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Building confidence. You are confident when:o You know what you are talking about.
o You know your audience will enjoy listening to you.
o You have done it before or have enough preparation.
A few things to take note before giving a speech:1. Audience
a. You need to know the background of the audience i.e. age, ethnicity,
education, etc. Different groups of people will respond differently to
your speech.
2. Time allocation
a. It is important to pay attention to the time given.
3. Purpose of speech
a. Whether to provide information, advise, inspire,
4. Dress to impress
a. It is important to know the dress code of the event. You do not want to
be a social outcast or an eye sore
How to start a speech:
1. With a joke/startling fact/quote/poem/
2. Tell the audience the purpose of the speech
3. Give an introduction of what is to be expected of the speech.
During your speech:1. Eye contact.
2. Gestures
3. Variation of tones.
4. Humour.
5. Engage your audience.
End your speech
1. Do not drag your speech.
2. Dont say Finally,.. and keep on speaking and bringing in new points.
3. End it with a strong note.
4. Conclude or refresh your audiences memory on the things mentioned.
Take note careful also about things that can mislead the audience:
1. Mispronunciation
2. Gimmicks
3. Surprises may sometime backfire.
4. Do not apologise excessively or give excuses.


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