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Julio Campos

Ms. McAlister

Syllabus, an eight letter word meaning an outline of the subjects in a course of study or
teaching. In the first ever written assignment of my college career, I have already started in the
most cliche, and pretentious way possible. Whilst reading the course syllabus, I could not help
but appreciate the the part that read Class discussions are an integral aspect of this course.

Therefore, the free exchange of ideas is valued. For this to occur, respect for one another is
required. In my opinion this is the most important part of any learning environment.

College Campuses are notoriously depicted and criticized for harboring safe spaces and
a place ripe with overt political correctness. Class discussions are the best exercise to allow
young people to have real conversations about human nature. After all, people write who they
are, their writing reflects their very being and I think that's true for any type of screenwriter or
novelist. Obviously with the exchange of opinions and ideas their must be a mutual respect for
all parties involved.

Still, I would like to find myself offended by the things I read in this class, how would I
be able to learn or grow without being offended? Obviously flat out offensive behavior should be
condemned in any environment where people seek to learn more about themselves or others.
Ultimately, I only hope that the rest of my classmates understand the importance of dissenting

opinions and appreciate them the same way I do. That being imperative for growth and

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