
Oh, no!
Oh, dear!
I feel so sorry for
Thats fine/nice/not bad.
That was fine/good/ nice
Im happy with
Im quite pleased with
Its not very good.
That wasnt very good.
Im tired of


Jim was caught cheating in his exam.

Was he?
I can't believe that.


What are you hoping for?

What are you looking forward?

Im looking forward to
I hope youll have time to join
us for lunch.

Aggodalom, flelem:

Whats the matter?

Are you afraid of ?

Im frightened by the news.

I'm afraid .

Szemlyes belltds s vlemny kifejezsre szolgl kommunikcis szndkok

vlemnynyilvnts s
arra reagls:

What do you think?

What do you think of ?

Valaki igaznak
elismerse s el nem

Youre right.
Youre wrong.

rdeklds, tetszs,

Are you interested in ?

Do you like ?
You like golf, dont you?

Dicsret, kritika:

Youre really kind.

Akarat, kvnsg:

Would you like a drink?

Id like to leave now.
She wants to talk to you.

Id like some juice.


Can you ride a motorbike?

I just wasnt able to do it.

I couldnt ride a motorbike.


I have to go to the office by 8 every day.

When do we have to finish this work?


I need two eggs to make breakfast.

You must work faster if you want to fiinsh


She may be late for the meeting.

I might see you tomorrow.
I could be a champion if I trained hard.

Szndk, kvnsg:

What do you want to do?

Would you like to leave now?

Id like to go out tonight.

I dont want to stay long.


What are you planning?

What are you going to do?

Im planning to go to college.
Im going to find a new job.

I dont think its good.

I think its terrible.

Im interested in .
It doesnt really interest me.
I think its great.

Informcicserhez kapcsold kommunikcis szndkok

Dolgok, szemlyek
megnevezse, lersa:

Esemnyek lersa:
Informcikrs, -ads:

Tuds, nemtuds:
Ismers, nem ismers:

What is it?
What does she look like?
What is like?
How was the traffic this morning?
What happened?
How many bananas did you eat?
When will the train arrive?
How do I get to the station?
Who was this book written by?
Do you know if theres a train from here to
Are you sure you want to go there?
Do you think there ia enough food left?
Do you know Peter?

Its / Thats / Its a kind

of / Its used for / It's
made of
Your sister looks like a film
star. She is in her twenties, she
looks pretty, etc.
She walked into the room and
stopped. She listened carefully.
Then she
There weren't too many.
At ten in the morning.
Take a number 6 bus.
Im not sure about this.
I have no idea.
Im not sure. Maybe.
I dont think so.
Yes, he's a friend of mine..

A partner cselekvst befolysol kommunikcis szndkok


Could you do me a favour?

Can you lend me yout phone?

Yes, of course.
Sorry, I cant at the moment.
Im afraid I cant.
Would you pass me the waater please?
Certainly, here you are.
Would you mind opening the window?
Yes, if you please.
Tilts, felszlts:
You mustnt smoke here.
OK, I wont.
Dont do this.
All right.
Segtsgkrs s arra val I need help with my homework. Could you Certainly.
translate a few words for me?
Yes, of course.
Javaslat s arra reagls:
Lets go swimming at the weekend.
Id prefer to go cycling.
How about having lunch in a pub?
Good idea.
Meghvs s arra reagls: Would you like to come to the cinema?
Yes, Id love to.
No, Im afraid I cant.
Im sorry, I cant.
Tancs s arra reagls:
What shall I do?
Why dont you?
What do you think I should do?
I think you should
What would you recommend?
I dont think you should

Interakciban jellemz kommunikcis szndkok

Megrts biztostsa:

Visszakrdezs, ismtlskrs

Nem rts, magyarzatkrs, magyarzat

rts ellenrzse
Prbeszd strukturlsa:

Beszdszndk jelzse, beszlgets

Elemek sszekapcsolsa
Beszlgets lezrsa

Pardon? Could you repeat it?

Where did you say you wanted
to go?
Sorry, did you say she lived in
Central Park?
I dont think I understand.
Could you understand?
Sorry, what does that mean?
Can I ask you a few questions?
And then so
Well, thank you for listening,
its been nice talking to you.

b) Fogalomkrk
trtns, ltezs


Fogalomkrk nyelvi kifejezsei

present simple
present simple passive
present continuous
present continuous
present perfect simple
present perfect
present perfect passive


past simple

past perfect passive

I stayed at home and watched the

The museum was opened fifteen
years ago.
What were you doing when the
accident happened?
I didn't go to the cinema because I'd
seen the film before.
The house had been redecorated.

going to
present continuous
future simple

We're going to stay in a hotel.

I'm seeing a doctor tomorrow.
I'll see you later.

Have (got)
possessive adj.
possessive pronouns
genitive s

I have two brothers and a sister.

my, your, etc.
the managers daughter
the door of the car
Whose umbrella is this?

past simple passive

past continuous
past perfect



She works from 9 to 5

My car is serviced every year.
Which project are you working on?
The road is being widened.
Are you being served?
I've never seen such a good film
They've been staying in the hotel for
more than a week.
I've been invited to a wedding.


Fogalomkrk nyelvi kifejezsei

Trbeli viszonyok Irnyok,


prepositional phrases,

under, opposite, next to, between, in

front of, behind, inside, outside,
above, etc.
in the east/west, by the station, near
the pub, opposite the school, along
the river, past the museum, etc.

Idbeli viszonyok

adverbs of time
how often?
when? what time?
how long?

already, yet, just, before

always, often, sometimes, never,
once/twice a week, every day, etc.
yesterday, last week, two years ago,
tomorrow, next week, in 1990, in
March, at 7 oclock, on Monday, for
a week, since January, etc.


cardinal /ordinal
numbers, decimal
numbers, fractions,
percentages, money

two hundred and second

nine hundred and forty-five thousand
eight hundred and twenty-two
30 per cent, etc.


comparative sentences

Tom works harder than Peter.

This is the most interesting book I've
ever read.


should, ought to,

be able to, must, have
to, need, may, might,
used to

Do you think I should see a doctor?

You ought to be more careful with
your money
I couldnt get there on time.
She could have married anyone she
We werent able to solve the
It was so late that we had to take a
I don't think it's true, but it might be.
They used to be friends when they
were young.
They may/might have been at home
last night.


modals + perfect

linking words
first conditional
second conditional
third conditional
zero conditional

and, or, but, because, although, thats

why, however, etc.
If I see Dave, I'll tell him to call you.
I'd buy a new car if I had money.
If I'd known you were coming, I'd
have cooked you a meal.
If I get a headache, I take an aspirin.


Fogalomkrk nyelvi kifejezsei

Fgg beszd

reported speech

He told me she had passed her test.

I hoped you would call.
He asked me to open my suitcase.
She asked me why I had come.
She complained that she never had
free time.


articles, determiners,
indefinite pronouns, etc.

a, an, the, no article

some, any, every, all, no, none,
somewhere, no-one, etc.
The boy who lives next door has
gone to the beach.
That's the woman whose dog ran

relative pronouns,
relative clauses

c) Tmakrk

Kapcsoldsi pont

Mindennapi helyzetek, htkznapi esemnyek,

tallkozs, beszlgets, gyintzs

nismeret, kommunikci, illemtan, kultra,

hon- s npismeret

Munka, munkahely, napi tevkenysgek, csald, laks

szemlylers, emberek jellemzse

nismeret, kommunikci, npismeret,

civilizcis ismeretek

letmd, ltzkds, divat, vsrls, tterem, tkezs

hon- s npismeret, brit civilizci, illemtan,

egszsgtan, divattrtnet, termszetismeret

rzelmek, vgyak, flelmek, rzelmi kapcsolatok, bels nismeret, hon- s npismeret,

termszetismeret, pszicholgia
Kapcsolatunk a vilggal, tgabb krnyezetnk, kultra,
hres emberek

fldrajz, hon- s npismeret, brit civilizcis

ismeretek, kommunikci, mdia

Technika, internet, kommunikci, klnleges

esemnyek, trtnetek

technolgia, kommunikci, hon- s

npismeret, kultra, brit civilizcis ismeretek,
fldrajz, termszetismeret

A tovbbhalads felttelei
Hallott szveg rtse
A tanul kpes
kb. 200 szavas kznyelvi szvegben a lnyeges informcit a lnyegtelentl elklnteni;
kb. 200 szavas kznyelvi szvegben ismeretlen nyelvi elem jelentst a
szvegsszefggsbl kikvetkeztetni;

kb. 200 szavas kznyelvi szvegben fontos informcit megrteni;

kb. 200 szavas kznyelvi szvegben specifikus informcit azonostani;
kznyelvi beszlgetst vagy monologikus szveget klnsebb nehzsg nlkl

A tanul kpes
rnyaltabban megfogalmazott krdsekre sszetettebb struktrkban rendezett vlaszokat
vlasztkos mondatokban kzlseket megfogalmazni, krdseket feltenni, esemnyeket
elmeslni, rzelmeket kifejezni;
megrtsi, illetve kifejezsi problmk esetn segtsget krni;
beszlgetsben rszt venni;
trsalgsban vlemnyt kikrni, llspontot megvdeni.
Olvasott szveg rtse
A tanul kpes
kb. 250 szavas, kznyelven megrt szveget elolvasni;
kb. 250 szavas szvegben lnyeges informcit a lnyegtl megklnbztetni;
ismert nyelvi elemek segtsgvel kb. 250 szavas kznyelvi szvegben ismeretlen nyelvi
elemek jelentst kikvetkeztetni;
kb. 250 szavas szvegben fontos informcit megtallni;
kb. 250 szavas szvegben specifikus informcit azonostani;
kb. 250 szavas kznyelven megrt szveget anyanyelven s/vagy clnyelven
egyszer vagy egyszerstett publicisztikai vagy irodalmi szveg klnsebb nehzsg
nlkl megrteni.
A tanul kpes
kb. 200 szavas, tnyszer informcit kzvett nhny bekezdsbl ll, szveget rni;
gondolatait s rzelmeit vltozatos kifejezsekkel s mondatszerkezetekkel, a megfelel
nyelvi eszkzk hasznlatval, logikai sszefggsek alapjn bekezdsbe rendezett
szvegben megfogalmazni;
klnbz szvegfajtkat ltrehozni;
vltozatos kzlsformkat hasznlni.

12. vfolyam
vi raszm: 128
Tananyag: New Headway Upper-intermediate

a) Kommunikcis szndkok
A trsadalmi rintkezshez szksges kommunikcis szndkok
Kezdemnyezs s vlasz
Kszns, megszlts,

Excuse me.
How do you do?
Good morning / afternoon / evening.
Hello Max.
Hello, how are you?
See you later.
Good night.
Take care.
Have a good trip.

Bemutatkozs, bemutats

My name is This is
How do you do?

Levl, email, zleti

kifejezsek hasznlata

Dear James,
Dear Sir / Madam,
Dear Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms
Looking forward to hearing from you
Kind regards,
Can you confirm it in writing?
I'll email the details to you as an
I can't wait to hear from you.


Hello. speaking.
How can I help you?
What can I do for you?
I'm afraid the line's busy. Will you hold?

Yes, can I help you?

What can I do for you?
How do you do?
Good morning / afternoon /
Hello Tom.
Fine, thanks. And how about
See you.
Good night, have a nice sleep.
Thanks. Bye!
Hello. / Hi!
How do you do?
Pleased to meet you.
Nice to meet you.

This is . I'd like to speak to

Could I speak to ?

rdeklds msok
hogylte fell s arra

How are you?

How are you feeling today?

Whats the matter?

Fine, thanks.
Not too bad.
Fine. / OK / All right. Much
better, thanks.
Not very well, Im afraid.
Actually, Im suffering from

Engedlykrs s arra

May I use your mobile?

Do you mind if I open the window?

Yes, go ahead.
Not at all.

Ksznet s arra reagls

Thank you.
Thank you very much.
Thanks a lot.
Its very kind of you.
Id like to thank you for your help.

Thats all right.

Not at all.
You are welcome.
No problem.
Don't mention it.
My pleasure.

Bocsnat krse s arra


Im sorry. Im terribly sorry.

I must apologise for coming late.
I beg your pardon.
Please forgive me.

Thats all right.

It doesnt matter.
Never mind.
No problem.


Im sorry about it.

Im sorry to hear that.
What a shame!
Oh, dear.

rzelmek kifejezsre szolgl kommunikcis szndkok

rm, szomorsg

Are you happy about that?

What do you think of that?
How do you feel about that?

It's great. / Fantastic. / Terrific.

Im very happy about it.
Im glad to hear that.
Im so pleased that
I feel so happy for
Im sorry to hear that.
What a pity.
Oh, no!
Oh, dear!
I feel so sorry for


It was most kind of you.

Im very grateful to you.


What are you hoping for?

What are you looking forward?
What are your hopes for the new job?

Im looking forward to
I can hardly wait for
I hope youll have time to join

Aggodalom, flelem

Whats the matter? You look worried.

Are you worried about?
Are you afraid of what might happen?

Im worried about the news.

It was really frightening.

Bnat, elkesereds

Are you disappointed with your results?

Im very disappointed.
Im sorry to hear that.

Szemlyes belltds s vlemny kifejezsre szolgl kommunikcis szndkok

vlemnynyilvnts s
arra reagls

What do you think? What's your opinion?

What do you think of it?
Do you? I dont.

I dont think its fair/good.

I think its horrible/terrible.
Its a pity we couldnt do it.

Valaki igaznak az
elismerse s el nem

You're right.
You're wrong.
She was wrong to say so.

I dont think she was right.

I admit I made a mistake.

Egyetrts, egyet nem


Do you agree?
Whats your opinion?
How do you feel about it?

OK / All right.
I think hes wrong/right.
Im afraid I dont agree.

Dicsret, kritika

Oh, what a good idea!

What a pleasant surprise!
That was a nice presentation.
Its rather boring/awful/dispointing.

Oh, do you like it?

Im glad you like it.
Oh, do you think so? Thanks.
Im sorry you dont like it.


Are you sure you want to go there?

I don't know if it's a good idea.

She must/may/might be wrong.

Im not sure.
Perhaps. / Maybe.


Can you speak German?

Are you able to repair this machine?

I can speak a little French

Im not able to cope with this


What would you rather do?

What do you prefer?
Would you rather leave now?

Id rather have a rest.

I prefer tea to coffee.


Do you mind?
What do you think of it?

It doesnt matter.
Its all the same for me.

Informcicserhez kapcsold kommunikcis szndkok

Dolgok, szemlyek
megnevezse, lersa

What is it?
What does he/she/it look like?

Its / Thats / Its a kind

of / Its used for It's made
She looks only twenty.

Esemnyek lersa

What happened?

We arrived at the retaurant and

went in, then we sat down at a
table, and .

Informcikrs, -ads

When will the train arrive?

How much will I have to work?
What do I need for the application?

At 7.30.
Working hours are from 9 to 5.

Felttelezs, ktely

I doubt if he can do it.

I dont suppose they can come any earlier.
I suppose well arrive a bit late.

Ok, okozat

Why is that?
Whats the reason for that?
She was crying because shed been
reading a very sad book.

Well, because his train was

He forgot to lock the door; this
is how it happened.

Cl, magyarzat

Whats this used for?

Whats the point of that?
We took a taxi so as not to arrive late.

Its used for cooking.

Its to make our products

Emlkezs, nem

Do you remember seeiing her for the first

Did you remember to lock the door?

I cant remember when we first

Ive forgotten to lock it.

A partner cselekvst befolysol kommunikcis szndkok


Could you do me a great favour?

Could you lend me your bike for

Yes, sure.
Of course.
Yes, of course.
Im afraid I cant.

Segtsg felajnlsa

Ill help with your presentation.

Im going to the shops. Shall I bring you

Oh, you're very kind, thank


Javaslat s arra reagls

Why dont we hve lunch I a pub?

Lets go to the cinema tonight.

Good idea.
Id rather not.

Reklamls, panasz

It was terrible.
Its too cold.
I have a complaint.
This doesnt work.

Tancskrs, tancsads

What would you recommend?

What shall I do?
What do you think I should do?
What advice would you give?

Why dont you?

I think you should
I dont think you should
You ought to
Youd better

Interakciban jellemz kommunikcis szndkok

Megrts biztostsa

Visszakrdezs, ismtlskrs

Could you repeat it, please?

What time did you say they
were to arrive?

Prbeszd strukturlsa

Beszlgets kezdse

Listen, I have a little problem.

Ill tell you what; Ive just had
an idea.
The first thing I would suggest
is Then we could
Well, its been nice talking to
Thank you for listening to me.

Elemek sszekapcsolsa
Beszlgets lezrsa

Beszlgetsbe be- s

Beszdszndk jelzse
Folytats szndknak jelzse
Befejezsi szndk jelzse
A partner mondanivaljnak kvetse

Sajt szveg strukturlsa

Pldk megnevezse

Can I say something?

Im sorry, but
Just let me finish what I was
going to say
Just one more thing,
To sum up
Do go on.
Dont let me interrupt you.
Talking of films, I would
But theres also another
Going back to the subject
Well, to sum it up
No, I mean.
The only problem is

Visszatrs a tmhoz
Kiemels, hangslyozs
b) Fogalomkrk
trtns, ltezs

Fogalomkrk nyelvi kifejezsei


present simple
present continuous
present perfect simple
present perfect

The sun rises in the east.

You're lying.
Have you ever been to America?
I havent been sleeping well


past simple
past continuous
past perfect

Hakespeare wrote plays.

What were you doig at seven?
She said she hd clened the flat.


going to

I'm not going to listen to you any

I dont think shell arrive on time.
This time tomorrow well be
travelling to Paris.
Ill have finished the letter by the
time you do the cleaning.

future simple
future continuous
future perfect

have, possessive adj.

possesive pronouns
genitive s
belong to

We've had a cat for two years..

mine, yours, etc.
the secretarys notebook
the processor of the computer
Whose plate is this?
Who does this mobile belong to?


Fogalomkrk nyelvi kifejezsei

Trbeli viszonyok Irnyok,


prepositional phrases,
picture location
geographical location

here, there, on the left, on the right,

in, on, under, opposite, next to,
between, in front of, behind, inside,
outside, above, at the top/ bottom,
down the street, through the park,

Idbeli viszonyok

adverbs of time with

present perfect
how often?


when? what time?

how long?

already, yet, just, so far, recently,

lately, etc.
always, often, sometimes, never,
once a week, occasionally, etc.
I slept four hours last night.
I was sleeping at 2 at night.
Hes been sleeping for four hours.
She was watching TV while we
were working.


plurals, countables,
uncountables, numbers,
pronouns, etc.

time, information, clothes, news,

work, data, etc.
all, every, both, etc.


comparative sentences
(short, long adjectives)
irregular adjectives
too / enough
like (preposition)

I'm more interested in sports than

This story is the most interesting of
This girl is very young, just like
the other.


should, ought to, can,

must, may, might, need,
have to, used to, etc.

Our guests should be here soon.

You could be right, I'm not sure..
They must be coming soon.
I used to ride a motorbike, but now
I only drive.
They cant have got up yet, its too
She must have printed the letter, I
saw her turn on the printer.
You should have been here
The letters can't have been posted

modals + perfect

passive modals

Logikai viszonyok

Fogalomkrk nyelvi kifejezsei

linking words
first conditional
second conditional
third conditional
I wish, if only, would

and, or, but, because, although,

thats why, etc.
If you pass your exam, I'll take you
to a restaurant.
What would you do if you won the
I wouldn't have met my wife if I
hadn't gone to France.
I wish I could do it.
I wish youd stop smoking.
If only you hadnt said that.
Id rather you didnt leave now.

Fgg beszd

reported speech

She asked where the keys were.

Jim said he had served in the army.


articles, determiners,
indefinite pronouns,
quantifiers, etc.
relative pronouns,
relative clauses

a, an, the, no article

some, any, no, none, somewhere,
no-one, all, every, each, both, etc.
She likes people who are good fun
to be with.
His last book, which I couldn't
understand at all, was a great

c) Tmakrk

Kapcsoldsi pont

Otthonunk, szkebb krnyezetnk, laksvltoztats,

kltzs, az otthon hinya, helylers

nismeret, civilizcis ismeretek, hon- s


Tgabb krynezetnk,utazs, vilgjrs, lmnyek a

vilgban, klfldi tartzkods

hon- s npismeret, brit civilizcis ismeretek,

fldrajz, illemtan

Munka, lls, llsplyzat, karrier, sikeres emberek,

vgyak, jvkp

nismeret, illemtan, hon- s npismeret, brit

civilizcis ismeretek, kultra

Trsas kapcsolatok, bartsg, hzassg, emberi

viszonyok s szemlyisgek lersa

nismeret, hon- s npismeret, kommunikci,


Idbeoszts, mindennapi s klnleges tevkenysgek,

szrakozs, kultra, utazs, tkezs

kultra, nismeret, hon- s npismeret,

civilizcis ismeretek, gasztronmia

Kommunikci levlben, emailben s telefonon,

nletrajz rsa

kommunikci, brit civilizcis ismeretek,


A tovbbhalads felttelei
Hallott szveg rtse
A tanul
kb. 200 szavas szvegben a lnyeges informcit a lnyegtelentl elklnteni;
kb. 200 szavas szvegben ismeretlen nyelvi elem jelentst a szvegsszefggsbl
kb. 200 szavas szvegben fontos informcit megrteni;
kb. 200 szavas szvegben specifikus informcit azonostani;
kznyelvi beszlgetst vagy monologikus szveget anyanyelvn s/vagy clnyelven
A tanul
rnyaltabban megfogalmazott krdsekre sszetettebb struktrkban rendezett vlaszokat
vlasztkos mondatokban kzlseket megfogalmazni, krdseket feltenni, esemnyeket
elmeslni, rzelmeket kifejezni;
gondolatait megfelel logikai sorrendben, vlasztkos mondatokban eladni;
megrtsi, illetve kifejezsi problmk esetn segtsget krni;
beszlgetsben rszt venni;
trsalgsban rszt venni.
Olvasott szveg rtse
A tanul
kb. 250 szavas szveget elolvasni;
kb. 250 szavas szvegben lnyeges informcit a lnyegtelentl megklnbztetni;
ismert nyelvi elemek segtsgvel kb. 250 szavas szvegben ismeretlen nyelvi elemek
jelentst kikvetkeztetni;
kb. 250 szavas szvegben fontos informcit megtallni;
kb. 250 szavas szvegben specifikus informcit azonostani;
kb. 250 szavas kznyelven megrt szveget anyanyelvn sszefoglalni;
egyszer vagy egyszerstett publicisztikai vagy irodalmi szveget anyanyelvn s/vagy
clnyelven sszefoglalni.
A tanul
kb. 200 szavas, tnyszer informcit kzvett nhny bekezdsbl ll, szveget rni;
gondolatait, rzelmeit, rvekkel altmasztott vlemnyt vltozatos kifejezsekkel s
mondatszerkezetekkel, a megfelel nyelvi eszkzk hasznlatval logikai sszefggsek
alapjn, bekezdsbe rendezett szvegben megfogalmazni;
klnbz szvegtpusokat ltrehozni;
vltozatos kzlsformkat hasznlni.

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