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In some schools, students are put into different classes according to their academic ability. Thus, gifted students are separated from the less gifted. However, many experts feel that this policy is detrimental to the education of the less gifted children, Do you think separating students in this way is effective? Be sure t ‘© support your opinion with reasons, examples, and explanations. In the majority of schools, students of different abilities are taught together in the same classroom. Inothers, however, students with "higher intelligence” are separated from average ones in an effort to improve the current educational system. Although there are many proponents of this policy, I believe that putting students into different classes according to their academic ability does more harm than good. To. begin with. it is, very dangerous to put a label on_a child, whether it is. “gifted”, “average” or “slow”. Children go through different phases and learn at different speeds depending on their age or Psychological state, Once a label is put on them. they usually carry it for the rest of their lives. This is especially detrimental to those regarded as less gifted, who could end up losing their confidence. and self-esteem, resign themselves to the fact that they are not capable of learning more and, as a result, give up any effort for development or transition to.a “higher” academic level Another important argument against this teaching approach is that public education is supposed to Provide equal opportunities for all children to learn and develop. Unfortunately, this is often not the Case. For example, when students are divided, immigrant children,often end up being categorized as."slower” learners, as they are not familiar with the language of the host country. Consequently... instead of equality, discrimination among students is reinforced, - Nonetheless, it is claimed that when classes are not divided, brighter students are prevented from fulfilling their potential because they are obliged to learn at a slower speed among average children. This may be true to. some extent, but society does not work this way. In real life, we must cooperate, coexist and interact with people of widely varied educational backgrounds and abilities, and this is what school should prepare students for. . Taking all the above into consideration, | am convinced that categorizing students according to their... ability. would have a negative impact on students and, subsequently, on society since it encourages discrimination, = eee

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