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Recent industrial database or web databases retain huge and mixed data. This
database may have so many entities with the necessary relationships. At present we have
many predefined User Interfaces for data base queries called static query interfaces, but
they are not efficient in satisfying the users needs, because users may need to query by
some criteria which may not be available in the query interface. Thus he cant get the
information though it is available in the database. We need a new mechanism for
retrieving this hidden information by user preferences. Generally, query forms can be
categorized into two types namely SQF and DQF: Static Query Forms and Dynamic
Query Forms. Static query form remains constant and Dynamic query form can be
altered. So it is also called as Self Motivated Query Form SMQF.
In this project we suggest a self-motivated query form creation approach which
helps users automatically generate query forms. This query form could be self-motivated
developed until the user is satisfied with the query results. F-Score is measuring the
goodness of query form. It is the ration between the precision and recall. Finally it is to
prove that the automatic generation of self-motivated query forms always gives better
satisfaction rate and easy to compared with a static approach.


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