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‘Sometimes, young people prefer to discuss their day-to-day problems with their family, while on other occasior they rely more on the advice of their close friends. When is it better to talk to family and when is talking friends more appropriate? Be sure to support your opinion with examples, reasons, and explanations. There are times in our lives when we really need some valuable advice. Teenagers especially, who face a variety of problems during their adolescence, often turn to family members or friends to seek help. In my opinion, both family and friends can offer support and guidance, but which option. is the best depends on the situation. On the one hand, when it comes to crucial decisions, family members often turn out to be the best Counselors. This is because our parents or siblings know us better than anyone else, so they can make judgments according to our strengths and weaknesses. Moreover, consulting our parents Could prove very helpful, as they are more mature and experienced. Personally, | would find it very useful to take my parents’ advice on what college to attend and what career to pursue. - On the other hand, there are some personal issues which teenagers would probably find easier to discuss with their best friends. For example, as far as romance is concerned, | feel that problems and insecurities are better understood by someone who may be going through similar experiences. In addition, issues with school or classmates are also more difficult for parents to comprehend as it has been many years since they were in school themselves. Discussing such problems with schoolmates can help adolescents get things off their mind and make them realize that they are not alone in experiencing such difficulties. To sum up, encouragement from both family and friends can be incredibly valuable in helping teenagers cope with their everyday misfortunes. It is the nature of the problem that determines which of the two options would be more suitable.

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