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“A great musician once said A great musician once said that ‘as soon as guitar becomes a chore and isnt fun, that's the moment that you should put your guitar down”, Come back te it ater. Now this doesn't mean that when your first leaming guitar and you get frustrated, you should put it down and forget it. Sorry to brand new beginners, this rule only applies to guitar playors who are advanced or who have been playing for a while. This doosn't mean that when you are learning the basics of guitar: guitar chords, strumming, etc — that you can just put it down when it gets rough oF boring... you gotta keep practicing til those fingers bleed. it sucks and is frustrating for everyone at first so you have to stick with it. The overall points, guitar playing should be fun. Don't tum it into a chore or a task. Keep guitar playing a "hobby" and nota “task”. Now go practice!!! ;)

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