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didn't write songs that everyone liked... they left that to the Bee Gees" - Wayne Campbell (Wayne's Word) "What if | screw up"? Who cares?! In music, everyone screws up while playing music. When big bands record in studios they spend days, sometimes even weeks recording tracks so that they tum out absolutely perfect. What really creative people de when they screw up isto elaborate on the screw up. If you hit a wrong note, maybe trying hitting the note again within the rhythm of the song and mayoe it will sound good. “The Internet and YouTube are valuable tools You(itt) Eric Clapton leamed guitar by listening to old Robert Johnson, BB King and many other great blues records on a turntable and then trying to mimick the same sounds on guitar. Eddie Van Halen would be in his room with his door closed for days just messing around with different sounds that a guitar can make just by moving his fingers around in different shapes and seeing what they sound like. Alex Yan Halen (Eddies brother and drummer for Van Halen} would go on dates and leave the house listening to Eddie whale away at 5:00pm and then come home to Eddie still whaling away at 2:00am. These artists didn't have the internet! They had a cassette player or record player and plenty of time on their hands. We're incredibly lucky today to have such great resources like and the intemet in general. Youlube.corn is great for learning how to play guitar. You can find lessons, people covering songs, tips and tricks and just about anything that you need to get off on the right foot when tt comes to playing guitar. The great thing about YouTube guitar lessons is that "they get to the pont’. No BS. Each lesson is usually under 5 minutes and they give you greatinfo very fast, because who wants fo watch a 30 minute video. Guitarists attention spans aren't that long, | know mine isn't. And Finally, you have the internet. The internet has absolutely everything you could ever possibly need, including, lessons, information, ultimate (for tabs), guitars (for any other type of help tat you may need), etc. The possibilities are endless. The point is that learning guitar today is and should be way easier than leamiing guitar in the past due to the great resources we have.

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