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Which perspective in psychology views people as free to choose and as being

responsible for choosing ethical conduct?

a. psychodynamic
b. social-cognitive
c. existential
d. sociocultural


Which of the following women introduced the method

of paired associates in studying memory, discovered
the primacy and recency effects, conducted research
into the role of frequency and repetition in the
vividness of memory, and became president of the
American Psychological Association?
a. Elizabeth F. Loftus
b. Lillian Comas-Diaz
c. Mary Salter Ainsworth
d. Mary Whiton Calkins


A way of evaluating the claims and comments of other

people that involves skepticism and examination of
evidence is referred to as
a. hypothesizing.
b. intuition.
c. introspection.
d. critical thinking.


A source of bias that may occur in research findings

when participants are allowed to choose for
themselves a certain treatment in a scientific study is
called a
a. double blind.
b. selection factor.
c. placebo.
d. volunteer bias.


A study is conducted using a small segment of a larger

group that is of interest to the researchers and to
which the results of the study will be generalized. This
smaller segment is called a
a. population.
b. case study.
c. sample.
d. control group.

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